action // closed to subaru, karen, hokuto
03 August 2011 at 04:07 am
[Kamui hadn't meant to make himself so sick, and yet he'd managed it anyway. The last few days had been an indistinct blurred images while he was awake and restless dreams while he was sleeping -- and he'd done a lot of sleeping, feeling too pained, warmed, and exhausted to want to stay up for very long.]

[When he wakes up again on the morning of day 126 he's pleased to find he feels like a solid mass of heat and misery than he had last time he'd stirred from his rest. Talking still hurts, a little, as he discovers when he tries to call Subaru's name and gets no further than 'S' before he cuts off and grimaces. Right, no talking above a whisper unless he needs to.]

[But surely he's well enough to walk, yes? Kamui slides out of bed and stands gingerly. He can at least make it to the kitchen, he thinks...]

(ooc: feel free to catch him in the bedroom, in the kitchen, on his way to the kitchen, etc.)
02 August 2011 at 04:55 am
She thinks she only dreamt that her family was murdered. )

[When her voice comes through the communicator, it's quieter than anyone will have heard from her before.]

Michael? Michael, where are you?

[a tentative pause, but he doesn't answer quickly enough. her voice steadily gets both louder and more hysterical.]

I had a bad dream. Michael? [taking panicked, shallow breaths.] Johann, Michael answer me! I need you!

[rising to a screech.]

You can't just leave me here!

((canon update! will answer tagbacks properly later, sorry! ♥))
[video | action | backdated to afternoon]
31 July 2011 at 03:20 pm
[The video flickers on and the screen reveals Tamaki sitting on one of the sofas in the shelter common room fiddling with a rose in one hand and looking as though he is in very deep thought. His face is serious for most of the time before he begins speaking, but after a good thirty seconds his expression changes to something between a smirk and a smile while he glances at the camera from the corner of his eye.]

In this world there are those who are blessed with beauty and grace, the greatest gifts God could have ever bestowed upon a living creature. [He raises the rose he'd been holding to his nose and takes a good long sniff before setting it down and turning his attention back to the camera.] I, for one, thank the heavens above everyday that I am one of those fortunate few in possession of such rewards. That is not the message that I have for you all today, however. You see, it is my belief that the duty of these people with such exquisite looks to bring joy to everyone around them in any way they can - a duty which I place before all other things in life.

[Another pause, this time so that he may close his eyes and imagine lines of women admiring him and men doing all that they can to be him. It is a wonderful fantasy and it makes him chuckle lightly.]

A Host Club is a club designed for the specific purpose of sharing this beauty and giving such joy to its visitors - in short it is the perfect setting for carrying out the heavy task of bringing all the happiness in the world to those less fortunate than us! For this reason I have made the decision to establish one here in this prison as some of you may already be aware! [Suddenly, his arms shoot off to the sides as if he were welcoming everyone to step into his arms for a great big hug.] I would like to invite all those who might be interested to join us and utilize your gifts to the best of your ability! I am certain that among all of you watching this today there are plenty who are worthy of the title of 'Host'!

[And as an after thought, Tamaki turns his face away from the camera, brings the rose up to his mouth and just mumbles the next few words. They aren't really something he's proud of.]

We will even accept Hosts of the female persuasion.
[Action | CLOSED]
31 July 2011 at 04:57 am
[The main dome lighting dims before flicking off, leaving the smaller lights to try to make up for its absence; end of another day. She's not keeping count as such, but it chisels away at her mind and reasoning without fail, until it's like a jackhammer in the sense that you can't ignore it even if you want, so she ends up knowing it's been too long anyways.

She walks about with no plan or point in mind as she is usually wont to, and even more so when it gets this bad. The prison is never as desolate as she wants it to be, even at these hours. If there was no one else here, she could simply shrug and say there's nothing to be done for it, because there's no one else here. Easier to deal through something when there is no solution for it, than ignore it while one is available. She finds herself wondering if it can even be compared to the need to eat or breathe for normal people. You can't say no to those very long either. But then she realizes it's just her wishing for some kind of thread to that side, however thin, like it's even possible. It's depressing every time she tries it.

At least it's not raining anymore]

28 July 2011 at 08:09 pm
[Hokuto had just gotten home and laid on her bed when she suddenly remember something. She had never mentioned anything about helping out with costumes for the talent show and wasn't sure whether or not Kohran had let anyone know yet either. Sitting up she flipped on the video with a smile and a small laugh.]

I can't believe I almost forgot again. But anyways-

For those who have volunteered for the talent show I agreed to help with any costumes or clothing that you might need or want, or if you need help coming up with something. Afterall we should all look our best while we're up there on stage performing. It shouldn't take me too long to get measurements or anything if you would like something special.

So just let me know and we can work something out.
Mood: chipper
[voice | open]
27 July 2011 at 12:55 am
What d'you miss right now?

And ''my home" doesn't count as an answer.

