REVOLTIC :: every future needs a revolution


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May 2nd, 2021



[net] cassidy summers

It's Beer Pong Day, which seems like an excellent excuse to just take over the lounge and have a little peer pong tournament Y/Y/M?



Network Post: Eddie Castile

So who's going to the Paranormal Festival tomorrow? It's going to be something special.

[Jill + Sarah]
Maybe Family outing?



[net] sam winchester

As birthdays go, this one has been pretty good. It's really nice to have so much family around.

Winchesters, Pevensies + Current/Future Partners
I know this is short notice, but I'd love to have dinner with all of you tonight, if you don't already have others plans.



log: clexa proposal :)

Lexa & Clarke
February 12th | A Proposal
Ai hod yu in.
PG | references to That 100 Life +
maybe some cuteness overload

Read more... )



Texts: Mordecai Roberts

[OOC: After Sam's birthday dinner]

[Adrian Ivashkov]
>>Can I trouble you for help one day soon?
>>I need an artist's eye.

[Lillian Roberts]
>>How are you healing?

[Thea Queen]
>>The bruise is practically gone.

[Rose Hathaway]
>>Quite the charming family gathering!

>>The multiverse has quite the sense of irony.
>>I understand you're more experienced than most of us.
>>I don't suppose you've advice to share?

[Sam Winchester]
>>Have you avoided threat of death, yet?