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Posts Tagged: '%21:+major+plot'

Aug. 21st, 2020



Backdated to Sunday / Monday

16th/17th August
With appeareances from Alistair Theirin (not-played) and Cullen Rutherford (played)
"A dream is a wish your heart makes"
Dream!Thedas | PG-13
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Aug. 4th, 2020



Network Post: Cullen Rutherford

Have we rooted them out? Has the culprit been identified?

[Ellana Lavellan]
I haven't been so tempted since

How are the dogs?

[Neria Surana]
Am I awake this

CW: Potential discussion of addiction in comments.

Aug. 2nd, 2020



[Comms: All Magic Users]
📟If you have any experience entering someone's dreams, I need you to come into the office.
📟Otherwise, please check and double check the barriers.
📟I need all hands on deck.

[Texts: Anders]
📱How much lyrium do you have?



Network Post: Edmund Pevensie

I imagine last night took its toll on a number of people. Due to the suggestion of magic about, we want to verify that everyone is well and in need of nothing. Just a quick check with your roommates would be helpful.

[Lucy Pevensie]
I know Caitlin needs the help, but only go in if you're up to it.

After this is sorted out, we should talk.



Texts: Bodhi Rook

[Transportation + Mechanics]
>>>>!Urgent Alert I need anyone capable of driving.
>>We have several people down who need to be moved to Medical.
>>If you're not up to handling a vehicle this morning, don't try.

Aug. 1st, 2020




Villains :: Maleficent (Descendants)
There was a stillness in the woods as a lone woman walked through it, unbothered by the uneven ground - but with a scowl on her face that was decidedly bothered by something else.

That brat had made it impossible for her to succeed at her mission, not that she really gave a damn about whatever it was these weird people wanted but working with Jadis had been exhilarating. It had reminded her of the good ol’ days and well…

Maleficent was missing those days quite a bit.

With a low, quiet cackle she stood at the edge of the barrier. Raising both hands up, she tilted her staff towards the compound and with a grin muttered a few choices words under her breath. “Lets see how you deal with a little touch of fear.” She cackled to herself and slowly disappeared into a veil of mist.

  • You can sign-up [ H E R E ] for weeks 2 (memory loss), 3 (wish/desire simulation), and 4 (power loss). Fear Simulation sign-ups are closed, however, you can decide to not have someone participate. Please just comment to this post.
  • FEAR PLOT PARTICIPANTS :: Josh Summers, Cullen Rutherford, Leo Fitz, Sydney Sage, Jacen Solo, Jim Kirk, Jaina Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Buffy Summers, Alexandra Udinov, Richard Gecko.
  • Any questions can be asked in this post
  • Jul. 23rd, 2020



    early morning.thursday.july 23rd.2372

    "determination, purpose, and faith"
    Read more... )

    Jul. 12th, 2020



    Villains :: Jadis, the White Witch
    As of now everyone who attempts to enter or leave the compound will be made into a statue.
    Please Keep In Mind The Following

  • You can sign-up here if you have additional characters who become statues, this includes a waiver of 1 AC for that character.
  • Sign-ups for additional people stuck outside of the compound are in the same place, this is not on a rolling basis if they are stuck outside, they are stuck outside until the 25th and everyone who lives at the Compound who is stuck outside will be housed in the renovated Sadler Towers that have gone unused.
  • The first week people will just be turning into statues and generally freaking out and trying to figure out what's going on.
  • Next Saturday and Sunday a few things will transpire inside the compound that begins giving away who is trapping them inside.
  • Please do not have your character magically know today that its obviously Jadis. There will be a. very obvious tell next weekend.
  • There is a basic run down of the plot here without a few things that will be thrown at characters to keep some surprise and fun in the plot. Though you may be able to guess what it is lol.
  • Any questions can be asked in this post ♥
  • Mar. 22nd, 2020



    Log: Jaina Solo, Marcus Cole and Helmut Zemo

    Early February
    Jaina Solo + Marcus Cole + NPC!Helmut Zemo
    "It is irony seeing you here"
    Mars | PG-13
    Read more... )

    Mar. 12th, 2020




    📲 hey
    📲 how’s Peter doing? how are YOU?
    📲 do you need anything? Like, I could bring food or games or company?
    📲 or not. I mean, I’m sure you guys want some family time.
    📲 but I’m here, okay? If you need anything.