World In Her Hands
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Another influx, huh? Well, that's not a bad thing. Hello to all the newcomers. Welcome to God's World!

I still have Stryfe's old armor sitting in my closet. It scares the crap out of me every time I forget to close the closet door. Does anyone want to look like Penance and Rhyno had an illegitimate porcupine child?

Whiny emo Penance, not the other one.

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I can't remember a time when I've been more bored. I have no boyfriend, my job is actually driving me nuts, and seeing everyone I love be happy except for me makes me long for the time before I came here where I was killing or fucking someone new just about everyday.

Assiah Beta [OC SHIELD] [userpic]

Ah ha. Ah ha ha.

Why am I in a guy's penthouse?

Where are my clothes?

Duggan's gonna kill me.

Reason # 2,520 why I don't miss home

Anakin Skywalker (SW) [userpic]

My friend’s nephew announced to everyone yesterday that he is legally changing his name to Batman Wolverine Skywalker when he turns 21. IMMD

I gladly welcome the boy to our family.


Hank )

This has been an interesting year all around. I think things have just gotten a lot more interesting. My foster son has entered the computer age, and my husband and I are now the same age as him and our oldest children. Not to mention the three year olds we already had, who aren't any older and don't really understand what happened to their parents.

Man, what else is going to happen?

Hey, various Summerses. Nate and I are going to take the kids to Akihabara for Christmas. if you want to celebrate with us, start learning Japanese.

Mo, Phil, you guys want to pick out our hotel after school?

The best schools are private religious ones, in terms of curriculum and likelihood of having my boy dumped into a garbage can.

But they have religious curriculum.

Charter schools are the next best option, but not as good.

Public schools will expose the kids to the most realistic look at the way society works, but trained monkeys could pass easily.

Home schooling's got the least advantages. No social interaction, and a curriculum completely controlled by the parents. Which means that if one of your kids is a genius, they're going to get an inordinate amount of time with the smarter parent. Which, obviously, is not great.

arg. Education is rougher on the parents than the kids, sometimes.

I missed Japan so much! Moira and I got her some cute cosplay clothes, and the little guys each got a sushi themed sleeper.

Obviously I have missed spending money. I'm sure my former self weeps at what I've become.

But spending the day with my herd of children, showing them the places I love reminds me why I changed, and that it was definitely worth it.

The Cheshire Cat [Carroll] [userpic]

Ponderance and conustrum.

Milk is an opaque colloidal mixture of protein and fat secreted by mammals to nourish their young who do not contain the needed bacteria and disposition for harder sustenance.

Who can direct me to evidence of mother soy bean nursing a bushel of beanlets?

Is tofu soy-cheese then? If so, why do we have tofu in a different place than it's named brethren? Should they not be in the deli, like other cheese like sheep, cow, and goat?

Julien )


MMmmmmm, this is a very, very good day.

Julien, we should go to the beach.

God )

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I never imagined a new life like this one. I never imagined being happy in a life like this, but I am. Business is good, I am happy with a woman I care about deeply, and ... life is good!

How did that happen?

Dear God )


Work work work. That's all I do anymore.

Anyone want to go out for a drink? Or go to a soccer match, or anything, really?

I love my job, but a girl's got to have some kind of fun.

Julien )

Somehow, I have the sneaking suspicion that this has something to do with the job that Cable just hired me for.

So, what the hell's going on here? I leave to catch my flight, and everything outside my apartment is different.

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