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Posts Tagged: 'night+world:+raksha+keller'

May. 10th, 2022



Network Post: Mary-Lynette Carter

I realize that some of you may have gotten enough of space after this winter, but I haven't. So, anyone who is interested should come with me tomorrow for Vassar Observatory's Open Night.

[Mal Bertha + Charles Xavier]
Hi. I'm sorry if I'm overstepping. I just had a thought. The Physics and Astronomy Department also does group events and class visita are the Observatory, if either of you would like to set something up. I can talk to my advisor, and she can talk to the department head.

[Circle Daybreak]
I've been doing some research. A lot of research. I will clean up all the books, Ash, I promise. And it really looks like a lot of this - everything - that has been going on has roots in the original expansion and colonization (Shocking). I can find talk about plans plans for terraforming and development that were just - abandoned for the mining companies. I don't know what the costs and labor would be to resume that, but if anyone has the capability, I think SadTech would. With all the conflict going on over the outer system, it seems like one of the best ways to help them would be to increase their resources and improve the base they have to work from.

Before I draft a proposal for Dr. Simmons, does any of that make sense or does it just sound like an idealistic university student?

Apr. 30th, 2022



Network Post: Clint Barton

[Security + Volunteers]
All right, kids, we've got an event this weekend, and you know that means people sniffing around between now and Sunday, even if they don't have an invitation. Reporters, gawkers... I wouldn't put it past BNU to try to slip someone in with that crowd, so nobody gets in without authorization and everyone is being watched while they're here.

The compound people know what I mean. Everyone helping out, you've got experience. You're not stupid. You see anything strange, you call it in immediately.

Apr. 17th, 2022



Circle Daybreak

This is stupid.

Oct. 2nd, 2021




Hi, uhh, I'm Octavia. I was told that this was the best way to contact my brother and Lincoln my friends.

Aug. 24th, 2021



Network Post: Mary-Lynette Carter

I arrive in a world where there's actual travel to the outer solar system, and I'm not even allowed to go?! That is so unfair.

[Night World]
Is it just me, or is this Banina Nikovskaya Unlimited a little turn-of-the-century robber baron?

Aug. 1st, 2021



Network Post: Jacqueline Wildgrube

I am definitely looking forward to the cookout tonight, but in the meantime there are other ways to cool off.

Cut for image )

[Kara Danvers]
Can I talk with you?

I've been thinking about doing something.

Jul. 21st, 2021




So, this is the future. I suppose humanity could have done worse.

I'm Ash.

Jul. 6th, 2021



Network Post: Cullen Rutherford

I'll be running emergency drills every hour on the hour all day Wednesday, starting at 5am.

Depending on performance, there may be sundaes in the evening. I'm told it's the day for it.

[Thedosians + Friends*]
I'm getting very tired of megalomaniacs and their aspirations to godhood.

*Please assume.

Jun. 20th, 2021



Network Post: Raksha Keller

Will there be bonfires tonight? It's a good way to strengthen the protections for the compound.

Does anyone want to get milkshakes before the Solstice Celebration?

[Night World]
How is the job, Quinn?

May. 18th, 2021



Network Post: Leo Fitz

My first Ph.D. was in aerospace engineering. It was always amazing what we could do and where we could go with a little work. We've been able to accomplish major feats, both at home and here. It's easy to get wrapped up in the process but the whole reason the field began was people looking up and wanting to get from here to there. It's worth having an Astronomy Day to remember the reason we do things.

[Fitzsimmons Family]
There's stargazing in Central Park. The project is making progress. I think we could take time to go.