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War Is Coming Communications.



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September 13th, 2012

God damn filters

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The infirmary is haunted, or the more likely factor here is I've been drugged. What did you give me? Explain, now.

filtered against evil, meg, evil vampires that arent lexi

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I could use a sparring partner. Anyone up for it?

filtered against evil

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..Infirmary again. I thought I was done with infirmaries.

[ooc: Roy was brought to the complex infirmary after his thread with Edward-still drained, requiring painkillers and blind in one eye, wheee.]

September 11th, 2012

filtered against "evil"

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I am General Roy Mustang. If this is a kidnapping it was rather poorly constructed attempt. This is your only warning, release me or you will discover why they call me the Flame Alchemist.

September 9th, 2012

Filtered to Maria, Darcy A., Eponine, and Victor

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Are you guys still here? Everyone's freaking out because a bunch of people just got sent back. Please tell me it's none of you, I know few enough people here as it is

Filtered from Evil/Katherine

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I would like to thank you all for attending the opening of my inn.

As I said, any who are not as yet used to modern things you will find free board here as long as you need it. We will also have some visiors hopefully and there will be reasonably priced food and drink.

We also hope to offer lessons in learning the ways of this world we find ourselves in.


Did you have fun? I'm glad you came to the bonfire.

September 3rd, 2012

Filtered Against Evil/Katherine

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I believe I am ready to open!

Next week I should like to invite you all to the Opening of my Inn, shall we say on Saturday? There will be some rooms for those who perhaps do not, ...how do you say...fit with the modern age and wish to take life at a slower place than the residences on offer do.

I assure you for those who know of my families reputation that the Inn will be nothing of them. Not a thing.

I will provide food and drink for the opening night! And I wish it known widely that Enjolras owes me a song.

[Those that Helped and her staff]

Thank you. All of you. I could not have done this without your aid. I hope there is much more to come


And you especially.

I could not have done any of this if you had not willed me on and told me not to think so much on my insecurities.

I am in your debt Monsieur

September 2nd, 2012

(HIGHLY RELUCTANT!) Filter Against Evil

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Okay, so, no, being in Kansas is so not cool. And using an internet cafe? I didn't even know these things still existed, doesn't everyone just go to Starbucks and bum off their wifi now? But when I got here and asked the fashion victim closest by what the hell was going on, she kinda nodded and pointed me towards this place. The coffee is mediocre and I'm going to need a triple shot mocha frappuccino extra whip at this point. I think I deserve it and I'll just go to the gym later. If there's a gym. Please tell me Kansas has gyms?? And bars. Sweet baby Jesus I need a drink.


I'm not stupid no matter what it looks like, I can read. Why does everyone get tossed on here with 'zomg what's happening I'm so scared where the hell am I wtf is going on???'. If you can find this network, good GOD, just READ IT! It's like some people have never been on a public computer before.

...but seriously, I haven't, I want my Macbook back. Like, yesterday. And my phone doesn't work. Someone's gonna have to fix that ASAP because I need twitter back, I had this hot heated debate going on regarding Snooki's baby. Speaking of the Apocalypse, AM I RIGHT???

So where are the hot parties around here and uh...anyone know where I can get a super cheap hotel because I ALSO discovered my credit cards doesn't work and I have, what, $40 on me?

August 29th, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Katherine

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Xander and Andrew I seem to have overheard one of you works for us now and one of you wants to. How about you come down to the offices tomorrow and we can show you both around.

Anyone else who wants to work for the real innovators in technology let me know and we can set something up by way of meetings?

In other news. This makes me giggle.


August 26th, 2012

Filtered against Evil and Katherine

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So I barely even got here and Ollie is already being a pain in my ass about going to school. From what I talked to people here though, it's like a total waste of time because if I get sent back, I'll be back where I was when I got here, right? And if I stay here, there's an apocalypse coming anyways so that should totally be the thing everyone just focuses one.

What's the point of going when I can be training and helping with something that actually matters instead and if I ever get sent home, I'm gonna have to do it all over again?

Can someone talk some sense into him? Anyone?

