World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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Angela Petrelli [userpic]

I certainly hope no one expects me to buy that load of tripe that I was just fed as an explanation as to why I am suddenly not where I'm supposed to be.

Does anyone care to explain exactly what is going on here, and why someone felt it was necessary to so rudely interrupt my lunch in order to play a hilariously unfunny practical joke?

I shouldn't have watched tonight. . . Oh god. . .

[spoilers possible for the season 3 Heroes finale in comments]

Current Mood: shocked shocked

Sylar )

Nathan )

[[ooc: Heroes spoilers under the cuts, and likely in comments]]


[ooc: Heroes spoilers in comments]

There are no words...I don't know how I can ever accept the things my father has done.

All those people...

And I'm really no different.

Gabriel "Sylar" Gray [userpic]

Well. This is less than convenient.

Um, okay, what's going on here? Dad? Pop? Where the heck is everybody?

Current Mood: confused confused

What the hell? This isn't- . . . Mom? At least it isn't raining now.

That was . . . surprisingly accurate. Huh.

[[ooc: spoilers for last night's Heroes likely.]]

SYLAR. I'm going to kill you, I swear it.

Sylar [userpic]

I'll get him hot, show him what I got
Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my poker face~


For once they left me out of it. Finally.

[[OOC: Heroes spoilers likely in comments.]]

Sylar [userpic]

He's going to forget about me now that he has his boyfriend.

I need something to do. I can't do what I like best so I'm bored.

Arthur? I finished fixing up the watch. it's as good as new now, and absolutely beautiful. You can stop by whenever you want to pick it up.

So, just to clarify, we're in another universe, God brought people here, there are duplicates of several people and we can't control whether we stay or go?

I figured it would be better to get my facts straight first, rather than making a post filled with redundant questions like 'What's going on?', 'Where am I?' and 'How did I get here?'.

Elle Bishop [userpic]

Nothing like barely escaping a psychotic ex to make a girl re-evaluate the value of life.

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Seriously, you guys? Need to lighten up. What happens on the little magic screen in your living room really doesn't have much bearing on you unless you let it.

Which Heroes CHARACTER are you?

I'm Nikki, apparently. Who the hell is Nikki?

Nathan )

[ooc: Heroes spoilers likely]

Sylar [userpic]


 [ooc: Heroes spoilers likely in comments]

Sylar [userpic]

Poodle, you're a fool. Lent? Ye've got to be kidding me.

I'm not a patient man.

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