January 9th, 2012

[info]webmistresses in [info]severus_sighs

Happy Birthday, Severus! Time for a Revival!

To honor Severus' birthday we posted a little challenge to our group several weeks ago. Just a little bit of a thing, with a few suggestions and half-formed thoughts on the utter wrongness of people assuming Severus *sighs* has left us for the shiny boathouse—er, Shack in the sky.

*cue celestial music*

Since then, we've received wonderful fics and art that show exactly how not dead Severus is and how that pesky little epilogue got it wrong.

So everybody get comfortable and get ready to celebrate the awesomeness that is Severus Snape reviving!

[info]webmistresses in [info]severus_sighs

El Curandero by [info]hpstrangelove

Title: El Curandero
Author: [info]hpstrangelove
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: R
Word Count: 4100
Warnings: Violence, sex
Summary: El Curandero – witch doctor, magic man. He lives in the mountains, on the other side of the River. Only Señor Roa knows exactly where. In any of the towns in the Big Bend area, when someone gets sick, an offering is made at the closest church. Señor Roa will come and take a message to El Curandero. El Curandero always knows how serious the illness is. Sometimes he arrives within hours, sometimes not at all.
Beta: [info]winoniel and Sestra-Prior – thanks so much, ladies, for your feedback and support.
A/N: Written for the [info]severus_sighs 2012 Reviving Severus Challenge. I do not own or make any money from the characters or situations belonging, in all rights, to JK Rowling.

El Curandero )

[info]webmistresses in [info]severus_sighs

"Teeny Nagini" by [info]veridari

Title: Teeny Nagini
Artist: [info]veridari
Pairing: Severus/Harry, Nagini
Rating: G
Warnings: Could possibly trigger a bout of Ophidiophobia *fear of snakes* in those susceptible. (kidding, sort of)
Summary: It wasn't necessarily the first spell that Severus would have chosen...
A/N: This monstrosity art project started out as pure crack!art and then my muse gave it a definitive left turn into Snarry. This will probably come as no surprise to anyone who knows me well. *sigh* Dedicated to the [info]severus_sighs mods and good bb's, [info]atypicalsnowman and [info]roozetter. *hugs for you both* And before I forget - long live Severus! At least in OUR hands, anyway. ;)
Disclaimer: Not my characters. I just play nicer with them. And no real snakes were harmed in the making of this monstrosity art project.

Teeny Nagini )

[info]webmistresses in [info]severus_sighs

F-locked posts

Can't see BertaS' hot revival smulet? Be sure to join the group to view all NC-17 fic and art.

November 2017



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