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Posts Tagged: 'night+world:+raksha+keller'

May. 11th, 2021



refugees + / jill mastrano dragomir

I've been here for almost four months now. I'm not sure if it feels like longer or like less time. So much has happened! But I feel like I've settled in pretty well by now and while I really enjoy my job helping the board, I've decided that I'd also like to get back into fashion design.

I'm not going to quit my day job or anything, but I am ready to take some commissions if anyone has anything they'd like made for them, from practical to fancy.

May. 2nd, 2021



Network Post: Eddie Castile

So who's going to the Paranormal Festival tomorrow? It's going to be something special.

[Jill + Sarah]
Maybe Family outing?

Apr. 8th, 2021




I figured I should give you all warning, that if you see two leopards running through the woods, instead of the usual one, the second one is me.

[Keller + Quinn]
Speaking of, hunting?

Mar. 29th, 2021



Backdated to the 28th

Today is Respect Your Cat day.

Which seems like a fairly sensible day all round, if you ask me.

It also sounds like an excellent day for more shapeshifter training?

Feb. 16th, 2021




I am definitely enjoying these new housing arrangements.

[Filtered to Friends of both Adrian and Sydney]
SHE SAID YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb. 13th, 2021




I’ve always been a lot more partial to Galentine’s Day than Valentines and since my best mates aren’t here for our traditional celebration, I’m suggesting we just have a big girls’ night tonight! We can invade the lounge or go get a bite or both or there’s always movie night or karaoke, but I would love it if you’d all come out with me tonight!

Feb. 7th, 2021



[Texts to Medical]
>> Prep for a medical emergency
>> Neria's been hurt
>> There's a lot of blood

[Texts to Thedosians]
>> Cullen, you're going to have a mabari incoming.
>> You're both going to want to meet us in Medical.
>> Neria's hurt.

[Texts to Security + Intel]
>> Someone just attacked Neria just outside the barrier at [LOCATION].
>> Someone might want to go check it out.

Feb. 4th, 2021



mid-morning february 5th

[OOC: this is after the meeting called in Thea's post, potentially before the news alert or just after.]

If you pay any attention at all to the news, you know there's some shit going down. I'm not going to lock down the compound yet, but I'm asking that you all be fucking careful. Don't go out along, pay very close attention to your surroundings at all times. Self defense lessons wouldn't go amiss for those of you who aren't badasses already, whether you get someone you feel comfortable with to teach you or you ask me or Shepard or Diego to teach you some moves.

Use the buddy system no matter what, guys. No one is completely invincible. If you're planning to venture out alone – fucking don't. Ask security for an escort if you don't want to take a friend.

I'm doubling patrols, effective immediately. You should have your new schedules in the next five minutes.

Ed Ed
Might be busy for a few days. Don't worry. I'm not going to get myself arrested or anything because we aren't getting caught.

Jan. 24th, 2021



refugees+ | jill mastrano dragomir

This is definitely not Atlantis anymore.

Caitlin told me there were a lot more of us here, so sound off, please!

Jan. 17th, 2021



WHO Rashel Jordan & Raksha Keller• WHERE Central Park • WHEN 20th April 2372
Keller's answering smirk did nothing to lessen their similarity of appearance. WARNINGS None
"They don't need to know." Read more... )