Posts Tagged: 'character:+ariana+dobson'

Jan. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 1/5, evening

Finally back out and feeling better! Looks like I managed to catch the flu right when we got out of school. which made my seizures worse Got stuck a few days in Saint Mungos. Gotta admit that i'm fortunately getting back home and have a few days to spend my christmas money. Alice, happen to be interested in an afternoon out on the down?

[Private to Ethan]

I'm sorry for disappearing this holiday.

Jan. 3rd, 2016



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 3 January, Late

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and more. It was very nice day. woke up with Jackson and will probably go to bed with him. It spent the day with friends and family which was really pleasant. It is always awkward having a birthday so near the holiday, but even so Mom and Dad gave me some new clothes and Wallace even remembered to owl. We all had dinner at a restaurant near the Gallery which was really good. They had this chocolate dessert that was indescribable.

Dec. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Owl Post
When: 12/18, afternoon

Owl to Ariana )

Nov. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: journal
Date: November 23; morning

Hello staff and students! It seems I have arrived here at quite the curious time!

My name is Hatter and I'm your new TA for your History of Magic class. A subject that I'm sure most of you find incredibly boring but really it's not all that bad! Since Professor Boothroyd is tied up with other things I'll be teaching your classes today. If you have any questions, any at all feel free to ask.

And for fun I leave you with this riddle:

"Four men were in a boat on the lake
The boat turned over, and all four men sank to the bottom of the lake
Yet not a single man got wet.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 11/23, mid-morning.

The weekend without magic actually gave me a ton of time to work on carving out new wands. I'm finding that (from what my uncle tells me) the people that get my work enjoy the intricate decorations. Vinewood carved with actual vines, cherry blossoms on my newest cherry wand. They'll need cores, obviously, but I'll do that over break. They'll need some time to tell me which they should have.

Nov. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: journal
When: 11/14, about 2 hours after Quidditch.

For those of you who care, my brother will be okay. Is fine. Will be fine. is resting now. He's got some broken ribs from the bludger. He will be okay though.

Nov. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Owl post
When : Breakfast time 11/12

Owl to Ariana )

Oct. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : Mid-afternoon, 10/30

Apparently yellow skittles cause jaundice. Who knew?

Just a little PSA for anyone who wants candy treats.

[Private to Friends]
Thank you all for being awesome today.

Oct. 24th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Saturday 24 October, midday

[Private to Sissy]
Are you okay if something is said about the rumor that is the truth, Sissy? Ignoring the situation does not make it go away. It needs to be addressed somehow... Especially since Professor Stark wants a relationship, and Wallace has always had one with me.

[Private to Tony Stark]
Ignoring the situation does not make it go away. Something needs to be said, if just to say no comment, if that is acceptable to you, sir?

[Public] (posted later, after Narissa and Tony have had some warning)
My parents, Isolde and Jonathan Smith are my parents; they raised me. And I am lucky to have Narissa as my sister. There was no reason to go into detail about things that are frankly no one's business but my family's. There still isn't really, since no one believes anything printed in that ridiculous tabloid, and it should have no credence. But I have never denied my parentage and won't now, and neither will I discuss since it continues to be no one's business.

Oct. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 8am 10/22

Absolutely. I'm totally a porn star. I'm pretty hot, don't you all think?

[Private to Adrian]
What can I do?

Oct. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: 10/16/2015, Morning.

I hate black licorice. There, I said it. I'm not proud of it, I realize it's candy, but it's gross. On top of that, I despise fennel, and my mother sent me spaghetti. You know what she put in this spaghetti? You guessed it, Fennel. Fennel seeds nonetheless. She didn't used to make it this way, but she was talking to my grandmother about recipes, and that resulted in this 'experiment'.

It's utterly garbage, and I'd be willing to share, except I don't think I'm allowed to poison fellow classmates.

On a brighter note, I think this'll help me to stop eating as much. Merlin's beard I hate black licorice and fennel.

By the way, if you like that taste; nevermind the fact you're absolutely wrong, I'll go ahead and give you this spaghetti.

Oct. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When : Around Dinnertime 10/14

Some music for you all. Enjoy.

Oct. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : Around Noon, 10/11

So, since it's national coming out day and all, I figure I should make a confession. I'm totally into girls.

That is all. Carry on.

