War Is Coming Communications.

August 31st, 2011

August 31st, 2011

Filtered against evil, minors and possibly anyone that might be offended by this post's contents

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Why does this place not have a brothel? Is there some law oppressing that free enterprise? I mean really. How are people supposed to get their kicks around here?

So, who's up for doing something fun? Because I'm itching for a night on the town.

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I often wonder how you all do it. How you all adapt to a world that's got to be so very foreign to you all. I'm proud to know each one of you.


Heard you made yourself known around here.

...I'd thought you were dead.


The family is getting bigger, nervous yet?



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You know eventually my brother is going to run out of whores, its not that large a city.

Give him another way to occupy his mind, Please?


So tell me bastard, how are you settling in to this brave new world.


How are you finding things?

filtered against evil doers and men.

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No I am better than this. I do not need to post such things and expose myself like

I apologize for how personal this question is, and I have tried my best to refrain from asking it period but...

Have any of you ever lost a child?

Or a husband?

What is it that they say here...I need someone to talk to. But my Sun and Stars...none of you can possibly understand that. Can you?

filtered against baddies.

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It's my birthday in 15 days. I would be turning 18. Do birthday's even work for vampires? Ugh, I hate this! I don't want to live forever! I want to grow up and get an amazing job, and get married and not have it end up like my parents and have kids and a white picket fence and...


So, if anyone needs a job the Apocalyptic Grill is hiring! And don't need to ask, I will pay really well.

Also, for those of us who have a "special diet," or whatever you want to call it...let me know what it is and unless you eat babies or something I'll stock it. Already got a deal with the blood bank for vampires the guy was so easy I didn't even need to compulse him.

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Bloody hell. I feel like all of this should be familiar. Have I been here before? Horrified the masses? No? Well, it feels a bit like home, don't it?

Buffy? Niblet? You slayer lot here too? Alright, where's the baddies then? Might as well get this show on the road.

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It took me awhile to figure out what's going on here. The computer definitely helped and reading about all of the other confused people.

So, hi. My name is Boone. I'm stuck here too.
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