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Feb. 14th, 2012


The Third Billy Goat by [info]bonfoi

Title: The Third Billy Goat
Author/Arist: [info]bonfoi
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Rating: PG13
Word Count:~ 3,900
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Severus gets to choose—or be chosen—under the watchful eyes of the Malfoys. Oh, happy day.
A/N: Walking the fine-line between soppy romance and smutty goodness for the [info]severus_sighs Anti-Valentine’s Day Mini-Fest 2012. Many, many thanks to brilliant [info]sighing_selkie for being both sounding board and beta. The title also comes from her suggestion. Think the fairy tale of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Any remaining mistakes are mine.

Snip, snap, snout. This tale's told out. )


The Lioness' Snare by [info]misse

Title: The Lioness’ Snare
Author/Arist: [info]miss_e
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG
Word Count: 824
Warnings: So vanilla it’s still in the bean!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Because nothing says 'Happy Valentine's Day' better than Minerva 'pussy-cat' McGonagall trying to set you up with every unattached member of staff, including non-humans and ghosts, in a crisis of guilty conscience and self-recrimination. (Or she's just drunk.)
A/N: Thanks to the fabulous Selkie [pets Selkie.] Oh, and it’s post-DH, or what should have been DH, or, you know, analogous to what would have been DH if she hadn’t killed Severus and forced Harry into a marriage of convenience as he mourned his secret One True Love for the rest of his days! Ahem. Snape is alive, and Harry is not in school.

The Lioness' Snare )


A Killer's Kiss by [info]knowmefirst

Title: A Killer's Kiss
Author/Arist: [info]knowmefirst
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Main character death, fluff (if you squint)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
A/N: This art was made for the prompt ( 3. Every time Severus kisses someone, they end up dead.) and when I saw it, I just couldn't resist and try. Credit for the tittle goes to my daughter :D

A Killer's Kiss )


A Red, Red rose by [info]torino10154

Title: A Red, Red Rose
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~1150
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: It's hard to know what to get the man in your life for Valentine's Day.
A/N: Thanks to [info]gryffindorj and [info]roozetter for the beta. I (barely) used prompt 8: Because nothing says 'Happy Valentine's Day' better than a bloody Malfoy smirking on your doorstep.

A Red, Red Rose )

Feb. 13th, 2012


Somebody That I Used To Know by [info]kayakaari

Title: Somebody That I Used To Know
Author: kayakaari
Pairing: Severus/Harry.
Rating: G
Word Count: ~1600 (not including song lyrics)
Warnings: I don’t know – none or angst, song-fic, established relationship.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Severus deals with the fall out after his relationship with Harry ends.
A/N: Thank you to my beta, Neymat and global time differences which meant that she was awake when I should have been asleep. I’ve chosen not to use some of her suggestions for stylistic reasons so if I confuse you, it’s not her fault! This ficlet is strongly based on the song Somebody that I used to know by Gotye featuring Kimbra.

Somebody That I Used To Know )


A Symbol of My Undying Affection by [info]misse

Title: A Symbol of My Undying Affection!
Author/Arist: [info]miss_e
Pairing: Severus/Remus, with mentions of Dumbledore/Grindelwald, Draco/Harry and Salazar/Godric
Rating: PG
Word Count: 665
Warnings: Try not to drink while reading.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: It was a work of art, utter genius, even.
A/N: With thanks to Neymat for a quick beta.

A Symbol of My undying Affection )


Hazardous Duty by [info]veridari

Title: Hazardous Duty
Artist: [info]veridari
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Cupid wishes he got combat pay. Hell, he wishes he just got paid...
A/N: Dedicated once again to the [info]severus_sighs mods [info]atypicalsnowman and [info]roozetter for all their hard work putting on these fun fests. *mucho hugs* Also hugs for my good bb's [info]lilyseyes and [info]suitesamba cuz you rock the cheerleader roles in my life. Also, a certain additional green character might make more sense if you've followed along with my entries in a *koff* previous fest. Just sayin'. ;)
Disclaimer: Not my characters. I just play nicer with them. And no real cherub was harmed in the making of this project. *g*

Hazardous Duty )


A Case of Sheer Cupidity by [info]gingertart50

Title: A Case of Sheer Cupidity
Author: [info]gingertart50
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2750
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Snape resists the best efforts of Minerva, the Hogwarts staff and Lucius Malfoy to pair him off, doesn't quite evade a Ding-Bat, ensures that he is never asked to make a romantic gesture again - for Merlin's sake, who wouldn't want a card with a Cupid on it? - feels his heart break, smashes a vial of precious memories and then creates a potion with no great expectations of kissing the man who has already ended up dead once. But charm and natural confidence might be over-rated anyway.
A/N: Prompts used: the lot. Yup, all of them. So sue me. Beta-ed by the incomparable lovetoseverus.

A Case Of Sheer Cupidity )

Feb. 1st, 2012


AVD Fest & Other Icons

To help ramp up the excitement that is Anti-Valentine's Day (as well as our forthcoming mini fest – can I hear a "WOO!" people?) I have created a bunch of new icons. Feel free to use any that tickle your fancy. The majority are Valentine's related, and there is a mix of both Snape and Snarry (sorry, I know there are lots of other pairings, but I'm predominantly a Snarry girl). There is also one "generic" icon that everyone in this Lounge should be able to appreciate. I wish I could take credit for the saying, but alas, the words are borrowed. Enjoy!

Jan. 30th, 2012


Announcing the Anti-Valentine's Day Mini-Fest!

Anti-Valentine’s Day 2012

Dear Friends,

Are you tired of the smell of roses? Is the smell of chocolate enough to make you gag? Do you feel nauseated by the sickly sweet declarations of love and lurid heart-shaped balloons? Then Severus Sighs has the antidote.

Anti-Valentine's Day Mini-Fest )

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