Oct. 10th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Saturday 10 October; afternoon

So word is the faculty have finally rounded up all of the boggarts that had been haunting the school. So things are back to normal, at least what is likely to be normal now. And we are nearly the middle of October... just in time for the more mundane kind of spooks associated with All Hallows' Eve.

[Private to Narissa]
Thank you for putting up with me this week. You didn't want your big brother escorting you around, but it is my job to help chase away your boggarts whether you want it or not.

Oct. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Friday 9 October Afternoon

I tried to explain to my parents and sister what happened. I realize now that was a mistake. Not only don't they get it, but now they are asking questions - and none of their questions even make sense. I just... thought that they should know things had happened... I'm in my sixth year at Hogwarts, I should know better by now, I really should.

Oct. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 9pm 10/6

You know, everyone's been upset about the lockdown, but I think it's kind of nice. It really gives us more of a chance to spend time with one another and get to make new friends. Maybe start up those study groups that people always talk about.

Which actually reminds me. Is there anyone who might be willing to help with some charms work? It's not my forte.

Oct. 5th, 2015



Private to Friends

Type : journal
When : 10/5, 11am

So. I wrote home. I thought it might be good with everything happening. I mean, I'm muggleborn. Something could happen any time. I had to... Apologize and all.

Sep. 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: Sunday, September 20th, around 5pm

I really fucking hate lows. Who volunteers to remind me to take my meds

Got back from Hogsmeade, took a nap, accidentally slept for like eighteen hours. Let me tell you that is a disorienting experience. I woke up and I think I freaked a first year out when I asked him what day it was.

First years are so cute.

I'm really hungry, is it dinner yet?

Sep. 16th, 2015



Private to Ariana

Type : Journal
When: Lunchtime, September 16

I was wondering if you're not too busy with your friends if you'd like to have lunch with me this weekend in Hogsmeade?



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : September 16, 9:30 PM

It's been a pretty productive week, all things considered. I've actually managed (for this split second) to be on top of all my classes and homework. I don't expect it to last but I'll take it for now. Hopefully everyone else is doing well too.

[Private to Ari]
How are you doing?

[Private to Adrian]
Would you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?

Sep. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal Entry
When: September 9th, morning

It's always strange to be another year older. With the start of a new semester, I always forget until someone sends me a gift. Usually Adrian or Jackson. I want to talk those of you who did. Jackson, the song is lovely and I'll listen to it over and over... and probably beg you to play it again for me.

[Private to Jackson]

Are you alright? I heard your pillows exploded and saw you with some feathers in your hair.

[Private to Ethan]

Thank you for the lovely gift. I will treasure it always.

Sep. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
Date: 9/8/2015, Evening

Sometimes, I do wonder how my fellow housemates are capable of having so much energy when none of them ever seem to sleep. Whether it's the incident of the evening, or any other caused by one of them, they're always up.

That being said, has anyone heard anything more about the Death Eaters? I'm up and curious about it. After all that happened, there seems to be a lot of quiet on the news front all of a sudden...



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: Evening 8 September

It is always good to get the first week of classes done and find the rhythm again. It is different in that it is for many of us the last year. At some point it will be necessary to figure out the next step, but that will depend on what develops this year. It is poised to be transformative whether one wants it to be or not. and there will be an opportunity to learn new things about who each of us are.

[Private to Ari]
How were classes today?

[Private to Jackson]
Are you sleeping yet?

Sep. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : September 6, afternoon.

I forgot just how stressful school can be sometimes. Homework and teachers, and talking about NEWTs next year. It's all a bit overwhelming. But I am glad to be back. I missed seeing all my friends and doing things with people. Plus nothing is better than using my new wand or seeing Alice and all the Gryffindor girls again!

[Private to Adrian]

I'm a bit worried though. I've been feeling out of sorts the last few days and I'm worried that an attack is imminent. Would you mind if I stayed close to you a bit more. I know a seventh year probably doesn't want someone younger around, but I'd feel safer if I could?



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : September 6, around noon.

Going from carving wands to carving flowers. I need to keep in practice for next summer, and I think I may have wiped out the library on reference books on wandlore. If you're looking for that, sorry!



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 2:30 am, September 6

This is what happens when I can't sleep.

Any requests?

Aug. 27th, 2015




Type: Journal post
When: August 26th, Afternoon

It's National Dog Day! It should be a world wide holiday. So of course I have to post pictures of Batman. I know everyone wants to see him.

He sleeps so deeply he is dead to the world.