[The dome has been too quiet for his tastes. What, doesn't anyone ask burning questions anymore?]
[open action/voice]
20 July 2011 at 03:57 pm
[Today, Kaito's decided to sneak out for a few things at the clothing store. He had a few dresses over his shoulder, some in a small pile on the floor, and some draped over a couple of robots that kept trying to clean up after him.

He hums at the current garment in his hands and tries to... figure out the right way. So many straps-- denied. That's another one tossed over his shoulder before he goes back to rummaging through the racks. Where's a model when you need one? Hrmmm. In the mean time--]


--Yo, what's the most superior color? And no one say orange, 'cause no one likes that shit unless they're impersonating a traffic cone.
[action / open]
12 July 2011 at 10:39 pm
[he's secured a small section of green near the border of sector 3 and sector 4, and he's crouched there with his coat and button-down shirt long tossed over by the side of the road, working in the dirt. he's acquired a decent-sized crop of eggplant sprouts and is planting them carefully; more than a little bit careful because he barely knows what he's doing]

[he's tired after the meeting and after the hassle of the last few days. the last week. the last year. but he can't just shut it out or turn his brain off, so -- he'll try this instead]

...I don't even like eggplant. [to himself]

[well, he'll be here for the second half of the day, if you want to stumble across him]
[Video | Action | Open]
11 July 2011 at 08:34 pm
[The video comes on, and Allelujah is visible through some drool on the communicator. He has a bird on his shoulder, and he's smiling gently at it, before looking off into the distance.]

- really don't know what kind of bird it is. Maybe I should look it up.

[He pauses, and shakes his head.]

Of course I can't take her home. Akito's cat might get to her… it's kind of a shame.

[A rather scruffy little kitten climbs into Allelujah's lap, and his eyes widen slightly before he reaches down and pets it on the head.]

You're so small… kind of like how I used to be.

[There's a loud bark, and the communicator goes skittering across the floor towards Allelujah.]

Huh? Oh… I didn't realize I dropped it. Wait, is it record -

[He shuts off the video.]
[Video//Action | Open] Backdated to afternoon
09 July 2011 at 01:26 pm
[It's a virtual haro-fest over in the park! Anew told a couple of people she'd be around with them, and so here she is. She has Thomas, her blue haro, Frederick who is Lyle's green one, and even Lacus' Pink -- although he's smaller than the rest, baseball sized, while the others are more like a basketball and literally if Neil's orange Haro were to join them!]

[She realizes she should let people know she's here, so a video feed kicks on, showing Anew sitting on a blanket and the three haros bouncing like huge colored popcorn.]

Haro! Haro! Tag! Play, play! Friends! Visit! [ain't they cute?]

Anyone who was interested in visiting with the haros, we have a nice spot in the park. They like playing tag, if you're interested. [short and sweet.]

[...and she might be hoping that a few people who talked to her about standing up for herself might remember her and come, too. She needs all the help she can get.]
[action | open]
05 July 2011 at 05:08 pm
[Karen's at the beach this morning, sitting in the sand and taking in the sunlight (artificial though it might be). Beaches were a little hard to come by in Tokyo so she's taking the opportunity now while she has it.

She's building a sandcastle, or rather, she's piling sand into a loose geometric structure, all the while enjoying the feeling of sand slipping through her fingers.]
04 July 2011 at 04:16 pm
Hello…? I think it works!

Uhm, I’m not sure what to say to all of this, to be honest… It’s a lot to take in all at once. That’s why Miwako waited to use the communicator until she was done crying. I think the first thing to say is “Thank you” to the welcoming committee for the lovely basket~ Miwako wasn’t aware that prisons had welcoming committees, or gave out jelly beans and hand lotion! That’s so considerate~

But you know, I never knew I was a criminal before – I guess most people Miwako knows are criminals, according to all this! I wonder if George is already here... He must be a super criminal, because he’s very popular and bisexual, but also drives a Jaguar! Sally is only a Cub, and Miwako still got arrested. They should have just given me a ticket, though…

In any case, I should introduce myself! My name is Sakurada Miwako~ It’s nice to meet you all, even under these circumstances… Is anyone else from Tokyo here? Maybe we’re neighbors~!

I wonder how many people in Tokyo are actually replacements for criminals, though, and no one knows it… I bet Arashi won’t be very happy with replacement Miwako… Poor Ara…
04 July 2011 at 02:33 pm
[Have some video this fine morning, Marina. The feed opens up with a young girl peering curiously at the camera, but she remains silent. She doesn't look distraught, nor is she crying, but the little angel wings on her back give the lightest of twitches (startled?) whenever a bot walks by her along the shelter.]

