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Posts Tagged: 'hebe'

Oct. 25th, 2012



the thirty-first ♥

[ filter; family (zurvan included), hyacinth & raven ]
help help help

i don't want to be here

Oct. 19th, 2012



the thirtieth ♥

[ filter; sisters + brie ]
I never really admitted this, but I... probably should now? I have a boyfriend now, and his name is Corbin. He's really R Well, that's not important Artemis, you've already met him. I really love like love

I'm in love with him, but I'm afraid I won't be a good girlfriend.

How do I be a good girlfriend? Being a wife is different

Oct. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

Mine and Apollo's fairies ruined all of the electronics in the apartment. It put my cellphone in the garbage disposal and turned it on the first day it appeared. They started fires with our mail pile and paperwork, had food fights. Snapped the wires on Apollo's guitars -- I think he actually cried. Every time I tried to sleep mine would pull at my eyelids and kick my nose. I have tiny bruises! The only time I did actually get a full night of rest, I woke up with a chunk of facial hair missing and marker on my face.

It was like having a miniature War following me around constantly

It was a strange and invasive experience I'd like to never have again. But it certainly is good to have an open line of communication again so; Hello.

Oct. 8th, 2012




I can't believe that there's only 23 days left until Halloween, and I haven't even decided on a costume yet. I was thinking I could use my outfit from when I danced in Newsies but I doubt people would recognize what I'm supposed to be. That, and unless I get invited to a party or something I don't really have any reason to dress up other than it's fun.

Is anyone doing something fun for Halloween that I could wrangle an invite to?
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Oct. 6th, 2012



the twenty-ninth ♥


One of my professors is from Hungary, and today I spoke with him in Hungarian for the first time. I haven't had a chance to speak with him since school started, but today we actually spoke, and he guessed my name right. I guess it's hard when there are so many students.

What is everyone going to be for Halloween? Brother, are we still doing a party?

Oct. 4th, 2012




[Filter: Siblings + Hecate * other Underworldlings]

Sudden vacation with a new friend to Turkey! I'll be leaving early next week and I'll be back in a month's time. It'll be colder and horrible when I get back but I think I'll tolerate it better when I have some nice memories to keep me perky during the more bleak moments.

Be good! ♥

[Filter: Rosier]

♥♥ Please visit my apartment once a day to check on my plants. And do you want anything from Turkey?

[Filter: Private]

PLEASE DO NOT LET ANYTHING GO HORRIBLY WRONG. I need this. Give me this if you're going to make me suffer another cold, horrible winter away from

Just let me have this.

Sep. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

[ filter; siblings ]

The guy I was married to in Zurvan? He's here. And he's a neighbor. I might be containing myself not to shoot him every time I leave for practice.

Which is totally normal. And ilegal.

Sep. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

We're good, right? You and me? Are you alright?

I hate this time of year. I can't stand being cold. Anyway, at least it's busy for me. After a fairly sizable dry spell job wise, I've got quite a few coming up. My old man's work is throwing a fancy fundraiser and he actually seems to have decided that me being a musician isn't bad and got me hired. C'mon, god of music and medicine. Wish I could have swung towards medicine this time. Thrown the old guy a bone Masquerade themed. Gotta get a mask and a date

GABRIEL, I think we should throw a Halloween party. A Halloween extravaganza. A Halloween hoopla. I just really love Halloween guys. I don't know why. It just speaks to me. Plus the music is great and a blast to play. Much more fun than Christmas. So much easier to pretend to not be massively confused when you've got things to think about

Sep. 22nd, 2012



the twenty-eighth ♥

[ filter; raven ]
My parents told me we might go somewhere nice and warm for winter break. I don't know where yet, though, but... Do you Will I

Do you want to come? With us?

[ filter; hyacinth ]
Hey. ♥ How is school going?

Sep. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

I named this frog Pierre. Enough people at the greenhouse asked me what his name was. That was apparently the only name I could think of. Now I have Pierre the frog. It's annoying that I still miss those boys. They'll never be here It's more annoying that I can't get any fudging sleep, but that's another matter altogether.

Other than that, I'm debating a vacation considering I nearly fell asleep in the geraniums the other day. Apparently I was at work the whole time we were gone anyway, so I might as well. Maybe I can actually focus on what everything means then

[Filter: Private]
I don't like feeling like this. The fall and winter are never my best months, but this is just overkill. I think my body's losing it...or maybe my mind. I can't be sure. I know he said to let it come, but what if I don't want to know? I'm just going to try to get some sleep again.

