REVOLTIC :: every future needs a revolution


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Posts Tagged: '%D3%A0+-player:+steph'

Jul. 23rd, 2018



[OOC: Around four AM:] Going out to buy Oreos. Anyone want anything?

Jul. 22nd, 2018



Solona Amell & open;
RESEARCHING | Sadler Complex Parks | RATING | OPEN

Devil's on your shoulder- strangers in your head
As if you don't remember- As if you can forget .

Read more... )

Jul. 16th, 2018



I guess attending classes for medical training might be something to take advantage of here. Even with everything going on...

Jul. 11th, 2018



So, um, this being the future in all...

I'm not surprised you guys have amazing Espresso machines!

Jul. 10th, 2018



Um... what?



I don't think I signed up for this I don't think I ever I don't understand what a meme is.

Jul. 9th, 2018



Why do as if I should be considering this place "home sweet home" at this point?

Jul. 5th, 2018



Fireworks I could take or leave, but free whiskey? I'll take that forever.

Jun. 26th, 2018



Unless you want to get discouraged, 'how long does it take for a cat to adjust to you' is not a sentence you should put in a search engine.

Jun. 25th, 2018



[Takeshi Kovacs]
I'll contact you as soon as comms systems are within range again. Might be a few days. Take care of Cat.


I'll keep an eye on Rei.

ooc: backdated to not long after this announcement