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Sep. 30th, 2011


Love's Bliss Lies In Its Kiss

Title: Love's Bliss Lies In Its Kiss
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Pairing: Severus/Lily
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Warnings: Character death
Summary: Lily has one rule.
A/N: Written for the Severus Sighs Third Anniversary. Yay!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, nor do I profit from playing with other people's toys.

Love's Bliss Lies In Its Kiss )

Aug. 28th, 2011


Don't Say His Name by StarDuchess

Title: Don't Say His Name
Author: [info]starduchess
Pairings: Severus/Ginny, with yearning for Severus/Harry and Ginny/Harry
Rating: R
Word Count: 1140
Warnings: twisted sexual relationship
Summary: Ginny continues this connection with Snape during the awfulness of the war.
Notes: written for the Deathly Hallows Challenges 1 and 2. This is a direct sequel to Telanu's drabble, Don't Say My Name (find it HERE under "Drabbles"), written with her permission. I have tried to keep it in the same tone and sentence structure as hers.

Don't Say His Name )

Aug. 11th, 2011


Ablutions before Spunk by StarDuchess

Title: Ablutions before Spunk
Author: [info]starduchess with a little help from [info]severa_snape
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: R
Word Count: 168
Warnings: inclusion of pet peeves
Summary: Sev makes sure cleanliness comes before godliness.
Notes: written for [info]atypicalsnowman's Pet Peeves Challenge

ETA: For those of you not on the listserv, or were ignoring it last night, someone commented we should make a list of pet peeves in fandom writing, and Snow suggested putting them in a drabble or ficlet. Then, Severa came by, and to prevent her from going off on a rant, I enticed her with the promise of porn. Thus this little drabble was spewed forth born.


Sev guides Harry out of the bathroom ... )


Jul. 18th, 2011


The Accidental Voyeur

Title: The Accidental Voyeur
Pairings: Severus/Remus preslash I guess?
Rating: R/NC-17 for dirty thoughts and the fellation of a popsicle. It didn’t mind. ;) Originally written for the Fantasy Fest Drabble prompt on the Lupin_Snape lurve community, but it got away from me so I made it a series of drabbles ~100 words each.
Author: [info]azure_rosa
AN: Many thanks to [info]countesszero/[info]carolinelamb for being the BEST BETA EVER! All remaining mistakes are mine.
Summary: dd51. Remus doing wicked things with his tongue. Severus is unexpectedly turned on.

The Accidental Voyeur )

Jun. 15th, 2011


Date Me? If You Beg by AnneScriblerian

Title: If You Beg
Author: [info]scriblerian 
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: R
Word Count: ~475
Warnings: none
Summary: How badly do you want it?
A/N: Written for the Severus*Sighs* Dating Profile Challenge

If You Beg )

Apr. 30th, 2011


Art: Unlovely (R)

Title: Unlovely
Author: [info]akatnamedeaster
Pairing: Severus
Rating: R (nudity)
Warnings: None
A/N: Character belongs to JK Rowling, I just mess about with him in my spare time. Read more... )

Apr. 2nd, 2011


Birthday Surprises by StarDuchess

Title: Birthday Surprises
Author: [info]starduchess
Pairing: Severus/Fred/George
Rating: R
Word Count: 200
Warnings: twincest, threesome, rope bondage
Summary: Severus receives a mysterious package. It must be an April Fool's joke.

Birthday Surprises )


Mar. 4th, 2011


The Customer is Always Right

Title: The Customer is Always Right
Author: BertaS
Date Written: March, 2010
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: R
Word Count: 1164
Warnings: Slash – Sexual Situations – Post DH
Summary: Harry finds Severus after the war.
Disclaimer: The customer is always right except when they are wrong.

I dedicate this to all those with birthdays in February and March. Happy Birthday ya’all.

the Customer is Always Right )

Feb. 20th, 2011


Fic: Valentine Victims

Another late AVD fic - I did try to finish on time but Real Life is a b***h.

Title: Valentine Victims
Author: [info]inamac
Characters: Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy
Rating: R
Word Count: 900
Warnings: slightly dub con opening
Prompt: (sort of) Prompt 8 – Severus was going to get his Valentine, one way or another.
Summary: Visiting Malfoy Manor can be a dangerous undertaking...
Disclaimer: Anything you recognise belongs to JKR. Everything else – doesn't.
A/N: Sorry for the delay, and the abrupt ending - Thajks to the mods for allowing a late post (is it ever too late for smut)?

Valentine Victims )

Feb. 15th, 2011


The Gift

I meant to submit this to the Anti-Valentine's Day fest. I guess it crawled back into the scary place from whence it came for a while and I lost track of it. Just in case AVD seemed a bit too romantic to you, here's a horridly dark!fic to bring you right down.

Title: The Gift
Author: [info]annescriblerian
Pairing: Severus/Harry, Harry/Ginny
Rating: R
Word Count: 490
Warnings: Partner Betrayal, dark.
Summary: Sometimes our gifts are not taken in the way they were intended.
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me.
A/N: I seem to have combined two prompts: “Love philtres, chocolates, perfume ... Yes, for a potion master, there were many ways to exact revenge on Valentine's Day” and “Severus considered his Valentine's gift a work of art. It was a pity he was alone in this.” Betaed by [info]celta_diabolica, who deserves smooches for putting up with all my Snarry fics. This fic is dedicated to [info]roozetter. She knows why.