Sep. 12th, 2012


.o n e. ➵

[ He's all smiles when the feed turns on, and maybe a little too hopeful for his own good. ]

When did school get so goddamn boring? I've never been in a place with so many people eager to learn. Take me back to high school please. Or better yet, why don't all of you fine people give me the dirt on this place?

Who loves who, who doesn't love who. Affairs, orgies, virgins, whatever it is, I want to hear it. Just please don't tell me about your vacation homes or pets, unless it has to do with sex. Pretty sure if the latter comes out of anyone I'm going to have to single you out as Zeus. And what haven't we been through together?

I'm itching to get some sparks flying already, so if it makes you feel more comfortable reply anonymously or send me a private message. You can definitely trust me with your secrets, and know, that I know what I'm talking about. [ Yeah right. ]

I think there will be a fair few of you convinced you need my help when you figure out who I am. You can call me Reese, or Eros, if you insist. Hell I'll take Cupid, even if the name brings to mind images of fat kids flying butt naked with wings obviously not designed to support that kind of body weight.



fourteenth flap~

It's a little awkward going from someplace where I had a job, a girlfriend, family, and a future in place to coming back and realizing that other than the family and girlfriend I've got nothing. I need to find a job, something steady, so that I can afford to live and take my girlfriend out on dates and things. I need to start thinking about my future, and putting things in place so I can have one.

I guess what I'm saying is I need to grow up. First things first, is anyone hiring? I've got a unique skill-set that I'd love to put to use.
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the twenty-seventh ♥

[ filter; hyacinth and raven ]
Do either of you oppose seeing a movie this weekend? I don't really know what's playing.

[ filter; siblings ]
Can we do something sometime? Maybe dinner? Not all of us at once, because that would be a lot, but some of us?

Sep. 4th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Hyacinth didn't want to keep thinking about Zurvan. He still loved Percival and Raven as siblings even if they weren't really siblings. That hardly mattered. It wasn't that that was bothering him, though. Still, entirely disclosing the details could have a way he didn't want it to. And the realization that he was working for him again? Well...that wasn't exactly comforting.]

Apparently I got a job in my absence.

[Filter: Hebe]
So I was thinking...that...we need to go get ice cream and maybe I could use a hug.

How are you? How's school stuff?

Aug. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

[Filter; Siblings]
How are all of you?

[Filter; Artemis]
Where are you?

[Filter; Gabriel]
You had a kid with my wife. YOU. Also, Troilus is supposed to hate me. We are not supposed to be brothers and I am not supposed to be worried about the fact that I haven't heard from him but I am.

Knowing doesn't make anything easier or less terrifying. I don't want to wake up back home and miss a kid that wasn't mine and women who never loved me

Aug. 27th, 2012



the twenty-sixth ♥

[ filter; siblings ]
You're all here, right?

[ filter; raven ]
My feelings haven't changed. I still love you, Raven.

[ filter; hyacinth ]
Thanks for everything. I hope we weren't much trouble.

[ filter; hera and zeus* ]
Are you here, too?

[ ooc: aware they are not in game~ ]

Aug. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

[There was a quiet unease settling over her, something telling her that something was missing, but she couldn't have said what it was. Nothing seemed amiss. Her boys were there. Perhaps it was just that she was more aware of Hebe being gone. Yes, maybe that was it, but she couldn't have said for sure. Maybe it was the loss of two people she'd treated like her own children even if they weren't. She was too young to really be their mother. Frowning, she'd dressed the boys and taken them for a walk in the fields, avoiding anywhere where frogs could be lurking. She wasn't going to have any frogs in the house again.

She smiled as they ran off around the yard in front of her, but there was still something not quite right and she didn't like that she was nearly forcing her smiles. All the same, the boys seemed none the wiser. That would have to be enough.]

Thank heavens for easily amused children. Oh, dear. They've gotten the sticks again Until they start trying to sword fight each other. Which only turns into beating the ground with sticks in the end. At least I don't think I'll end up with frogs in the house again.

Aug. 23rd, 2012




[Filter: Zurvan family + Raven]

Not saying I like what the kids did but going to try to be more sane for a moment. So. What do we do now?

Oh. For the record, being related to Aphrodite is up there on my list of top ten 'DO NOT WANT EVER AGAIN'. Sorry, Aeneas. Just getting that out of the way.

[Filter: Hermione]


[Filter: Helen]

Know who you are by now?

