October 2013




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Aug. 17th, 2013


This is dumb.

Characters: Angel and OPEN
Setting: midday, pool

Angel had wandered around the facility for a few hours after he woke up, just checking things out, seeing what was what. It wasn't bad, but there wasn't much to it. It was strange, no guards, no family, no nothing. In general, it seemed stupid. Why was he here? He wasn't sure what else to do with himself, so when he found the pool he just stripped down to his underwear, found a raft and floated himself out into the middle of the pool, just laying there, waiting for something to happen.

So far, there was a whole host of nothing going on.

Jul. 31st, 2013


Meals and Wheels

Characters: Zach and Drea
Setting: Cafeteria, lunchtime

Zach had made his way to the library, finding another book to replace the one left in his old room, upset that it wasn’t Copperfield, but it was hefty enough as it was. He’d made himself lunch as well, settling into the cafeteria book next to him but not open. He was thinking about his new room, Kyle’s old room, and what it meant. Especially with it being Kyle. He was relieved that Ru was on this side of things at least. That made things easier.

I guess I should have left my training wheels on a bit longer. )

Jul. 26th, 2013


Welcome Home

Characters: Drea and Wren
Setting: Courtyard, Block A, shortly after her arrival.

Drea blinked a little as she came out of the cafeteria into the courtyard and rubbed her wrists absently as she took in her new surroundings. The blindfold was bad enough, but had they really had to shackle her wrists? She bet most of the other inmates had at least gotten to walk in, not be pushed in like luggage. Still, it was better than the alternative. They'd made promises to her, that if she got through this, she'd be free, with a new life. She wondered if they'd let her do anything even close to being a cop again. Probably not, kiddo. It'll probably be some lame secretary job where they don't mind you sitting around all day.

Inhaling deeply, trying to enjoy what was at least an illusion of more freedom, she began looking around, to figure out where she was supposed to go. Room 6, her tag said. She saw the gym first and liked what she saw. It might be a little cramped, but she'd manage. She'd have to. Turning her chair one way, and then another, she figured out which direction the room numbers went. Unless the numbers were a complete mishegas, it shouldn't be too hard to figure things out. Turning her chair and adjusting her bag in her lap, she made her way around the edges, taking in the new surroundings. "Welcome home," she muttered to herself.