January 10th, 2012

[info]webmistresses in [info]severus_sighs

The House Elf's Tale by [info]gingertart50

Title: The House Elf’s Tale
Author: [info]gingertart50
Length: 1500 words
Warnings: none
Rating: G
Characters: Winky, McGonagall, Snape
Beta: lovetoseverus understands commas. I don't. She's great at spotting SPAG and plot-hole problems too. I owe her many virtual beta-treats.
A/N: The Wizarding World contains many underused resources, but none greater than the humble house elf. Or so Winky tells me.

The House Elf's Tale )

[info]webmistresses in [info]severus_sighs

Handy Spell by [info]phoenixcharm180

Title: Handy Spell
Artist: [info]phoenixcharm180
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Thank goodness for that…
A/N: Written for the “Reviving Severus *sighs*” fest for [info]severus_sighs Don’t own or claim rights to Harry Potter.

Handy spell )

[info]webmistresses in [info]severus_sighs

Not a Plane, Not a Train, But a ... Crane? A Deus Ex Machina Play by [info]demarafis

Title: Not a Plane, Not a Train, But a... Crane??? A Deus Ex Machina Play
Author: [info]demarafis
Pairing: Implied Harry/Snape. Implied Harry/Ginny.
Rating: Mostly PG-13, R for safety.
Word Count: ~4,000
Warnings: None.
Summary: Harry Potter really really really really (really!!!) wanted to make sure that Severus Snape wasn't dead.
A/N: Written for Reviving Severus *sighs* 2012. Beta'd by the lovely [info]sighing_selkie. Thanks for the challenge, mods <3 Once again, I don't own the characters, nor is any profit being made from this story. I just play in Rowling's sandbox =)

click here to read )

[info]webmistresses in [info]severus_sighs

Sweetest Dreams by [info]miss_e

Title: Sweetest Dreams
Author: [info]miss_e
Rating: PG-M (for language)
Pairing(s): None
Word Count: 1,369
Warnings: None
Summary: Well, there’s the Boat-shed, Voldemort, Nagini and Severus. What could go wrong?
A/N: With thanks to the brilliant [info]sighing_selkie, who is a great advertisement for betas. This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.

Sweetest Dreams )

November 2017



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