World In Her Hands
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Assiah Beta [OC SHIELD] [userpic]


And now I have every guy's undivided attention. Oy. 24 of the surfing elite (All men, boo. Nah, I show them love, but a girl in there would be bitchin') are going to go and do battle with the best waves in all of California, just off of Half Moon.

 So uh, please Gigi, nudge some 50ft Baja waves up thatta way? Please, please, please?

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Mia )

John Sheppard [userpic]

Clearly I have too much time on my hands. Anyway, figured I'd share:

My 'Sabre Colour )

...I suppose?

Current Mood: contemplative contemplative

Alright. So we need a few good beings to go into space with us. Natives of the planet Coruscant are especially needed, though anyone familiar with the planet would be of immense help.

If you don't want to travel with us, any information your provide will be paid for, and we'd be grateful to have it.

So the other day I was... uh.. kind of working my way through this equation in which I had to arrive at an answer to reconcile the rate at which Ancient technology interacts with the plain old spark-fuel combustion engine -- you would be amazed at how volatile unleaded gasoline is with naquadah when combined under the right circumstances... said circumstances still to be determined when they are right -- and mostly trying to work out this equation so the car I'm trying to modify doesn't explode when the driver presses on the gas pedal, because that isn't really helpful to the whole experiment. You know, when your driver and test subject explode.

Um. So. Ah, yes, I was speaking of toasters.

I replaced the electric coil in the toaster -- the heating element -- with a thin wire of naquadah and spliced in a crystal about the size of Rajani's pinky nail and now... Well, I have created a toaster that responds just like the jumpers respond... to the gene therapy and those that are lucky enough to have the correct gene sequence. I mean, seriously, it's like comparing playing craps to ... I don't know.. sudoku? One is a game of chance and the other is thought-provoking and takes skill.

I'm off subject again. This toaster that pretty much reads your basic desire for toast and responds accordingly. Light, burned, just warmed, whatever your toast wants may be. I kinda did the same thing with the godboxes, as far as Gigi would allow me to mess with her creations, and again let me state that if anyone wants any kind of modification to their godbox I can certainly do that. Rajani calls it "pimping them out", and yeah, I guess.. uh, that's a colloquial way of putting it.

And now I'm going to create the world's most perfect BLT made with Ancient technology. And a beer. Before I get back to that damn equation where I can pinpoint exactly the rate of burn to save some guy from exploding in a silver Altima.

John Sheppard [userpic]

McKay, you haven't been messing around with subspace-time again, have you? Because if you have, I will kick your ass when I get back from this.

Current Mood: annoyed annoyed
Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Anakin Skywalker The Younger!

I have figured out the location of the X-Wing, what are you doing right now?!

You have to teach me how to fly this thing.

God aka Gigi Eriksson [Dogma] [userpic]

HAHAHAHAHAHA this is awesome!!!!!

WOOOHOO!!! Big me, you totally have to be little! It's sooo much fun! Like, if I go away like all the other crazy things that happen? You totally have to keep some version of me around. I'm AWESOME!

Hey, who wants me to conjure up a big ass bowl of ice cream!? Anybody? It's free from God!!!

Anakin Skywalker (SW) [userpic]

So. This is a universe without the Council, few Jedi and a lot of strange people in it.

There's only one thing to do: Anyone think they can top me on pilot and driving skills? Being the best Jedi ever can only hold up so long if I don't test it. It's not like there's much else to do on this mudslick.

Please ignore Half-pint, especially any of you relatives. He's found the Boo-Koo dispenser and went a little happy with it. If I smack him over the head, is that self-abuse?

Assiah Beta [OC SHIELD] [userpic]

Proof I'm not dead, for Rajani. Well, the not-dead bit is for everyone, but this gem is for Rajani.

*sniff* Eees too beautiful...

Annnnnnd now I get out of the blast zone. He knocked out a solar system, didn't he....

Jaime Elizabeth Davies [userpic]

Heading to the Bahamas today, then maybe bopping out to Hawaii. Who's in the mood for some sand and surf with suits optional?

... yeah, you heard me.

- jaime

ps, I would definitely need someone to rub sunblock on my back.

Lily and I are here if anyone wants to join us.

Screw figuring out what's going on.

Who wants to go for a joyride?  I'll drive.

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

All this talk about 'going Lez' has got me thinking - it's oh so acceptable for a woman to declare her attraction to another woman, but I'd like to open this up to the men of this place.

The question is to all you strapping men "Three celebs you would switch tracks for, from your current position?" (and, hell, if women want to get in on this go for it!)

C'mon on, Rod, Logan, Pulse, Azzy, Mia... Anyone!