Aug. 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Hebe]
You may ignore this and if you do, then...well, I cannot stop you. Your father and I would like to know you are okay.

Though, you should tell Raven to hide. Your father may try something- Were we really- I don't think I was- I wasn't trying to- Please be careful. I wish you would come home. I wish you would have stayed. We wouldn't have kept you from--


[Filter: Private]
This is what I get for helping them escape. I couldn't help it, though. They just--

Fuck. This doesn't make sense.

Aug. 2nd, 2012



the twenty-fifth ♥


[Every penstroke of the letter pained her physically. Somehow, Hebe held in tears for as long as possible, but a few tears escaped toward the end, splattering on the paper. Pondering if it was best to burn it and rewrite it, she worried her lip to the point that it bled. She felt like the worst person in the world, just the worst. Was someone's love really worth abandoning her family, if only for a little while, to be happy?

You're so selfish she chided herself angrily, pausing with the letter before a lit candle. But rather than burning it, Hebe set to folding it up in a nice envelope. The letter would find itself on the kitchen table later on, but before venturing downstairs, she snuck as quietly as possible into her brother's room to kiss them goodbye. Neither stirred, thankfully, and so on quiet feet, she left. With the kitten stowed away in her handbag, she bid her house farewell and disappeared into the night for Raven's house.

The letter reads as follows: )

[ filter; menelaus & demeter ]
I'm so so so so sorry

[ filter; raven ]
I'll be there in fifteen minutes.

[ filter; hyacinth ]

I'm making a horrible mistake, but I need you to tell me it'll be okay.

Jul. 18th, 2012



thirteenth flap~

I hate not knowing how to deal with things I can't control. At least with my vocation I have some control over shaping the metal into an item, but life doesn't work like that.

If it did, I'd be using my hammer to make it be whatever I wanted.

[filter; hebe]
My brother, Percival, is going off to war, and I don't know what to do.

Jul. 6th, 2012



[No Subject]

[He was tired. Honestly and truly tired. He'd managed to get around a cold without much trouble, something he was glad for. He hadn't wanted to deal with it. It had taken some vitamin C and get a little more sleep. It had meant pushing aside things that he wanted to do to get that sleep, but it wasn't worth the cold that would hit him.

He was going to take a weekend to see Eve and relax. Hopefully he wouldn't make a terrible impression. He'd get her something. A present. That should do well.]

[Filter: Eve]
This weekend. I'd like to visit if it wouldn't be a problem. I would've come earlier, but I was a little under the weather and I didn't want to get anyone sick. Probably for Saturday.

[Filter: Hebe]
How are you? Has that brother of mine been behaving himself? Did you get the kitten?

[Filter: Public]
Today's been a good day, actually. Now that I'm not partly sick I got enough sleep and lunch was good and it was nice out. I stubbed my toe, but I'm okay with that. It didn't really hurt that much anyway. Okay, so it fucking hurt, but...I'm being optimistic...or something. At least not for very long.

Jul. 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

[It was better not to think about it too much. The Ryugunese ruler had bothered her. How you could so easily dispense of someone you were meant to love was beyond her. She understood the implications of what she'd done quite clearly, accepted them even. She didn't know exactly what would happen should it be discovered she played a part in their escape, but she had a feeling that she would not be in a good place.

It was a struggle at times to remain quiet on the matter when it came to Menelaus. She didn't want him to worry but she also didn't want him to be surprised suddenly. Of course, should he know, then they might count him as having taken part as well. If anything were to be discovered, she would take the brunt of it and she would deal with it with grace. Until then, she'd continue on as she was: quietly watching the journals for any news and keeping her secret.]

[Filter: Sigyn and Heimdall]
I hope you are both well. Please be careful. I'm sure I've said it before, but I can't help but worry a little.

[Filter: Public]
Today I found a frog under the sink. And to think I'd done such a good job of searching their little pockets for frogs and they still managed to sneak one in. For the love of- I think I just found another one in the flour.

Darling, I think we will need to do a full search for frogs now.

Jun. 23rd, 2012



twelfth flap~

I've had a great day. The blacksmith I apprentice under says I'm nearly ready to be on my own. He gave me quite the test today, and I passed with flying colors. And, he let me use some of my leftover materials to make a little something for someone special.

Everything's coming up Raven.

[filter; hebe]

I made you a heart out of some pieces of scrap metal. It's not as pretty as you, but I thought you'd like it.



the twenty-fourth ♥

[filter; demeter and menelaus]
Can I Would you mind Maybe What do you think about cats?

