World In Her Hands
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Potter! Black! I don't care what you've done, but you'd better undo it this instant before I hex the both of you! I mean it!

How did the two of you even manage to get me to California? And what the bloody hell is this contraption?

My older self has helped me get my own place. I know I'm kind of young, but I can handle myself. I'm sure the other me will keep visiting and mothering me. I suppose that's in our nature.


I'm bored. Anyone have any ideas for fun?

Current Mood: bored bored
Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]


How is your arm? Are you feeling better?

Do you wanna come over? I have video games, fun games to play, nothing scary. Do you wanna come over?

Very funny, Jamie, now come and bring me back or I'm telling Dad on you. And he can make you do things, don't think he won't because he will! And Mum won't save you either, and Uncle George will never let you in his shop again, and Teddy won't share your room when he stays over.

All because you were a big, stupid jerk.

Now just, just come and get me, all right? Please?


Older me said I can't draw flowers on this entry. :( I'm suppose to be serious and introduce myself.


I'm Lily Evans and not Lily McEvilpants.

Sneaky Sneaky )

Current Mood: bouncy bouncy

I don't think the pigeons like me all that much.

And, I'm pretty positive pigeons don't cohabit the Auror department.

And I think they want Dad's sandwich. Um.

Cripes, Mum's gonna kill me if she's around here.. There won't be anything left of me. Lils better write me a nice eulogy, because there is no way I'm going to be able to go home and come out of that lecture alive.

James, Pete

James Potter )

Pete Wisdom )


Pete )

It's definitely not October unless the Earth is hurtling towards the Sun. I very much doubt that is the case, so-

I'm lost.

James Potter, if this is some stunt, I will make good on that threat I made the last time you heckled Muggles.

Current Mood: pensive pensive
Sirius Black [userpic]
That ... was unexpected

Oi, Prongs?

Whatever we were doing, I don't think it worked right.

Or you've gotten a lot better at plotting behind my back.

Though assuming this mess isn't a prank gone wrong, that would mean I'm in some other world.

Bit impossible, isn't it?


That was ... odd.

I think I lost an entire day.

Or I slept through it.

Given what happened, that wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Sorry, if anyone was wondering about me yesterday. I'm ... here now.

Pete )

Preplexing ..

This is ...

... odd.

I woke up in a bed that wasn't my bed, in a room that wasn't my room, in a flat that wasn't my flat. I don't even have a flat. But it's mine. It's got ... my things in it. My wand, my clothing, my potions.

Some books, that make absolutely no sense at all ... a story about a son I've never had ...

I'm not sure I understand what's going on ...



Severus Snape )

Jaime Elizabeth Davies [userpic]

Heading to the Bahamas today, then maybe bopping out to Hawaii. Who's in the mood for some sand and surf with suits optional?

... yeah, you heard me.

- jaime

ps, I would definitely need someone to rub sunblock on my back.

Lily and I are here if anyone wants to join us.


Severus Snape )


I have this whacky urge to go clubbing.

Anyone up for it?

George is bored.

{Hermione} )

Does Firewhiskey exist here? How about Butterbeer? Joke shops? I think someone said something about Diagon Alley, but where is it?

And what is so wrong with nude beaches? People would be more honest with each other if we had them, ya know.

Current Mood: busy busy
Private to Sev

Severus Snape )

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