(in case you are all wondering, mine are: Sydney Poitier, Maggie Q, Penelope Cruz)

Mia Jesbar [userpic]

It's incredible that even with a godbox, and how I can go almost anywhere at any time period, I'm bored.

Maybe I got spoiled with the godbox. I'm sure there's endless time periods I could still explore in my galaxy, and I still go home to mine and do cargo runs and smuggling runs and go train at the Jedi Temple sometimes, but for now I'm just... bored for some reason.

That's why the party should be next weekend. I need a little time to get things set up. It's gonna be in the Caribbean somewhere on a warm, tropical island beach. Everyone's invited as long as you play nice and don't intend to commit any trouble. Pretty sure Gigi will take care of you if you try anything, since she's invited too.

Edit: Shavit. I think Terry's gone. Has anyone heard from her or seen her? Raven, you haven't... seen her by chance, have you?

The Cheshire Cat [Carroll] [userpic]

Ponderance and conustrum.

Milk is an opaque colloidal mixture of protein and fat secreted by mammals to nourish their young who do not contain the needed bacteria and disposition for harder sustenance.

Who can direct me to evidence of mother soy bean nursing a bushel of beanlets?

Is tofu soy-cheese then? If so, why do we have tofu in a different place than it's named brethren? Should they not be in the deli, like other cheese like sheep, cow, and goat?

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Rodney - we need to discuss a few things... )

[ooc - *warning* Stargate Atlantis series finale spoilers may be in thread. And anyone can tag back on this, behind cut for said 'may be spoilers']

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

Ok People, here's the deal. I need a new place to live. Azzy and Pulse I should start this by saying that the place I am at is great, but i have this unshakable urge to move again. Could never stay in one place too long. It's been wonderful, and thanks for helping me get the place to begin with.

SO, what this means people is I need suggestions. Everyone, the game is "Rajani's next home town" the first to make a suggestion wins a prize... or just my happy smile.

Ok... Start!

eileen prince! [userpic]

So, I'm here in this place and I feel kind of lost. This box I have says what I say.

It seems lately that quite a few challenges have suddenly sprung up, certain challenges that are perfect for my considerable skill set. And, you know, I'll modest here, I do like to do things for others as long as I get the credit and proper thanks. I mean, I do like to work things out for others, with no ulterior motives, really, it's just... This is coming out wrong. I like to be recognized for nice things even I don't want to recognized, it's certainly not my job to toot my own horn... this is circular.

So, the ever present, always intriguing problem of the godbox. There are several children, who, as unbelievable as it may be, have access to godboxes, and not only can they move about in that unique way that only godboxes do, they use it keep track of the rest of us. Which is slightly ... uh... creepy if you think about it. Anyway, I've modified the godbox to be... uh... child friendly, programmable by the parents, guardians or kidnappers so the child doesn't suddenly whisk itself away to Disneyland. I can only imagine the chagrin of the person in charge of that child. I mean, it's not like they're HARD to watch, they're not that smart, any person with an IQ above that of high school graduate can watch a child.

I've also modified it to make it easier for the child to make posts on the forum so the rest of us may enjoy their long diatribes on wubbles and snow and Santa and such. Really. I enjoy them tremendously.

A more interesting take on the godbox occurred with the appearance of several... um... let's go with "technologically retarded" people who are still trying to grasp the concept of cars. Here's a hint, you lot, there aren't fire demons in them, it's actually a rather simple system of spark, fuel and combustion. Anyway, the godbox has been modified for them to more closely resemble that of a kind of book with moving pictures, and more readily adaptable to voice posts so they don't have the indignity of revealing their illiteracy.

As always, your standard, tricked out godbox comes with push to talk, mp3 capable, USB port, detachable ZIP drive, plus a display in which you can keep track of where God's other little VIPs happen to be wandering. I've added video and camera capabilities also. Also standard is my disclaimer than work I've done on them may be instantly negated by God at her slightest whim, so don't come crying to me when God interrupts your beautiful plan of watching the Ice Queen shower. Not that I've ever thought that. Just an example.

Oh, yes, and the whole point of this post: Anakin with the land speeder, when would be good to come and make your speeder that much better?

Anakin Skywalker (SW) [userpic]

Why the hell not?

The kids 'round here seem to be having fun in the snow and they don't have any powers, so what would a Force-fed snowball fight be like?

In that mentality, Ah formally set forth a challenge to all you younglings swinging lightsabers around and making the sound effects: think you can go toe-to-toe with an 'old-school' Knight of the Republic in a snowball fight to end all snowball fights?

Loser buys the defrosting drinks at the end.

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