The Gift )

Feb. 7th, 2011


Making Music by StarDuchess

Title: Making Music
Author: [info]starduchess
Pairing: Severus/Remus/Sirius
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Warnings: threesome
Summary: Every time they come together, they create music.
Disclaimer: None of this is mine. Hear me sigh.
A/N: Written for National (anti?)Porn Day, although this came out more romantic than pornographic. This time I put [info]whitecotton in the fic. She shouldn't be hard to spot. ;)

Making Music )


Jan. 9th, 2011


Happy-ish Birthday, Severus :)

Title: I Gave, Now I’m Wanting
Author: [info]roozetter
Word Count: 1,354
Rating: R
Warnings: Umm… Chinese Water Torture. *scratches head* Yeah, I don’t know how that happened either.
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s Note: Written for [info]severus_sighs Kink!Night challenge. As always, love to my ol bff’s for their services as proofers - [info]faeryqueen, [info]dracosoftie. I ♥ you guys. Hard. Core.
Summary: Can you cry, just a little, for me?

I Gave, Now I’m Wanting )


Happy Birthday Severus!

Title: High heels and cigarettes
Artist: bielol
Ratings: R [nudity]
Summary: A slow morning with Severus favourite kink.
AN: A little drawble.
Art is here.

Dec. 29th, 2010


Sights and Sounds by StarDuchess

Title: Sights and Sounds
Author: [info]starduchess
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Warnings: blood, electrocution, dark!Harry
Summary: Harry always thought Severus would make an excellent holiday decoration.
Disclaimer: None of this is mine.
A/N: Written for LD7, off the prompts I gave her--"Snarry, holiday cheer, as dark or angsty as you want." While waiting for her reply, I decided to write my own. Mind those warnings!


Sights and Sounds )


Hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas season!

Dec. 23rd, 2010


Various drabbles, rated G to R

I was bored at work, so the wonderful ladies at Severus Sighs Yahoo Group came to my rescue by answering my plea for prompts. Thanks guys!

There are six drabbles under the cut, all 100 words (except one stubborn 105), varying in ratings and content, and each has its own header with warnings so you can pick and choose which to read. And now, I'll shut up so you can (hopefully) enjoy the drabbles.


Drabbles!! )

Dec. 18th, 2010


Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Title: Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Author: [info]fancypantsdylan
Rating: R
Pairings: Harry/Severus
Summary: see picture, you’ll get the gist of it then ;)
Word Count: 701
Warnings: frotting, kissing, abuse of bean-bag and hardwood floors
Beta: [info]katiebell_0408
Disclaimer: All characters are owned by JK Rowling, I just play with them. The author makes no profit with this work of fiction.
A/N: Written for the picture that [info]atypicalsnowman posted to the group [info]severus_sighs

Nov. 19th, 2010


Hell Hath No Fury

Title: Hell Hath No Fury
Author: [info]scriblerian 
Pairing: Severus/Dumbledore
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 447
Warning(s): BDSM, angst, dark.
Summary: Response to LD7's prompt on the Yahoo group feed: Snape/Dumbledore, something darkish as far as genre goes, and hmm... maybe bdsm, punishment, that sort of thing--but not non or dubcon--and the word of the day is "habit".
A/N: This comes from the ice-cold center of my heart, which I keep wrapped in red velvet in a windowless dungeon. Seriously.  There's also a dragon (but no dragon in the story). 
Disclaimer: None of these people belong to me. I wouldn't know what to do with them if they did.

Hell Hath No Fury )

Nov. 8th, 2010


Choices, Choices by Scriblerian

Title: Choices, Choices
Author: </a>[info]scriblerian
Pairing: Severus/Harry/Draco (eventually)
Rating: R
Word Count: 1105
Warnings: snarkiness, threesome
Summary: Severus feels a bit neglected.  This leads to several unusual proposals.
Beta: none. This plotbunny attacked suddenly
A/N: A response to The Lucius Big Bang, in which I participated and which I enjoyed thoroughly. Severus, however, was left out a bit. This is my response to this unaccountable neglect of our favorite.

Oct. 31st, 2010


A Just Reward

Title: A Just Reward
Author: K8BNimble
Pairing: Severus/Harry (implied)
Rating: R to be safe
Word Count: 693
Warnings: dark overtones, implied non-con to come, AU in that Harry is at least 18 in the final battle
Summary: Severus doesn’t need an 'Order of Merlin'. He just wants to pack his things and go home to Spinner's End.
A/N: A challenge response to: “Severus unpacked his valise, carefully removing his rather special...souvenir.”

A Just Reward )

Oct. 24th, 2010


Guarantees by lovetoseverus

Title: Guarantees
Author: lovetoseverus
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: R
Word Count: ~400
Warnings: None
Summary: Sometimes in life, there are guarantees.
A/N: I was inspired by the 10th year anniversary of my favorite boys, as well as needing to forcibly remove this bunny from my head. I apologize in advance for this. *grin* Beta'd by JFinley. Thanks, hon.

Guarantees )

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