World In Her Hands
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Logan Echolls [userpic]

So under extreme duress and clouds of scandal, we are on for Rock Band again tonight. Azzy, bring all the ouzo you want, woman, in which to drown the shame of your downfall. Rajani? Wear the leather pants.

All ya all are going down.

And yes, it's an open invite.

Blocked from Tesla Echolls. Urgent to any and all that want to attend her baby shower. )

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

I think it's about time, Logan, that you own up to all the talk. It's Rock Band Two Rematch, Baby!

Who will back me up and demand retribution for the most insidious display of cheating that has ever graced this world?!

Mia Jesbar [userpic]

I'm bored.

This usually leads to not good things happening.

We need a party. Or I need to go clubbing. Or skydiving. I need something so that I don't go insane. Maybe I'll go treasure hunting. I haven't done that in awhile.

Until I make up my mind... Rodney? Rajani? How many other people do I know whose names start with R? Like Ronon. And others I haven't talked to in awhile. Somebody save me from boredom.mi

Current Mood: bored bored
Assiah Beta [OC SHIELD] [userpic]

He's asleep. For a bit anyway, poor thing, all tuckered out.

Assiah Beta-no-more

Well, this is certainly, uh, interesting...   You should know that in 2006, nearly 5000 people were killed in motorcycle-related accidents.

What's interesting is the lovely little slide show of different motorcycles wrapped around trees and truck grills.  Just really... interesting to see the way metal moves when its under stress.  Human bones and such don't have nearly the bounc-back factor that plastic and other materials involved in motorcycles do.

Oh, here's another interesting web page:

There's some really nice looking helmets, gloves, shields, leather pants, that can give a motorcyclist that much more protection the next she decides it would be awesome to steal a motorcyle and do wheelies...  I mean, the next time someone decides to take a nice ride on one of those death machines.

Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention. I've just been handed a urgent and horrifying news story, and I need all of you, to stop what you're doing and listen. 

I do not suppose there is anybody in this world with the ability to travel to distant planets?

I wish to see Gallifrey once again. I have not been home in so long.

Logan Echolls [userpic]

So I've been doing my part in the economic crisis, bailed out a new hi-def big screen TV, a new X-Box and Rock Band 2 from the nearest Best Buy.  As has been pointed out, seems all we do around here is get wasted and cry, so I thought I'd throw something new into the mix.   There is still that option, the getting wasted and the crying part, but if anyone wants to stop by and is up for the challenge, I say BRING IT BABY.

Sevvy, if you thought 3-D ultrasounds are nifty little Muggle devices, wait untl you see this.

You know you want to.  Be irresponsible and childish and forget shit for a while.  C'mon, baby.  The Little Guy will love the rhythm of it.  Did you know that sometimes making love, because of the rhythm, sometimes puts the little buggers to sleep?

The Cheshire Cat [Carroll] [userpic]

Jabberwocky jabberwocky, we sing and clap,
Sitting so pretty on her checkered lap.
Jabberwocky jabberwocky, we call to say,
"Slither down, pet, and let us play!'

Everyone will be happy to learn that I've completed my study on the godbox, and by using some Ancient technology, I've upgraded it.  Anyone who wants the upgrade I'll be glad to do it for you.

Interesting little device, presented a lot of problems from teh get go.  Some I've managed to overcome, but there's still these.. .firewalls... if you will....


Not FIRE-walls.  GOD-walls.  HA!  Named something right there, Sheppard, beat you to the punch.

Okay.  Where was I?  Godwalls.  Right.

Godwalls operate outside the control of anyone or anything.  I've tried to go around them but since they're based in non-scientific fact (way to cheat, Gigi) they keep re-establishing themselves.  Basically it works in that if you're, I dunno, the Cat, and you really want to beat up the Jabberwocky, the godbox won't  take yout directly to the Jabberwocky because it would be an unfair advantage.  Also, say you're Tesla Spencer -- E. Coli -- whatever, and you have a tiff with Mr. E. Coli...

Hmm.  Maybe I should quit with the names.  Let's just go with, uh, "GIRL".

Okay, so say GIRL has a tiff with BOY and BOY then tries to hunt down GIRL when GIRL absolutely positively does not want to talk to BOY.  Godwalls will prevent BOY from approaching GIRL until she wants to be approached.  Hehehe.  Sounds like some weird mating ritual you'd see on Animal Plant.  Right? 



Okay, the new godbox I've come up with has a built in flash drive and USB portal, can track all of Gigi's other special children (if not protected by Godwalls) press to talk feature, on-line access to the boards, and automatic voice recognition and auto-dialing.  Also, just for fun, I've add an mp3 player so you can download all your music.  IPhone can go take a flying leap.  If I could take this thing public I would blow Mr. Gates out of the water...

Okay.  So.  Let me know if you want one. 

A marijuana user may experience pleasant sensations, colors and sounds may seem more intense, and time appears to pass very slowly. The user's mouth feels dry, and he or she may suddenly become very hungry and thirsty. His or her hands may tremble and grow cold. The euphoria passes after awhile, and then the user may feel sleepy or depressed. Occasionally, marijuana use produces anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic.

So really I don't see what the big idea is.  The one time I got high I just wanted to eat a whole loaf of wonder bread.

Mia Jesbar [userpic]

Okay, all my female friends? Spa day soon. We'll get pedicures, manicures, massages, facials, whatever. This means Raven, Tree, Terry, Rajani... and I don't have that many girl friends here, so if you're not psychotic and wanna tag along, lemme know. And your significant others can come too. (Tell the men I promise spas don't bite.)

And now I'm imagining Jack and John and Rodney and even Master Qui-Gon coming with us. I might actually pay to see military men and a Jedi in a spa, getting facials and pedicures done. The memories would last a lifetime.

Edit: John )

God aka Gigi Eriksson [Dogma] [userpic]

Severus Snape, for reasons that shall be revealed to you at a later date, you will be the recipient of an interesting surprise tomorrow morning.


I see my compatriots have already made quite the impression. Oi, how am I supposed to inform people of your deepest, darkest secrets if you lot air them before I get here?

What in the world is going on?

How did I get here?


Yes, I think its so nice when people try to stretch the boundaries of nature, try to explore what's beyond common knowledge, and we just might get to study black holes and maybe find that elusive thing that gives matter its mass.  Or we could even discover evidence of dark matter, signs of “supersymmetry” and maybe a little antimatter.  

I repeat, however, at length and with great emphasis, that the Super collider will not create a black hole by the differentiation of a milionth of a percent but instead recreates the effect of one by superimposing nonlinear physics on linear space.  In other words, we will NOT become, as was put by one interesting letter received by the Haldor institute, "nom noms for evil black holes."

It's sending us all back to the dark ages, but instead of witches being burned alive, they'll be throwing physicists and theoreticians on the fire instead.

I give up.  Call me when people don't wish for a flat earth again.

Bratty may-as-well-be teenage girls never cease to amaze me.

Duuno how you handle it Logan, but then again you're just any other kid that knocked up his permanent girlfriend.

Mia Jesbar [userpic]

So when people disappear here, what does that mean? God kicked them out?

I think mostly everyone I know is still here.

Master Qui-Gon? Can we try godboxing to your time period back home? That might be kind of scary but I think I'd love it at the same time. To meet other Jedi and maybe see the Jedi Temple? Is that possible?

John )

The Cheshire Cat [Carroll] [userpic]

One does ponder, who drives whom more to the brink, the young sprats who sleep too soon or the old eels, twined within and around everything?

Speak to the clover, who cries out for not smelling like one would expect with such a name.

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