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Jun. 10th, 2014


AGE THREAD - Zacharias & Ernie

WHO: Ernie MacMillan & Zacharias Smith
WHAT: Ernie needs a familiar face...even if it isn't that familiar.
WHERE: Ernie's place.
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon (way after any journal conversations)

Little Ernie was quite confused, which he didn't like one bit. He was usually better at piecing things together. He was smart. His parents and his tutor said so. His sisters called him a pest, but they didn't count.

He was supposed to go to Hogwarts. He last remembered his father promising that he could stay home after Christmas if he hated Hogwarts, but now he was somewhere else entirely and could not get home at all! He had been afraid of leaving his family and getting split up from his mates (they all wanted Slytherin), but at least he could write his parents from school!

Liam and Rabastan were nice, but they weren't his parents and he wanted to go home so he curled up in his room and refused to leave. His dad would find him. Ernie didn't even care if he'd get punished for wandering.

Mar. 17th, 2014


Who: Zacharias and Reginald Smith (DE NPC)
Where: The park
When: Early evening of March 16th
What: Son finds father, disapproval, etc.

Gulp! This is gonna be awkward. )

Jun. 6th, 2013


Sent to Zac )


Happy Birthday, Zac!

ERNIE sends Zacharias an archery set along with a sweets basket filled with Zac's favourite candies. He encloses an invitation to dinner.

DRACO sends Zacharias a basket of alcohol and sweets. He also sends Zac some new Quidditch gear and a framed photograph of Zac's son.

May. 26th, 2013


WHO: Zacharias Smith and Jasper Dorny
WHAT: Jasper said to meet at the pub, Zac is going.
WHERE: The pub.
WHEN: After this because they're awesome. Sorry it's late.

It was familiar, and in a place where nothing else at all was, this felt almost like home. Almost. )

Apr. 23rd, 2013


Who: Zac and Parvati
What: He has some presents for her
When: Monday, 22 April
Where: Parvati's place
Rating/Status: PG / Ongoing

What do you call your wife when she's not your wife yet? )

Apr. 16th, 2013


Who: Hannah and Zac
What: Two friends have a drink
When: Backdated to Friday night
Where: Brews and Bottoms

She opted to stay at the bar where she was in the direct line of sight for whomever entered. )

Apr. 8th, 2013


Who: Anyone who wants to come!
Where: On the beach!
When: Monday night!
Status: Open / IC/OOC

Bonfire, dance a little jig,
Hold up your cup and take another swig
Won't sleep til dawn, party right down to the wire
At the bonfire )

Apr. 6th, 2013


Who: BB!Helena and Open
What: She's lost!
When: Saturday morning, around 8.
Where: A path in the woods, close to town.

She didn't want to wander too far )

Aug. 17th, 2012


Who: Zach & Summer
What: Hufflepuffs have awesome dares too!
Where: Bubbling Cauldron
When: Night, Friday.
Rating/Status: TBD / Ongoing

Summer needed some fun. )

Aug. 12th, 2012


WHO: Zach and Adrian
WHAT: Broom inspection
WHERE: Broom shed
RATING: Possible language, but otherwise all ages

Twigs and Sticks )