[Yes, the video is still just her staring at the camera and looking around silently. Is this thing broken? She stares straight at the camera and pushes some buttons now--]


[Sudden text!! Here she looks very surprised and repeats what she just did, slower this time as she tries to find the right letters.]

hello? anyone help maybe?
this thing asking and telling but i do not understand
where is home???
23 March 2011 at 10:56 pm
[Alma is wandering the different sectors, looking for at apartments, houses, all the interesting places to live. Camping outside had been okay, and he'd had lots of time to think. But now he's ready to put things in order.]

What are the best places to live around here? The apartments are nice, but I haven't lived in a house yet. What are they like?

Castiel, thanks for letting me stay at your place for so long. [A little embarrassed since he hadn't been back there for days.] Want to help me look for a new place?
Location: All Over / Afternoon
22 March 2011 at 03:46 pm
[The camera wobbles for a second before focusing in on the clear sky and the wide expanse of field around, zooming out to - ]

Hey, look at this!

[- one Ryoji Mochizuki, grinning as is his wont and holding a clean baseball in his hand, before winding up and throwing it across the field.

Observe, now, the presence of someone else.

Lightning Eater, go fetch!

[Lightning Eater, perhaps not the most aptly named, simply slumps down in the grass like an inebriated starfish, legs in every direction and ears flopping over his eyes. If an observer listens close, they may be able to hear a distinct doggy whine...]
[filtered from Euphie] [video-->action] backdated to early morning!
16 March 2011 at 04:42 pm
[ video ON, and Suzaku hesitates for a moment ]

Good morning, everyone. As most of you I think know, I'm Suzaku Kururugi -- and I teach the sex ed classes here. I... well, since Acumen's decision a couple of days ago, I've been wanting to hold a -- special class.

[ tiny pause ] So, today's class will be a little bit more -- practically-oriented. Um. If you don't feel comfortable with that, of course you don't have to come...

[ dissolving into flustered now. ]

--Anyway, everyone's welcome. You don't have to be taking the class normally.

[ tiny pause ] Thank you.

((ooc: Suzaku will be in the classroom, ready to answer any questions, or you can talk to him over the network! ALSO KAREN IS HERE in a special guest teacher capacity. /o/ So she may threadjack? Sound good, baby? ♥ Top thread is for you~))
[Action | Open]
24 February 2011 at 12:55 pm
Ramble under here. )

[Naoya, walking unsteadily with alcohol on his breath, wanders down to the beach, carrying a bag with him. He sits down, and starts digging a hole in the sand. He pulls out some branches he collected from the park and sticks them in there, and then pulls out some books from his bag.]

[They're bibles, and there's three of them, covered in notes. He starts ripping out the pages and tossing them in the pit he's building, before pulling out a rock and a dull kitchen knife. He strikes the rock with the knife, trying to make a spark, and finally manages it, setting the paper aflame.]

[He sits back and watches the words burn, before curling up in the sand next to the pit.]
[Video | Open]
23 February 2011 at 08:44 pm
Good afternoon, everyone. [Lacus smiles, tucking her hair behind her ear as the breeze rustles through it.] For anyone I have yet to meet, my name is Lacus Clyne. [she was a little collared when all the new arrivals came.]

As a part of a service project for Acumen, Neil [who you might see standing nearby] and I were tasked with creating something that would benefit the inmates. We have chosen to establish a multi-denominational religious and spiritual sanctuary -- some worlds may call it a church. [the camera pans out to show a large building behind her, not exactly in tip-top shape.] As you can see, it needs some work. Hopefully the project will be completed in time for an Easter celebration, which last year was held in the park.

We wish to represent as many spiritual ideologies as possible as well as customs from as many of our home worlds as possible. It would be wonderful if anyone interested could let us know their thoughts and ideas. We have the chance to build it nearly from scratch, so as much diversity as possible can be incorporated.

Thank you all for your time. [wave!]
[action / open] [Backdated to early morning]
23 February 2011 at 12:20 am
[It's early morning and Kamui has found that he has a whole lot on his mind he can't stop thinking about. When he'd woken up and found it just starting to get light outside, he'd decided against trying to go back to sleep and, as quietly as possible, slipped out of the house and made his way to the beach.]

[It doesn't take long for him to fall into a familiar habit of strolling aimlessly along the beach, and before long he's spaced out enough that approaching him unnoticed won't be hard.]
[ voice ]
22 February 2011 at 01:36 pm
Hey this is Eddie, I wanted to ask two of my favorite ladies. Miss Sakura and if she is still around Princess Euphemia, if at your earliest convenience if I could see you both. Two valentines presents are due to the both of you, Sakura I wanted you to know I loved the candies.

And Euphemia I am a man of my word and I owe you a date from the auction. So, if your free and actually still in this place to be able to hear me please just let me know when.

[a moment a silence passes before a snap of fingers can be heard and the voice comes back almost more cheerful.]

Oh! Li I'm sorry I never got back to you I kind of had a lot of stuff on my mind. I'm totally up to seeing you whenever as well! Again sorry man.

Anyway I better cut this off now. Later everyone.