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Posts Tagged: '%D3%A0+the+vampire+diaries:+davina+claire'

Apr. 11th, 2021



Network Post: Jacqueline Wildegrub

[After the emergency meeting]

[Ezra Wilde]
How bad is this going to be?

[Younger+ Not in Medical]
I'm drinking tonight. Who's in?

Mar. 10th, 2021




Well, I guess it's time I accept we're stuck here for the foreseeable future.

[Magic Department / Users]
I normally pass my expertise on via Davina. But, I suppose I may as well offer it to you directly.

I have studied the different types of magic in my world for over a millenia. Even though I can no longer use it, I know a lot about how it works, and how to make dark objects to allow it to work for those who cannot use magic directly. I believe some of your magic is similar enough to ours, that you may be able to use some of what I know.

Feb. 13th, 2021




I’ve always been a lot more partial to Galentine’s Day than Valentines and since my best mates aren’t here for our traditional celebration, I’m suggesting we just have a big girls’ night tonight! We can invade the lounge or go get a bite or both or there’s always movie night or karaoke, but I would love it if you’d all come out with me tonight!

Feb. 5th, 2021



Filtered to Magic Users

I want to do regular checks of the warding, and strengthening it in anyway we can think of.

Obviously, anyone not in my department isn't obligated to help, but we could do with all the help we can get, to make sure we keep our community safe.

Feb. 4th, 2021




Has anyone seen Hope today?

Jan. 26th, 2021




(backdated to... say the 24th or 25th)

Despite any exaggerated claims to the contrary, I'm fine.

Jan. 24th, 2021



Text + Network Post: Eddie Castile

[OOC: Very late/early.]

[Text: Mason + Rose + Allison]
>>Are any of you up for patrolling?
>>Since we're some of the few actually in one piece.

[OOC: At a more reasonable hour on Monday.]

[Net: Refugees+]
Taco night doesn't really have to wait until Tuesday, does it?

Jan. 23rd, 2021



Voice-to-Text Post: Dash Parr

At least I'll probably have a cool scar.

[Dad and Charles and Lorna]
In my defense, it's not my fault asteroids are wonky. When I was abducted by aliens in Atlantis, at least they had normal gravity.

[Asteroid teams]
Thanks, Bellamy, Jaina.

[Jacen + Mal]
So how about them Yankees? Actually, neither of you would get that and I'm pretty sure the Yankees don't exist anymore.

Jan. 18th, 2021




It's that time again! Hopefully you all got a taste of the joy of speeder's over the weekend and have a craving for more.

Sunday, we will be holding our third race. So, come see if you can beat us at or own game (Again, since you all apparently are better at Sabaac than all of us).

Let me know below if you'll be coming, so I can sort out the races.

How do you feel about getting off this rock for a while?

Jan. 14th, 2021



Magic Department + Other Magic Users

I'd like to have a meeting this afternoon to meet our newer people, and catch up on our current projects.

For those that don't know me. I'm Neria Surana, Head of the Magic Department. We have a number of projects on going, some of which affect some of us personally.

I know not all of you work in my department. But, this meeting will give you an opportunity to know what we are doing, and whether you'd like to be involved in helping out. We have so many different types of magic here, it is always useful to have other people's perspectives.