World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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John Sheppard [userpic]
Last minute, I know, but...

Hattie and I were discussing pants things and the suggestion of having everyone over for dinner at some point in the near future came up; I suggested possibly for Christmas and she said she'd love to do a Christmas dinner thing.

So...dinner at my place Christmas Eve, y/y?

We can make it pot-luck so no one person is shouldered with the task of cooking for everyone? Let me know what you plan to bring so I can make a list and/or recruit folks for specific things.

It will, at the very least, give me a chance to show some of you the plans for the epic estate I still haven't finalized yet.

Current Mood: curious curious
John Sheppard [userpic]

To my peeps:

This is where you can give me your Christmas lists.

If you don't give me a short list, I will find the most embarrassing item(s) from some random on-line store that you will be forced to use in public.

You've been warned.

Current Mood: cold cold
River Tam [userpic]


The 'verse changed. I was there, now I'm not.

Wait, there are things, but not the right things. There's a bed, not the right bed.

and this boxy-thing. It tingles my fingers. It doesn't want to be taken apart. Won't.


...this is Earth-That-Was. It's so... green.

Where is Simon? Where is my brother?

Mia Jesbar [userpic]

Oh... oh kriff. Not. Not again.

I should be USED to this.

John Sheppard [userpic]

Been toying with the idea of buying a chunk of land and a ranch. Possibly an island? Primarily for a Paintball field, but I think a hanger/runway wouldn't go amiss, either. Tiny off-shoots of the main house for folks that wanna move in.

McKay's already put in a request for a lab.

Mia, Hattie and Ashni: You guys want in on this? If so, gotta let me know what you want so I can figure out how much space we're gonna need.

Current Mood: curious curious

Right. I've remembered why I despise undergraduates. Someone distract me? I've still got 40 exams to look through.

John Sheppard [userpic]

Sad kitteh is sad. Why? Because she was dumb enough to watch Blink with me the other night. Now I just have to make sure she doesn't catch wind of the book that's next on my "to read" list, or she'll shred it to pieces.

Current Mood: amused amused
John Sheppard [userpic]

Hey, G?

You wouldn't happen to know of a Ronon and/or Teyla out there that you could bring here?

I'm just....really missing the rest of my team right now.

Current Mood: lonely lonely
John Sheppard [userpic]

Hey Mia, wanna see if we can snag an F-302 from somewhere and take a ride around Saturn? I hear the rings look gorgeous this time of year.

Current Mood: hopeful hopeful
John Sheppard [userpic]

It's official.

I am now the Best Boyfriend EVER.


Current Mood: pleased pleased
John Sheppard [userpic]

[ooc: at some point between midnight tonight and 6am tomorrow morning, John will godbox into Mia's apartment (which ever one she's staying at currently) and leaves the following on the dining room table, with a card appropriately decorated with hearts; inside is blank save for four words written in his handwriting: For My Jedi Princess.]

A Valentine's Day Gift for Mia )

Current Mood: loved loved
John Sheppard [userpic]

I think I might actually be celebrating Valentine's Day this year.


Current Mood: cheerful cheerful
Mia Jesbar [userpic]

John and Master Qui-Gon )

John Sheppard [userpic]
More Presents

McKay )

Rajani )

Mia )

Current Mood: accomplished accomplished
John Sheppard [userpic]

Hattie: I know nothing about musical instruments, but I do know something about chess.

Merry Christmas :)

Pressies For, Niece. )

Current Mood: chipper chipper
John Sheppard [userpic]

So this is last minute and all, but I figure that this is going to be the first Christmas in which I don't have to work and thus have no excuses for not buying people gifts.

So lay it on me.

What do you want for Christmas?

(And no asking for Atlantis-type tech. Go hit up McKay for that shit. Unless he says no, in which case swing by and ask me and I'll see what I can do.)

Current Mood: curious curious
John Sheppard [userpic]

Clearly I have too much time on my hands. Anyway, figured I'd share:

My 'Sabre Colour )

...I suppose?

Current Mood: contemplative contemplative
John Sheppard [userpic]

*softly playing Folsom Prison Blues on guitar*

[ooc: Am heading to bed, but will be picking this up in the morning for those that wish to tag.]

location: home
Current Mood: bored bored

Something strange happened last night. I wish I could remember.

I know I Godboxed to a beach in France...but then...

I'm drawing a blank.

That's a sure sign that I need to stay put for a day at least. I've spent too much time partying. I need to get a job.

Oh no, maturity.

Current Mood: confused confused
John Sheppard [userpic]

Hey, Mia?

... )

Current Mood: curious curious
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