August 18th, 2012

filtered against the usual things that are currently filtered against

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[[someone got hit with the lowered inhibitions spell]]

You know, I should really get on this network more. I've been here for months and I hardly know any of you. I'm usually happier keeping to myself, but right now that seems like a really stupid way to be. It's a beautiful day outside, if I were home my best friend and I would be out in the woods, hunting. I miss it there sometimes, but even with an apocalypse it's better here. You've all been very nice, and it actually seems sincere.

What's there to do around here outside?

August 17th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil ASSHOLES

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Who spiked the damn drinks in the warehouse? Bc I'm toasted on fuckin WATER and it's really hard to type right now.

Filtered from Evil/Katherine

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I think that all the papers are signed now that makes the Inn mine by law. Though the name Eponine Thenardier did make people look surprised. I just said my parents were fans of the name, which in many ways is no word of lie.

The Inn will not be like it was back home in case anyone's worried. I fully intend to charge fair prices and use only appropriate meat in the food cooked. And I will not be doing this alone.

[Team Inn]

We should start the renovations as soon as possible. There are still structural issues and they won't let us open until they are seen to be fixed.

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[Filtered to Avenger Warehouse Residents, Katniss, Prim, Brittany, Chloe, Oliver, Zatanna, Loki, Darcy L, Edward, and of course the incredible Tony Stark]

So Bruce Banner and I thought of doing a barbeque for some friends. We could give reasons but it's mostly just for the hell of it. Would this Saturday work for you all to come? If Saturday doesn't work for enough people we can reschedule for another day/weekend.

And it's by no means mandatory. Come if you want, stay as long as you like, etc. So if you want to come or not, that's great.

Added an hour or two later: Does anyone have a particular kind of food/drink item they want? No promises we'll be able to get it but we can at least try for it or the closest thing to it.

[ooc: forward posted to like, 9am since I'll be happily asleep at that time]

August 12th, 2012

Filtered against Evil and Dark

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I need something to do. I'm going crazy here. I think this is the longest I've stayed in one place since we And all my research is just going in circles now.

I was thinking I'd try looking for work or something... but I don't have any identification here. Is there a way I can get some?

My name is Edward Elric. I was told you might be able to answer some questions I had? About the Seal and this thing where people are fictional? Because I don't think I am, but everyone else I've talked to is. Does that mean something?

[Victor and Maria]
Either of you up for another sparring match?

Filtered from evil, Katherine and Dark

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You know how you’re up late at night, flipping through the channels because you can’t sleep, and all of the sudden you see your mother’s face twin on the screen? No? Is that just me? Because yeah that happened just now.

But why not watch the show, right? What’s the worst that could happen? I mean the character she’s playing is a brashy, ballsy, reporter chick and I can get behind that.

Who’s then called Lois by her coworker. No big deal. There have got to be plenty of reporters named Lois in the media.

And then enters a flying man in red underwear. With an S on his chest.

My mother’s face twin plays me. This world is seriously weird.

Dean Cain is kind of hot.

[ooc: Dean Cain also played the lovely Dr. Knox on Smallville but Lois thankfully never met him.]

filtered against evil, evil vampires, and dark

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There's a Meteor Shower tonight, if you look outside it's actually pretty fantastic. Sherlock would have liked it

August 6th, 2012

Filtered against Evil

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Anyone else feel that just now? Bad enough I can't freaking sleep. We've got earthquakes, now? threw me right into the freaking countertop

July 28th, 2012

filtered from evil

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Is it always this freaking hot here? I am dying. There has got to be some way to cool off. I really wish I was still able to go swimming

July 27th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, and Mr. Dark

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My parents inn is here.

Thankfully uninhabited. Believe me, none of you want to meet those people. But it is here all the same, as it was when I lived there. Rats and all.

I am considering if I should open it after some work is done on it but I do not know how to go about getting work of that nature done. It would need painting, cleaning and there are probably some things that need to be redone. Safety was never my fathers concern. Just the money he could save.


Thank you for meeting me. I don't think I'd have reacted so well if it had been anyone else with me
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