War Is Coming Communications.

September 16th, 2012

September 16th, 2012

no evil

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before the fight got stupid it was fun to watch ahd hey hdedo you shoud have bet ot wear a minksikirt too if you lotst but i had soem faih h in you,. i picked you for a reason and youd dit not lose for reasons i picked you for.yes

Filtered Against Baddies, Jerry, and Warren even the filter doesn't work on him

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Get headphones for computer: Check.
Stock up on rock salt: Check.
Get an iron fire poker: Check.
Get snacks that you don't need to leave a salt circle to prepare: Check.
Download movies for computer so that you can stay within the circle and drown out EVIL ghosts: In progress.

This is my gameplan until I can figure something else out.

Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, and Jerry

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Not that you can hear his reply, but could someone please tell my dad I'm an adult and have been for a while and will have a cranberry and vodka if I damn well want to?

And while we're at it, could you mention no one's liked Rick Astley in years and if he rick-rolls me one more time I'm going to tear my hair out?

Filtered Against Baddies and Jerry

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Know where you can't salt circle? In the shower.

Know where Clancy decided to just POP IN? I bet you just guessed it.

[ooc: Residents around apartment 502 may have heard screaming for a minute there!]

Filtered against evil

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I talked to him today...

Filtered against the usge (evil/Jerry/Katherine/Gaia)

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Dear Seal,
You're insane and cruel and have the most fucked up sense of humor ever, but don't ever. EVER send me home. I think I can deal with your stupid crazy more than what's waiting there. So, to re-iterrate: Lawrence ftw, do NOT send me home, kthx.

filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia

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Yeah, now doesn't seem like an awful time for a drink. I'm scared enough to
I slept with the lights on for the

Filtered against evil

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First time I've broken a rib without even leaving my apartment. He dropped a bookshelf on me in the middle of the night since he couldn't get past the salt line.

filtered against newsherface and evil

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Who the hell told him where I live?

filtered against evil, katherine, meg, jerry and jeremy

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Does anyone have a ghost who seems to have done a complete 180 in terms of personality?


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I'm outside. Let me in, or I shall have to pick the lock.

[Mrs. Trumper + Ms. Hill + Harry + Tony]

Is this ghost nonsense a common sort of happening?


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Dad's here.


Paris. We'll go soon, I promise.

[General filter, no evilbitches, etc.]

So, I'm sure most of you know already, but just in case: salt and iron will keep them away, at least temporarily.

If you need some, I've got plenty to spare, and I'm sure Sam does too. Just let its know if you need anything.

Texts to Kal

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[[Pretend this isn't horribly late in the plot due to no compuuuuter]]
>>Are you okay?
>>No hostile ghosts?
>>Those have been showing up apparently. We're okay over here though. Prim and I have our dad. Peeta...has salt.

No Lucy, Jerry or Meg!

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[Scream of rage and fear that echoes around several floors of the complex]

I'm going to kill him! Then I will resurrect him, and then I will kill him again!

Is it some sort of bizarre hero thing that makes them all utter dumbasses?! I don't like having people I care about, and I don't like it a hell of a lot more when they're being stupid and getting hurt!

added filter from evil, etc

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hes here

ETA: [Pete Lattimer]
Would you mind staying with me for a little while?

Filtered Against Evil

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So many ghosts that could have come to me. So many that died at my hand or my order and it brings me one I actually...missed.

Not that I suspect many of you will agree.

Filtered to Amy and Andrew

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Sounds like some of the ghosts are getting violent. If either of you have any trouble with your respective douche bags, just let me know. I've got a shotgun with rock salt shells you can borrow, and I'll do everything else I can to help you stop them harassing you.

no evil

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I apologize for my unacceptable behavior the previous night. It will not happen again. Hughes lectures can go on for hours

Filtered Against Evil

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I'm sorry to everyone that is unhappy with their ghost.

I didn't even remember my dad and he's here. Now I won't ever forget him It's nice. How long will this last?


Dad says he's with you too?

I forgot what he looked like....


Are you all right? Is your ghost good or bad?

Filtered to Katniss

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I heard you were looking for a job. Still true?

Filtered against Evil, Jerry, and Meg

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This question has been nagging me for days now. I was wondering, would it be possible to trap a ghost in a circle of salt? There's that whole wiping it away deal but my ghost is kind of stupid. I'm typing this as he glares at me right now. I'm willing to bet I could figure it out. I just want to make sure that

[Sam and Ruby]
If someone, say with super strength, were to carve a circle of salt into the ground and put a rug on top of it. Theoretically. How well do - never mind

On an added positive note the only thing better than free things are free things that are ringtones. Okay, this note was admittedly random, but ... ringtones.

