World In Her Hands
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John Connor [userpic]

Hey, guess what?? Guess who just had a birthday last week. Specifically.. on February 28. Yeah. That's right. I am now 18 years old. So hell yes, I am definitely legal now I'm thinking I should go out and do something to celebrate. Maybe something exciting. And fun. I'm open to suggestions, though...

Roy Harper | Arsenal [userpic]

Alright folks, huddle up. Saint Paddy's is fast approaching and these here Godboxes enable a)traveling incredible distances in the blink of an eye and b) doing so pickled without driving into something expensive.

I motion a field trip to the Emerald Isle for some, dare I say it?, shenanigans. Perhaps a shilelagh or two.

Gigi, can we borrow some leprechauns? Maybe I should liberate some lawn-dwarfs and paint them accordingly.

Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]

Okay so I think I've waited enough time to ask this... I just didn't want to come across as ... pushy... Potter you say one word about how inappropriate this is, and I swear-

Lily, you figuring things out well enough? I suppose you've settled in and all?

Roy Harper | Arsenal [userpic]

At some point, I will learn to not try to drink super-powered extraterrestrials under the table.

Clearly yesterday was not the day for that little nugget of wisdom.

John Connor [userpic]

They actually canceled my show
Ok, that's probably good, least they can't jerk me around back home
Don't you hate it when people leave
Skynet can just kiss my hot bad ass

You know, I was walking down to the riverside of... nevermind. Pointless way to start. Been thinking about a lot of stuff lately. And I guess the best way to deal is to let loose So, I'm gonna get baked. And probably drunk too. Been a while since I've been both, and I really think this calls for it. No time like the present. School sure seems like it has a couple less students So.. I'm doing it. Anyone wants to join me.. that's cool too. Let's get high. Ok, ok.. so maybe I took a couple hits of it already.

vera misham [ ace attorney ] [userpic]

Even though I found my home, I feel like it isn't..

Where is the boy hero now?

I have acquired all of them.

My power will soon be restored.

Current Mood: hungry hungry
Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]

Hey, Lil's, here's proof that at one point I was cute - ages ago, but still cute - I guess you were right, what do I owe you?

cut for size, y'all can look, as this is proof! )

Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]


How is your arm? Are you feeling better?

Do you wanna come over? I have video games, fun games to play, nothing scary. Do you wanna come over?

John Connor [userpic]

John Winchester, age 20 )


Eileen Prince )


Sevvy McEvilpants )

John Connor [userpic]

Holy shit, what the fuck?! Dammit. Where is Todd and Janelle? They aren't answering. I tried calling 20 times. I hope the cops aren't looking for me again. Oh God, Janelle is gonna kill me for sure this time Tim? Did you borrow my bike? Jesus, what the Hell is going on here?!

Ohh.. but look at the date! It's long past 1997. Guess my mom was wrong after all, huh? There's no machines taking over. I knew it! They all frigging knew it. She was crazy. And who the flying fuck is that teenager looking at me. He says that I'm him. Bullshit! I'm not that stupid. And what does emo mean, why would he call me that

Logan Echolls [userpic]

I don't know which is funnier, Sevvy McEvilpants and Sam "Demon King" Winchester at dawn with drawn swords, or picturing some compound in Southern Utah with us as *cough* "brothers brought together by God." I think Duncan would be quick to point out the whole "first come, first served" aspect of this, and just to be clear. Duncan was never... ever... "served."

And just so you know? Pretty sure any honor and/or virginity -- God, I can't even say that word without laughing -- which I may have once possessed was stolen from me by the incomparable and evil Lilly Kane.

Wow, homoerotic undertones for the win.

Severus, bro? You okay? I think... I think Lucy did the whole disappearing thing.

HOLY SHIT. I'm gonna start injecting my friends with GPS tracking devices. Who's still here?

Tobias Snape [userpic]

Passive aggressive why do I bother? Jesus Christ. This information age is baffling.

eileen prince! [userpic]

John? We haven't seen nor spoken to each other in a long time.

Remy LeBeau [userpic]

Et now, I feel very sorry for John Connor... )

Okay, I declare a state of emergency, and all ye who smoke pot and drink should report post-haste to the cabin.

Logan's already out for this one, guys, his kid might be comin', or some shit.

Rajani Bhatti (OC Heroes Verse) [userpic]

All this talk about 'going Lez' has got me thinking - it's oh so acceptable for a woman to declare her attraction to another woman, but I'd like to open this up to the men of this place.

The question is to all you strapping men "Three celebs you would switch tracks for, from your current position?" (and, hell, if women want to get in on this go for it!)

C'mon on, Rod, Logan, Pulse, Azzy, Mia... Anyone!

(in case you are all wondering, mine are: Sydney Poitier, Maggie Q, Penelope Cruz)

Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]

This is a shout out to ... Adoptive Dad Loggy, Remmy McEvilpants, Johnny Just Discovered Amsterdam, Half Tat Cass, Uncle Dick, Winchester Rainbow Sherbets... and hummm... I know I've missed plenty, just add your name to the list.

In celebration of our epic Bromance I think we should all go see I Love You, Man, whaddya all say?

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