April 15th, 2010

[info]vasilissa in [info]bellumletale

E-mail to 1203A

To my amphibian roommate,

What's going to be the game plan for the full moon if the witch chick predicted right? Cause last time I ended up bleeding out, I'd rather not do that shit again.

Also I'm sorry about all that stuff. Not that it matters much anymore I was a jerk.

I made cupcakes? They're forgiveness cupcakes. If you don't forgive me, you don't get one.


[info]themegazord in [info]bellumletale


[info]nightmrholmes in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 202.


[Note: After the third part of the log, which is yet to be posted. Probably during this. Definitely after this.]

What's he saying?


Is there anyone who didn't change last time?

[info]wickedwicker in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 307

Hey. This is Joanie, the person that did your tattoo.  I looked up Van Helsing on that stupid list and found

I remember you said you were Van Helsing, and what with all this weird full moon stuff going on, I just thought I'd ask you something. Well, two things.

First thing. Should I be carrying around a stake or something? Because if that Dracula guy is really dangerous...I really don't wanna end up some fanged blood-slut.

Second thing.  If you ever need any stakes or crosses or anything, let me know.  I can make them for you.  You see, I'm the Wicked Witch of the West in addition to being green, I picked up magic. Somehow. Don't ask. But long story short, I can do this stuff, and I thought you wouldn't burn me on a pyre might be able to use the help.

[info]themegazord in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 206.