Filtered against Evil Bitches

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Grandma bitches isn't that bad of a word
Dad doesn't care
I forgot how funny my grandma was. I missed her.

Makes me miss Grandma Mary too, though. And my mom


These ghosts aren't evil bitches right? I mean, there's no way my grandma could be evil?

Who do you have? And Jules? Jules is acting weird again.

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[Filtered to Eponine's Friends]

Something is wrong with Eponine. She claims to be ill but I only just saw her and she seemed fine. It could be these spirits that have come along, but just in case, perhaps a bit of extra support would be helpful.

[Filtered to Eponine]

Are you feeling any better? Is there anything I can bring you, maybe?

[Filtered to Belle]

Are you doing all right with such strange happenings going on?

Filtered to friends | away from Ruby.

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I might not be able to see him, but Ruby's got Azazel riding her and all he's been doing is lurking around Emily.

I don't know what these ghosts or visions or whatever the hell they are can do, but I'll be damned if I let him even try to touch my kid.

Filtered to Force users

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Do not worry, I am still here. I just felt it was best that you all didn't continue feeling my presence within the Force until this ghost problem is taken care of.

[OOC: AKA Mara's hidden her presence in the Force.]

filtered against evil

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Just so all of you know, I don't have a ghost, and I'm quite adept at defensive uses of the Force it's what your master tends to concentrate on when only a dozen people who want to assassinate you is a good week. While I might not be able to do anything about your ghost talking to you, I can certainly protect you from flying objects. If your ghost is getting hostile, please let me know and I can try to help.

That said I'm just one person. Is anyone else ghost-free or with a friendly ghost and feeling able to help others out?

filtered against evil

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No fucking way this shit is real.

Filtered to Maria

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Did you get a ghost too? ...because my Mom showed up. I don't even know what to say to her. How do I even begin to tell her what I did to Al?

Also, my C.O. is here. Not as a ghost. He's really here. And he's kind of driving me crazy. Any chance you'd be interested in a sparring match sometime soon?

harry and rose

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im not doing this again

Filtered against evil, Jerry, Meg, Katherine

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Seems that I have one of the good ghosts. Kyle Reese. Never thought I'd see him again.. sorta wish the Seal brought him living, but this is.. it's alright. I had seen him when I dream sometimes, or back when the doctors used drugs in that terrible hospital. Or shot and delirious

Kinda wish he could stay. He's happy with what I'm doing here, though, and we talk a lot about our son. And the future. Hmm, maybe he can give me a few pointers about my classes. Now there's an idea. Oh.. about that? I see we got some new people here. My name is Sarah Connor. I teach one of the classes in the complex, both group and privately. Could also meet others who live elsewhere at a convenient time if they want to learn too, or just meet me in the complex training room. I teach specialized weapons, knives, attack and defense, and a bit of unarmed combat moves and take downs (like military or survival style stuff).

Filtered against evil, Meg, Katherine, Jerry, and anyone under 16

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Alright, this is really pissing me off. My home should be protected against this sh Why can't it be Nanny Baylock or Mark? I'd want to see Mark. Even if he probably still hates me up there. I have salt, iron, and the other usual stuff. Had to dodge a few things when he popped up suddenly. Few things fall at me but I'm fine. Ha, missed! Try again, you motherf He does like to yell. So much. Please, call me abomination, or lawless one, demon child, spawn of Satan one more time, I never get tired of that crap at all Like.. a lot.

Look, Dad, just leave. I'll keep swinging an iron poker or shooting a rock salt gun until you stop. Honestly. He appears even when I'm out in public. And also shows me the knife in his coat.. I don't like that knife at all. I'd hoped to go on another ghost hunt, but.. no. It'd be distracting too much from the one's bones I should be burning. No doubt he'd tell the spirit about me or yell at me about profaning the grave with my evil by digging and roasting So can't wait til this is over. Ohh, but when it is? I suggest we have a party. Got a feeling we'd need one. We could even use my place as a venue.

Filtered to Marian

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Have you seen anyone?


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Magellan's Astrolabe was used to erase 24 hours, wasn't it? Specifically the 24 hour period in which the Warehouse was destroyed.
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