World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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Lyle Bennet [userpic]

So... Halloween. It's coming up soon, that should be fun. Wonder what my costume will be. Ohh.. maybe a superhero, with powers? Ha ha, that's a joke. Kidding. You'd have to know me well enough to get the punchline But yeah, hopefully it'll be fun anyway.

Spoilers in post/comments for Heroes season 4 episode *Acceptance* )

I just have to say...

Word )

Not private, just cut for an image.

Angela Petrelli [userpic]

I certainly hope no one expects me to buy that load of tripe that I was just fed as an explanation as to why I am suddenly not where I'm supposed to be.

Does anyone care to explain exactly what is going on here, and why someone felt it was necessary to so rudely interrupt my lunch in order to play a hilariously unfunny practical joke?

I never thought I'd say this, but . . .

I'm getting married.

Left outside the older Claire's apartment door )

Lyle Bennet [userpic]

Hmm. Wow, okay! So... kidnapping? I shouldn't be surprised. But I'd think I'd remember if someone used a needle or chloroform and brought me here. Or maybe I just forgot. I had that problem before, you know. Hasn't happened in a while. Unless I just got a superpower and somehow teleported here on my own, but I know that isn't possible since I'm not a freak special.

Dad? Mom? Umm.. anyone, really. I'll listen to anybody that knows something, or can at least pretend they do. Please tell me we haven't moved yet again. I can't imagine why. Dad was still an agent employed, Mom was watching soaps, and my sister was off somewhere looking for colleges or something. Besides.. I don't see any boxes or suitcases around where I am now. And trust me, our family has a lot of stuff.

Heroes spoilers behind cut and in comments )

Completely bored. Who wants to go shopping?

Claire honey....I'm hungry and it ain't just fer food.

I just got a raise. Sure, my job still bores me to death, but now it pays about a dollar more an hour.

I can be a little more content with my boredom for that.

eileen prince! [userpic]

So, I'm here in this place and I feel kind of lost. This box I have says what I say.

Shit. . .just when I think that things couldn't get any worse, I pull that stupid move. Way to go, Desmond, A+. Note to self, work on that temper.

Claire Bennet [Formula Future] [userpic]

Today's a really good day.

I really want to do something fun. I'm not sure what, but something.

Hey Caleb? I am way happier than usual today, and uh.

I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come to my house and watch a movie with me? I've got A Bug's Life in the DVD player, a bottle of wine, some popcorn, and uh...some warmed stuff for you.

What do you say?

Ah need a doctor please, I though I hadn't taken too much but Ah think Ah really hurt her.

Please someone help me?

I am thankful for my sons, granddaughter and wife. I am also thankful to God for this second chance, may I be worthy of it.

. . .

[[OOC: Sylar has removed Peter's memories; all of them of his entire time of being here in God's world. The last thing Peter remembers is from the middle of the season one finale, just after he ran from Nathan and his mother in the parking garage. So, yes XD]]

Damn, this place is messed up.

Oh god, Mom, it wasn't Jude. It wasn't Jude, it was Peter. In my dream, it's Peter. All the blood, oh god, and Sylar! Sylar's gonna kill him, Mom. Sylar's gonna kill him. We have to stop it! We have to stop him!

[OOC: He thinks that he's locked this post down to just Natalie, but he was too distressed that he hit "post" without double checking the locking feature, hee. So anybody can respond to this.]

Current Mood: distressed distressed

This is.....interesting

OOC:There will be comments that spoil Season Three in this post

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