Ankle is healing up though the doctor wants me to stay off of it as much as possible. Apparently after I used it I was on it to much.

I'm suppose to use crutches until it doesn't hurt to walk and do rehab so the ligaments and muscles don't become atrophy. I think I might just skip the crutches and use a cane.

Aug. 25th, 2015



A bit messy still - and none were shocked

Type : Journal
When : August 25, 1pm

Okay. I think I'm good to apparate. Suggested locations for pausing include Adrian's, Gracie's, and Professor Donovan's. Anyone else feel an urgent need to try to fix me see me? Let me know. I'll do my best to make my way around.

Aug. 24th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: 8/24/2015, in the morning

It's terrifying that all of that happened at the World cup. I'm glad that we couldn't go this year. I can't imagine if I'd been there in the attack or had gotten hurt. <s> What if I fell and hurt my head? </s>  I hope that everyone is safe and alright? Those who have family that's hurt,, they're in my prayers.

I'm a little worried to go back to school after all of this, but also excited. I've missed seeing everyone and especially my magic.

[Private to Adrian]
Adrian, are you alright? I know you went to the cup and I haven't heard from you.

Aug. 20th, 2015




Type: Journal Post
When: 8/20/15 about 7 PM

It's that time of year again folks. I'll be hitting Marble City via LAX next Tuesday and staying until it's time to hit up Hogwarts - which means school shopping's probably gonna happen that following Thursday so if anyone wants to meet up then let me know. I'll have better details of plans once we hit Cali.

Aug. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: August 13th 2pm

You know, I'd never thought I'd say it but I can't wait for school to start. I miss my magic and it's more and more tempting to want to try to cast something with my new Wand. Da's warned me about it, especially since he's not been in the best mood lately. He's not too happy that I brought home a new wand, but he accepted it when I told him that the shop owner had funds from the school for such a thing sometimes.

Does anyone know if we have any sort of readings to get done before classes start?

Aug. 2nd, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: 8/2, 11:00am

Today has probably been one of the best days ever. Mother took me supplies shopping for school since we just got the list a couple of days ago. She felt that it was important that we get it all early. I managed to sneak away from her watchful eyes for a moment and I made my way to the wand shop since I spoke to the kindly owner about the wands. I had tried a couple a few days ago, but none of them had been the right fit since my old wand was not mine broken.

It took a few tries, but I happened upon the most beautiful wand and the feeling that I had holding it... it was just indescribable. Mr. Olivander said that it was made with pear wood and unicorn hair.

Isn't it gorgeous?

Jul. 24th, 2015




Type: Journal Post
When: July 24th @ 6:50am

Up soooo early! Ugh, but... that means more time in the pool!

Anyway, I just found out that I'm going to be a Prefect this year. It's kind of exciting, but also a huge responsibility. If they think I'm qualified to be a Prefect why can't I practice my magic at home, in the privacy of my own house? 620 more days.

I need more practice for Quidditch tryouts this year. I really want to make the team. I'll never be a professional or anything, but I really do LOVE the sport and want to play it before I can't. If you know what I mean.

"The sweetest honey is loathsome in its own deliciousness. And in the taste destroys the appetite. Therefore, love moderately." -William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

What does love and eating honey have to do with one another? I understand about eating and loving in moderation, which is a sound lesson. However, when is being in love ever truly done in moderation? I honestly don't know the answer to this. In all the relationships I have to judge by, it seems that love is all consuming on some level and would be soul crushing if lost. I've seen the soul crushing, it's not appealing... yet honey on toast with a little peanut butter and banana is delicious. Such a predicament.

Jul. 23rd, 2015




Type: Journal post
When: July 23rd. 5pm.

These journals are completely useless. I mean who is so self absorbed that they want everyone to be able to read what they are doing every day? Oh right. Never mind. Completely forgot who I go to school with.

You can't throw them away because they just come back. Trust me. I've tried. It's annoyingly bulky and takes up room that I don't have. I swear the Headmaster is getting a sick chuckle out of this.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: July 23, around 3 pm.

Am I the only one that hates summer vacation? I mean I love seeing my family and getting to do stuff with them, but I can't do magic. I am so use to it over the school year and now I am excepted to turn it off like a switch. I nearly started a fire last year because I was twirling my wand so mom took it and put it away. I hate being a kid.

Meru and Misha can do magic already, why can't I!