[filter; raven]
Can I come by?

[filter; hyacinth]
I'm asking about a cat. Wish me luck?

Jun. 17th, 2012



the twenty-third ♥

there's a drumming noise inside my head that starts when you're around )

Jun. 16th, 2012



the twenty-second ♥


Jun. 12th, 2012




[Filter: Helen]

You know I love you more than words could ever say, don't you? Thanks. For being here. I will make it up to you. Starting with getting some proper food for you delivered in here. And we'll take a trip, ok? I swear to whatever God there is I'll make you feel loved cared for beyond reason and that's only the goddamn tip of things.

You are a good wife, Helen. In your own way, you are a good wife.

Can you get me more pudding?

[Filter: Hermione]

I think you need to speak with your mother at last, darling. After everything that's happened, life's way too messed up for you to be scared of meeting with her.

[Filter: Public]

Sorry if I scared any folks. Should be all good soon.

Jun. 8th, 2012



eleventh flap~

Home from the hospital. Need to get back to work busking in the train station or I'll never be able to afford rent. Or to take Hebe someplace nice.

[filter; hebe]

Thank you. For coming to see me.

Jun. 4th, 2012


[No Subject]

Moving a business is a clusterfuck of paperwork and a pain in my ass. It's finally done though so thank the fuck for that. Abernathy Securities is open for business here in the great city of New York. Anyway, anyone looking for work, I could use an assistant.

I'm Henry, used to be called Ares. You see a tiny grumpy seven year old running around, that's Alice. Yes, she's always like that. No, it doesn't bother me.

Jun. 1st, 2012


[No Subject]

Please tell me that you're around and breathing.

How are you both?

Sometime after I can speak properly and walk, I suggest we all get drunk.

Please tell me you didn't see it.

Oh NEW YORK. I have always loved you but never more than right now.

May. 31st, 2012



[No Subject]

This is becoming repetitive.

Jul. 1st, 2012



tenth flap~

[When Raven came to, in a hospital bed, there was a strange man sitting next to his bed. After having some water, and attempting to puzzle through what had happened on his own, the man informed him that the pain in his side had come from his intervening in a mugging. While Raven knew that wasn't true, he accepted the mans' thanks and a business card with a phone number on it, saying he'd give the guy a call once he was out.]

[ txt'd ]
I hope someone up there has my hospital bill covered, as I can't afford this.
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May. 29th, 2012



the twenty-first ♥


[Apprehension was all that Hebe felt upon watching Raven's fight from high up in the stands, Merlin to one side. Very little had been said to him out of worry and fear. It wasn't in her to behave like a good wife that day -- she'd been in pain all morning, thinking of Raven and how he'd fare in the fight.

When he fell, she didn't cry. She didn't blink. Instead, she'd sat there completely still, her mind replaying the scene over and over. Raven had lost. But so had the other man, which should've meant she was to be happy. Feeling anything but happy, she'd moved the moment they'd removed Raven from the sand. She had to see him. Had to feel him, make sure if he was dead or alive because she couldn't be certain. Disbelief had her running out to a place where she could openly weep, where no one could see her.

The next two nights, Hebe would suffer from horrible dreams. Dreams in which Raven died all over again. Dreams where her father abandoned her for Ganymede. Alone and without anybody she trusted enough to run to now that Artemis and Apollo were dead, she'd curled up in her bed and cried herself to sleep.



[No Subject]

[Merlin has left a few things pending, not out of laziness but preoccupation with other things. Sometimes it all happened too much, too fast at once. The moment was gone at the drop of a hat, and Merlin was left chasing after it. Never mind, he would catch it soon enough.]

[Filter: Helios]

Our father was here. He was killed in one of the battles. I ...

[Filter: Morpheus]

Hey you should come over and cheer me up. Learn to juggle this time-

[Filter: Morgause]

How are you holding up, mommy?

[Filter: Euterpe]

Glad you're alive.

[Filter: Hebe]

Let me know if you require something.

May. 23rd, 2012



ninth flap~

so get out, get out, get out of my head, and fall into my arms instead~ )

(ooc: backdated to 05/17)

May. 22nd, 2012



the twentieth ♥

[Filter: Morgause]
I don't know if I can do this. He's been good to me. He hasn't treated me unkindly.

Please, don't hurt him. I won't tell him anything, but please
Please don't.

May. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Apollo]
Please don't-
I can't

I'm sorry they've put you with your twin. I wish I were with you right now You wouldn't want that, though. I'd die...again Don't die

I just wish this didn't have to happen and we could go home. Do you think we'll go home? Will I be able to see you if we do?

[Filter: Private]
Please don't let him die. Maybe he can live through me dying but I don't know if I can do the same with him. This is all so stupidly selfish of me.

[Filter: Hebe]
Are you going to the fights?

May. 16th, 2012



the nineteenth ♥

I'm... married?



eighth flap~




This is special, now isn't it?

May. 14th, 2012



[No Subject]


Hello? This place is different

I have no idea what I did to receive an invitation here, but I hope this isn't some set up At least you can't get smooshed and killed on the internet? Oh...but you can totally meet people that would do that. I hope no one here is out to smoosh and kill me I guess that doesn't really matter. I hope.



the eighteenth ♥


[When Hebe dreamed, it wasn't of her mother, but her father. She was stuck in a pool of red, clear liquid that wasn't clear to her until she tasted it: wine. In real life she was a fairly good swimmer, but in this dream she flailed like a man overboard, taking in gulps of wine that grew more sour by the swallow.

And sitting up on the rim of the pool was -- who was it? Somehow without seeing their face, she knew it was her father. And next to him... she had a strange feeling she knew him. Upon trying to call out to her father, he and the boy only laughed. He called out out something to her, but she couldn't hear, could only see his lips move.

When she figured out it was Ganymede next to him, she was shooting up in bed in the dark, her lips opened in a wordless, soundless scream.

Hebe didn't cry, not like she might have months ago, but she did curl up on her side like a child, silently watching the wall until an hour later, she finally drifted back to sleep to dream of nothing at all.

May. 9th, 2012


[No Subject]

[filter; visible to all greeks]

It feels as though it's time to do a headcount again. Children, brothers, sisters - who is here? My daughters - it's been far too long since we've had dinner together so pencil me in for Thursday evening. I look a fright but I hope you'll put up with me, nonetheless

[filter; blackwells]

If someone could explain to me why Reza and Dante thought it necessary each to bestow a black eye on me, I would appreciate it greatly.

May. 5th, 2012


[No Subject]

The best musical moment in cartoon history. However, don't watch if you're afraid of clowns. I really need a gig or something to get me out of this apartment. Right now, I think I'd even take a semi-regular job. I should not have had enough time on my hands to actually seriously contemplate which video to choose.

I'm Jake. Some of you may know me as Apollo. Lazy ass musician and roommate to Gabe.

May. 4th, 2012



the seventeenth ♥

My parents thought I was crazy this morning when I brought up my family guests. Mom doesn't remember them. How can she not remember them?

[filter; raven]
I know it's early, but will you

Will you go to prom with me?

May. 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya..

Actually it's Nate. Though some know me as Gabriel. I'm a Leo; I like average walks through the city, traveling, talking for hours on end, and I will eat anything you put in front of me that has an unhealthy amount of sugar. So what's the buzz, tell me what's happening?

Who do I know, who don't I know, who should I know? Talk to me, Goose!

Apr. 27th, 2012



the sixteenth ♥

[filter; zeus & siblings]

I have children in my apartment. They're my children. Heracles is here too. What do I do? My parents don't mind them around and

My husband and children are here. I'm


Apr. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Hello. Bonjour. I believe I am "new" here. Outside of here, I am less of that but that is not important.

It will be a pleasure to meet whoever is here? Whomever? I do not always recall these things. It is a bit...uh...difficult, you might say, to know which words are correct sometimes.

As I was saying, hello. If I know anyone here, it is good to know you. If I do not, then please come to talk to me. I would like to know all of you lovely cherubs.



[No Subject]

No more interning. No more. Big boy's a resident now (with a major loan to pay to Uncle Richard but hey, details, details). Still means I'll camp in the hospital but being paid better now's good.

Kids are good, apparently they spent the entire time while I was in Zurvan (with pod!me) cleaning up the house. Pod!me was one creepy dude. We've been putting it back to its decent, weird state now.

Angels. Bros. Hoes. Speak to me :( I miss you.

Apr. 20th, 2012



seventh flap~

I saw a man the other day, wearing a leather jacket with an eagle painted on the back of it. I followed him for hours, flicking spitballs at his back to make that stupid bird look silly. He either never felt a thing, or was being deliberately obtuse.

Moral of the story, I hate eagles.

Also, this is my new favorite flowchart.