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May 3rd, 2012

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[Force Users/family]

I am back on my feet now and am not actively dying anymore. Jaina, I am sorry for frightening you when I collapsed. I had been hoping it hadn't been coomb spores again, but I was wrong. I think having that twice is more than enough, thank you. Almost dying is not something I'd like to do again.

Are the rest of you all right?


Thankfully, I am not infected anymore, so I will be able to help you and Rikki on the full moon. Do you have a place you two wish to do this in?

Also, thank you for coming over and sitting with me. It means a lot.

April 27th, 2012

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[force users/family]

i am sorry for frightening you all yesterday. i thought i could fight it again. i am fairly certain this is coomb spores again, unless earth has a disease that is very similar. it hurts and nothing i do seems to relieve it for very long. i don't want to die again and not from this


i have to apologize because i have contracted a disease that can kill me has me in near constant agony. when is the full moon? i will still do the force bubble for you and rikki if i am alive and do my best to sustain it for both of you in a safe environment.

April 25th, 2012

Filtered from evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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Okay so...this is new. And I want to help in some way.

For those who don't know, me as a werewolf, I can't get sick usually don't get sick. Like, really. Colds, flus, some of the older wolves have even spoke about not being affected by the plague, no issue for me and I'm preternaturally strong too. I changed that from never getting sick to usually given the wacky of this place. So I have the potential I suppose you could say to not get sick, but with whatever's going on, I could. But yeah, still wanting to help.

So...how can I help? I mean, I don't have any medical training but if people need picking up and moving around and stuff, I can do that.

April 24th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, and Emma

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So, full moon's less than two weeks away. Any word yet on what's being done to see if me and Rikki can get along safely together during it?

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I really appreciate you finding me that place. There's too many people and I already burned somebody by accident trying to though...I'm moving out. A friend is letting me crash with him for a little while until I can save up to rent a place on my own. I love that you wanted to help but I feel shitty taking handouts like that, you know? I'll let you know when I've gotten my own place; we should hang out again soon.

I'm packed, last chance to change your mind before I take up half of your personal space, mate.

[Anna & Ron]
I'm moving again. I'll keep you posted.

Full moon is coming up again...what's the plan?

April 22nd, 2012

Filtered against evil/Katherine/Moriarty

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I feel like this is exactly the point at which some disembodied voice should be screaming ROUND 2, FIGHT. For those that don't remember me or weren't here before, I'm Nate Grey. Don't mind the tickle in the back of your minds, that's just me making sure I've got any important updates...

...huh. Alright, the news is less good than I was hoping. I was sort of hoping that if I came back, our problems would have gone away, not multiplied. Helpful to know who to filter against right off the bat, though, thanks for the information donation, everyone.

ETA: And to make sure no one stresses themselves out needlessly, the scan was so light touch and widespread that I couldn't even identify who's thoughts I was getting in the jumble. So feel free to be upset about a harmless psi-scan if you want, but all you're really accomplishing by growling at me about it is giving me an ID for the thoughts when I didn't have that before.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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Completely random and all but, Happy Earth Day!

April 21st, 2012

Filtered against evil, moriarity, Kathertine etc

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I have been totally out of the loop. It's my fault. I'm the biggest loser when it comes to computer stuff, but this Moriarity guy? Why isn't he locked up already if he's as bad as you all say? I'm totally missing something here. Fill a girl in!

Filtered Against Evil ++

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So, I was browsing online earlier, thinking about grocery shopping and what I wanted. And I just so happened to run across something completely unfair!


Why do they get cans and I don't? I'm cool enough to be on a Dr. Pepper can, right? I think I am! I mean, I'm not a hero or a big part of the whole story or anything, but I'm awesome!

April 10th, 2012

Filtered to Force people and those who deal with supernatural threats

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So, I have a question. I'm not sure how viable it'd be but both Rikki and I would like to see if it works.

My question is this: how viable is it for something to be set up where Rikki and I could somehow be together to keep each other company on a full moon? I have a trick at being able to calm people down and I want to see if it would work on her.

I know, I'm a werewolf and a lot of you are probably worried I might be all "RAWR" on a full moon, especially if I'm around people but really, it's never been like that for me.

Rikki's my friend and I just want to try and help her however I can.

Filtered against Lucifer and Moriarty

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Fi? You're all right. Can we make that a thing? Please?

In other news, new apartment is awesome Katherine wins again!.

So...let's see. Aussie day: check. New place: check. Doing something disgustingly girly with Anna before the week is over: yoga? check. Next up: lemme see your wings, dude, I'm itching for a day trip the hell outta here You know who you are.

[Ron & Anna]
I moved out of the complex. Don't be strangers, k?

...you want the good news or the bad news?

April 7th, 2012

Filtered to involved parties & close friends

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...I'm really, really sorry. Galen and I...we thought we could handle it by ourselves; the moon. We thought if we just blocked out the moonlight, I would be okay, like it worked back home. He didn't count on not being able to turn his back for a few seconds and I didn't count on the pull from Mako Island home being this strong with it being in a whole other universe. We screwed up and I can't apologize enough.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone, even though I know I did. It's never been that bad for me except that one time when I nearly killed Zane but okay well, there was the other time when we nearly killed Lewis but that wasn't just m...if I'd known it'd have escalated like that, I would've made him tie me down or something...or asked for help. I'm really sorry.

I guess this means letting you guys decide what to do with me next month, huh?

Galen )

Jedi guy who helped )

Ron )

April 6th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, Molokov

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I'm sure most people here are aware of what I am and what happens tonight after that failed tracking with that demon Meg. So if you need me I won't be available until tomorrow morning at the earliest.

Also, does anyone here know anything about like, calming people down? I have this weird gift as a werewolf that can calm other werewolves, and possibly other things, to the point where they're all happy and content. The trick to it is though, I apparently need the calm for myself before I can spread it. And I'm not even sure what else I can do aside from not having commands of any sort affect me. I'm eager to develop this gift as it could prove useful if I could use this to calm others down, but I have absolutely no idea on what I'm doing and didn't know if anyone here has or knows of some sort of similar gift to what I have. Any help is welcome and appreciated :)


Unless there's any cases you have that require a keen sense of smell for the hunt, I'll be out in a forest for my night as a wolf so you know.

April 3rd, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, Molokov

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I'm glad everyone is back to their normal selves. Though I won't lie, it was rather amusing to see a bunch of animals typing and posting on the boards.


I hope you had fun running around with wolf me yesterday.

Filtered from Evil/Katherine/Moriarty

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Um, so, sorry to anyone I was a bitch to with no reason No princess that doesn't count you but feel free to assume like I know you will

Cat me is apparently quite the diva. And Anna, Laser pointer? There'll be revenge. You had to have known that!



Though we're back to just the one Emily. ...I can feel it.

April 2nd, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, Molokov

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I apologize Ruby but this was just too good not to share with everyone.

...don't kill me when you're yourself again?

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noyt vcool szea';

fduick thisd

Filtered to the current animal populace

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If any of you are hungry I have a variety of meats, fruits, fish, and nuts. Let me know and I'll bring you the food you want that I have, okay?

Filtered to the new animal populace

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Okay everyone, you are all going to behave now. No one is eating anyone or chasing the smaller people or I will chase you. And I always get what I hunt, got it?

[Okay, imagine Anna has given out all the steaks/beef/meat products she has in her apartment to the large felines while she now goes off to get more meat products for the large mammal populace and also salmon and a laser pointer for Ruby taunting]

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What the holy hell is going on right now, you guys...?!
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