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Posts Tagged: 'night+world:+raksha+keller'

Dec. 5th, 2020



Refugees+ | Rose Hathaway

Alright, losers, I'm booking us some space at Belleayre for the weekend of the 11th, but I'm going to need a headcount of who's interested in going so I can work things out with transport and know how many rooms to get us. If you weren't paying attention before, Belleayre is a sky resort, so obviously the main thing we'll be doing is skiing, but there will be chances for other kinds of fun and you can definitely, like, chill in front of the fire with some hot chocolate if that's more your thing.

Anyway, who's in? Let me know by Monday so I can get the reservation made and shit.

Nov. 27th, 2020



Network Post: Raksha Keller

After the speeder races Sunday, just remember that it's the full moon, and it gets dark early. For anyone interested, this is the Beaver Moon, as well as the Mourning Moon this year.

ETA: If you don't come from a world with weres or magic, the full moon is the time when some werewolves and Shifters either transform or have the least control. Compound Security gets an update about plans, but it's safer to stay indoors.

[Mason Ashford]
Happy birthday.

Nov. 23rd, 2020



[text] hope mikaelson

This time of year is always a little rough on me. Reminds me of all I've lost.

Nov. 18th, 2020



You've got to be freaking kidding me

I'm not sure how I pictured my future, but this definitely wasn't it. I guess I've been stuck in worse places, at least.

Nov. 2nd, 2020



It's a strange feeling to leave a place without realizing it, only to be woken back up and find you've been gone for months. Disorienting, to say the least, but I am very glad to be back here with all of you.

For those of you who've arrived in my absence, hello. My name is Clarke.

Lexa, Bellamy, Raven
It looks like I'm back just in time for bonfire night. We're going, aren't we?

Oct. 29th, 2020



I think Halloween is my new favourite holiday. It's also a full moon on Halloween. Hope this place doesn't decide to get weird again.

Oct. 22nd, 2020



Network Post: Raksha Keller

Is it really a Throwback, when all of our histories are different? I don't think our Stone Age was anything like the one here, and something like disco never happened for a lot of people.

Do you do anything for Halloween, at all? Did any hunters you know?

Oct. 17th, 2020



Network Post: Jacqueline Wildegrub

It is halfway through October and I don't have a Halloween costume yet. I have definitely fallen down on the job. Someone give me ideas. Or just tell me what you're considering, so I can rule it out.

Group costumes are on the table. I have pictures from last year.

Sep. 26th, 2020



Network Post: Clint Barton

Best way to energize before a race. This is my kind of holiday. I'll see you all on the track.

[Senior Security]
Think we've got all our holes patched at the Compound, but I'd hate to speak too soon. Any suggestions while it's still relatively quiet. I'm all for booby traps, but one of the kids might trigger one by accident, knowing them.

We're looking to add something extra to the perimeter, so you kids put your heads together, and see what kind of traps you can come up with. Magic is good, but it isn't foolproof, so let's hit all angles. Recruit your friends for ideas, if you want.

Aug. 24th, 2020



As nice as everyone here is, I would rather go home. Why can't go home?