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War Is Coming Communications.



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May 25th, 2010

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Is everyone but me high?

May 23rd, 2010

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When I get back I'm going to find somewhere of my own to live. I can't condone the complex heads decision about letting minors involve themselves in the fight to the level they are and go on dangerous hunts. I'm not saying they're not competant, or powerful enough to handle it. I'm saying no adult worth anything at all would let them. Its cruelty on a scale I'm not willing to allign myself to. I've lost a brother to decisions like that.

I don't want to debate my opinion. I want to get on with this hunt and return to collect my things. Maybe someday things will change, but I doubt it.

May 22nd, 2010

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Filtered to the complex

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Heading out to finally do the majority last of my Christmas shopping....if anyone wants to come with me, meet me downstairs in 20 minutes!

Filtered against baddies.

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I am starting a secret society for people who love Santa Claus and are not mean like Riku and will be super excited when he comes for Christmas with all of our presents because he is a wonderful, wonderful guy and I love writing run-on sentences because this one is about the Christmas spirit and Santa Claus and how Riku is lame.

Filtered Against Baddies

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Hey, Sora. I say after Christmas because you wouldn't be willing before Christmas we start checking other cities for a keyhole. Maybe scrounge up some of the hunts people go on.

Filtered against bad guys

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Also gonna be out in L.A. for a few days, try not to miss my singing too much.

[filtered to complex Medical Staff]
When I get back can I stop in?

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I can't take this anymore. Was it not enough that I'm a fucking vampyre? Now people have to play with my mind, too? Fuck this. Fuck it all! At least as a true vampyre, it doesn't hurt. I can live in rage instead of in pain. I was a fool to think I should even resist my nature.

[OOC: Mina has been missing from the complex since everything went back to normal. And anyone who can sense emotions can probably feel her pain and anger from pretty much anywhere in the city. And yes, she just outed her own secret lol but she could really care less right now.]

Filtered against Needy.

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All right, I give. What's with all this talk about monsters? Are you guys for real?

And I need a job. Quinn is gonna let me help her take care of the kid if I get one.

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I think I need to project myself to Maui for Christmas. I've had my fill of cold weather. Christy lets go to down south, and I'll just make the hotel think they have a rservation for us. except that would be wrong, even if the persnal gain thing isn't here

Paige, what are you doing for lunch tomorrow next week? Lunch? Yes?

May 21st, 2010

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So, it's been a while since we've done this and there's a bunch of new under-agers here who I don't know yet so I'm putting this out there.

Movie night in my apartment tomorrow night. Bring food and drinks. Movies and pizza will be provided.

I'm Brynna by the way. Yes, I look just like Dawn but you can tell us apart because I'm the one with a Southern accent.

Filtered to Kendra
Help me keep baby bird away from Dawn. I think Richie likes her.
End Filter

May 19th, 2010

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I used to want to go to heaven, but after seeing these Angels..I don't know anymore
Maybe Bones was right

[ooc: blanked]

Filtered Against Evil Intentioned

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Shit. Fucking angels picked the wrong group of people to mess Going to go apeshit and crazier tha Right. So I found out who did the whole alternate reality thing with all of your lives. Angel named Zachariah.

I'm guessing that most of you want blood. I get it. I do. Except that's probably not the smartest idea. In fact, it really isn't. Since Zach is Cas' boss. Which means he's a lot stronger than what we're used to. Going after him would be this side of stupid. And believe me. I know stupid.

There are probably some of you who are going to want to know why he did it. Same reason as the Trickster. Almost. To teach us a goddamn lesson. This go around the piece from Sesame Street was about learning to accept our roles in the war. Apparently we all need to stop dicking around and except our fate. And yada, yada, yada. Do with it what you want. Though I mean it when I say, don't go summoning or chasing after any angels. I know I can't tell any of you what to do but we really don't need any more trouble then what we've got.

May 18th, 2010

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I left Ben & Jerry's in the freezer downstairs. Labeled. Labeled, because there was no room in my freezer.

If I ever find out who's thieving my Ben & Jerry's, I will hunt you down. And you should be afraid.

Next time I'm putting "Property of Supergirl; take and be crushed."

May 17th, 2010

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left outside Sora's door, wrapped in Silver paper )

May 18th, 2010

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Okay. There have been weird things and I am not happy.

 First. Arriving on a street out of nowhere when I'm pretty sure I was just watching Puck get to Level 'Even more Innane' on Super Mario and 'sext' Santana at the same time.

Second. Some woman staring at me for a while, saying poor dear and pointing me toward a shelter for kids 'in my situation'

and third.

I'm not in Lima anymore am I?

May 15th, 2010

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May 14th, 2010

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Who wants to come take a picture with me and Santa at the mall?

May 13th, 2010

Filtered Against Evil Intentioned

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Christmas is coming up. No. You don't have to worry. There isn't going to be another huge dinner. Unless you guys want one. And I'm not going to do anything crazy like Secret Santa, unless anyone wants those too.

I just wanted to let you know that we'll have a tree at the complex. I already discussed this with Andrew. And there will be decorations. We'll also have holiday cookies and pie, so if anyone wants some, feel free to stop by. We'll probably have food the day of. I just figured people might want to spend private time with their loved ones. But the food will be there if you're too lazy to/can't cook.

The theme of the year will be a Charlie Brown and Star Wars thing. Not meshed, just together. Deal with it. Sorry.

Grinchy people please leave your comments elsewhere as you won't get fries or cool presents for your laptop on Christmas.


EDIT: Sign up HERE for Secret Santa. Of course it's optional. However, I'd be very upset if my friends I swear I'm looking at you Faith, Pike, Sam, Ruby. .... Jacen. Spike. didn't sign up.
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