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June 28th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Gawain]

Gawain, you have been quiet. No letters, no visits, is everything alright?

[Filter: Public]

I awoke this morning so nauseous and went back to bed- it is not certain yet, but perhaps... I can wait.

Summer never reaches Iriy, the wind still has a sharp bite to it.

[No Subject]

I've come to the decision that I need to learn to defend myself. I do know how to shoot but if I was in trouble and there was no gun or someone to aide me, I would be in great danger. So, that goes on the ever growing list of things I wish to accomplish.

[Private to Charon]
I'm sorry.
You will be...
She's better for you

I think a change of occupation is in order. Here I am a young stranger. I don't blame pregnant women for having a hard time trusting me.



the seventh ☣


Once upon a time, there was a man who had a farm. He had many animals, but he mostly had sheep. He sold the sheep's fleece for money to keep his farm and his family going. He had two sons. Both of them loved the lambs, and played with them during the day. His wife didn't go out very much. She was very ill.

cut for the rest of the story, but be assured, she wrote it all )


eleven. ♚

[filter; helen]
I've been meaning to come up to Babylon, but the timing may not be right. But soon.




It seems things are looking good on the eventual travel front. Reed is looking forward to visiting Camelot and his favorite 'uncle' almost as much as I am. The only snag we've run into so far is that he wants to bring Mini Mew, and I'm not sure how well the kitten will behave during the trip. I suppose there's only one way to find out since he's decided he's not going without his best friend.

I'd say I have no idea where my boy gets his stubbornness from, but that would be a lie and I've been trying to teach him the joys of honesty. I think he's a little too honest, though. It's made for some funny moments, like when he asked our overweight neighbor when her baby was due, which had her turning a few impressive shades of red. I had to apologize while trying not to laugh, which is harder than it sounds.

[Filter: Family]
If it works for everyone, I think we should try and leave for Camelot by mid-July.

[Filter: Apollo]
Will you be coming to Camelot with us?




[Early in the morning, she had wriggled out of bed and had gone into the kitchen to make herself tea. The sun had barely been peeking up, the air outside tinted with the mild chill of the night still. And in this way, when all the world around her was starting to stir or contemplate sleeping in longer, she wished herself a happy twenty-ninth birthday.]

Should my household require anything, ask before I leave for a few hours. ♥ I promise to be home for a lunch. I need to go soak up some sun and buy a few things.

Also, when watering the plants, please remember to check for cats and sleeping!




I ended up smashing my wristwatch during quite a fantastic moment of my trying to catch my balance. Even ended up on my rear at the bottom of the steps. Don't worry, Marshal, it's not old age but rather being human. ♥ But I had a laugh out of it even if I'm still a tad sore.

[Filter: Private]

These days, I half-wish I had a good reason to go to Babylon. At least then, I wouldn't look like I'm just there to listen to a woman perform the loveliest of songs. I'm almost sure this makes me hopeless. ...Tristan, you're thirty-eight. This definitely makes you hopeless.




Just before she married, Freyja ceased to toy around with her twin. She didn't necessarily cradle the vows to her bosom as if they were sacred. She had on more than one occasion fooled with a married individual. But there had also been one more than one occasion where she saw someone who didn't deserve to be put in such a position. Yes, of course the other party were responsible for their actions but she didn't have to go and throw unnecessary temptation in anyone's path. She knew she had a way about her that made even strong men crack.

And Aeneas didn't deserve a wife whose eye roamed even while he was in the room. Her twin was lovingly set aside, nudged to go marry and have children of his own. And she found her happiness with her soldier husband. The children, of course, were a pure delight. The results of a good, loving marriage.

So when a patient smiled at her in a way she could read was more than just friendliness, she smiled back, all teeth and promise of pain should his hand wander when she was near. Loyalty meant something to her, even if she was the one to decide when it should begin or break.