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Posts Tagged: '%D3%A0+mcu:+steve+rogers'

Oct. 20th, 2019



Rumor has it there's going to be a vintage movie show in Central Park tomorrow night. I'm not sure what they're going to be playing, but I'm still looking forward to it.

Oct. 19th, 2019



Seriously. What the hell is with modern cars and computers. Why do they need them? They don't. They just break more easily. And, I don't have a fucking clue how to fix that, me and computer do not freaking mix.

Just give me a classic car any day of the week.

Oct. 18th, 2019



18 October | Alicia Spinnet

Someone told me yesterday was national pasta day.

In honour of it, a day late, I'm going to make loads of different kinds of pastas and anyone is welcome to come by for dinner tonight.

There will be wine too.

Oct. 13th, 2019



Network Post: Clint Barton

Worst thing about the rain is the way my bones ache. Anyone heading out to the museums today, don't get washed away.

[Floating Security: Allison Argent and Scott McCall]
Consider this week your birthday presents. I've got a trip coming up, so you need anything, let Steve know, all right?

Getting restless. Heading out of town for a bit. Be good, kids.

[Steve Rogers]
I gave the kids the week off, but if I'm not back before it's over, look in on them, maybe.

[Natasha Romanoff]

Sep. 23rd, 2019



You know, I think this is the longest I've been in one place since I was a kid. excluding hell, anyway. It's weird....but good. Sorta.

Sep. 2nd, 2019



Network Post: Cullen Rutherford

I am not convinced I'm using this right or that anyone will actually see this, but hello. I met a few people briefly the other night, but it's honestly a bit of a blur. I gather others seeing this were brought here by the same witchcraft as I was and that I am not experiencing some sort of fever dream.

Cullen Rutherford. It's, well, a pleasure.

Jul. 2nd, 2019




Maybe let's not do that again for awhile.

Everyone alright?

Jun. 16th, 2019




How much do we know about this woman we're helping? Besides that she has a podcaster death wish.


I'm gonna be gone from Londres for a few days. Out of comms range. Don't get in any fights down in Ochiwa while I'm gone. I'll be care[...]


Heading out on something important, won't have good or possibly any comms, if anything goes on - you or Mordecai can try and reach us, right?

Jun. 6th, 2019



Secure Message

[Mars Ground Combat (Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton) + Aranea]
Everyone here is trained and experienced in combat. Some of you can fly, as well, and if it comes to an emergency need for pilots, we'll be glad for that. For this fight, however, we're all Gropos.

There's a lot of Mars to cover. Bellamy, since you know Mariner's Valley as well as any of us, you and Clarke will be stationed there. Rogers, take Barton and meet up with the group in Ochiwa. We've been working with them for a few months. There shouldn't be an issue, but I'll send credentials.

I'll be here in Londres, but if you need back up, call for it. We'll get it to you one way or another.

Jun. 2nd, 2019



Network Post: Clint Barton

OOC: Post-alert & canon bump post. Potential Endgame spoilers in comments.

Just what I needed when I already had a headache. "Unfortunate timing."

[Wanda Maximoff]
I'll fix the table. And the wall.

[Julia Wicker]
How many drinks to skip the 'I told you so'?


[Steve Rogers]
How much did you know?