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Posts Tagged: 'apollo'

Oct. 24th, 2012



en dehors

I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed or insulted, but one of the guys visiting the office today for an appointment smacked my ass and called me 'sweetheart'. Then he blew cigarette smoke in my face and laughed. It took all my willpower to just bite my tongue and smile, but considering the looks I got playing catch with Reed earlier and my inability to find any jeans in my wardrobe I knew better.

The only good thing I've discovered about this so far is that I look amazeballs in this clothing. I've always been a fan of dressing like a girly-girl when I'm out and about, so I could get used to this. The nicknames and the misogyny... not so much.

In case anyone is hungry and wants to come hang out, I'm making pot roast for dinner tonight.

[filter; apollo]
Would it be alright if Reed and I paid you a visit soon? I miss yoHe's been asking about you.

Oct. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

Mine and Apollo's fairies ruined all of the electronics in the apartment. It put my cellphone in the garbage disposal and turned it on the first day it appeared. They started fires with our mail pile and paperwork, had food fights. Snapped the wires on Apollo's guitars -- I think he actually cried. Every time I tried to sleep mine would pull at my eyelids and kick my nose. I have tiny bruises! The only time I did actually get a full night of rest, I woke up with a chunk of facial hair missing and marker on my face.

It was like having a miniature War following me around constantly

It was a strange and invasive experience I'd like to never have again. But it certainly is good to have an open line of communication again so; Hello.

Sep. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Apollo]

I've been thinking, and don't you fucking make a joke about that, about how things were back in Zurvan. No, I'm not going to threaten to kill you or your whatever-she-is-now-wife or her kid-turned-brother-something. See, the reason I'm contacting you is because there has to be something more, a reason why our paths keep crossing.

I've killed you and I've loved you, what do you think comes after that?
Tags: ,

Sep. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

We're good, right? You and me? Are you alright?

I hate this time of year. I can't stand being cold. Anyway, at least it's busy for me. After a fairly sizable dry spell job wise, I've got quite a few coming up. My old man's work is throwing a fancy fundraiser and he actually seems to have decided that me being a musician isn't bad and got me hired. C'mon, god of music and medicine. Wish I could have swung towards medicine this time. Thrown the old guy a bone Masquerade themed. Gotta get a mask and a date

GABRIEL, I think we should throw a Halloween party. A Halloween extravaganza. A Halloween hoopla. I just really love Halloween guys. I don't know why. It just speaks to me. Plus the music is great and a blast to play. Much more fun than Christmas. So much easier to pretend to not be massively confused when you've got things to think about

Sep. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Percival]
Are you busy?

[Filter: Apollo]
You should probably not kill anyone...but Zephyrus is here.

Sep. 7th, 2012




I'm going to be perfectly frank here, and feel free to not stop me as I go on, but when women complain about men hitting on them while they're wearing short items of clothing, they really are just asking for it. What, exactly, is the point of wearing short dresses or skirts if you don't want men to strike up a conversation with you or call you gorgeous? The logic eludes me. Men don't complain like women do.

What a world it would be if women didn't bitch all the time.

Sep. 5th, 2012




Really not digging the responsibilities I seem to have taken upon myself since getting back from Zurvan. Especially not the part where I might need to take a time out from grad school and partying to focus more on being a motherfucking adult. Not cool, reality, not cool.

The only thing cheering me up right now is knowing Jersey Shore got cancelled. As Ice Cube would say --

[filter; apollo]
I know you want to see Reed, but before I bring him by I need to set a few ground rules, alright?

[filter; cù sìth]
Crazy question... what's your opinion on kids? How's my favorite basement stranger doing?

[filter; gabriel & merlin/visible to thalia]
How do I say this delicately... Anyone have any tips on how to entertain a seven year old?

[filter; private]
Note to self -- enroll Reed in elementary school, quit college to get a real job, and see if Jerry Springer has a show on how to deal with being my former son's sister.



[No Subject]




Sep. 1st, 2012


[No Subject]

Originally I was thinking party but now I'm thinking I'll just sit in the living room and play video games.

And drink.

A lot.

Ridiculous amounts. I miss my son

Aug. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

[Filter; Siblings]
How are all of you?

[Filter; Artemis]
Where are you?

[Filter; Gabriel]
You had a kid with my wife. YOU. Also, Troilus is supposed to hate me. We are not supposed to be brothers and I am not supposed to be worried about the fact that I haven't heard from him but I am.

Knowing doesn't make anything easier or less terrifying. I don't want to wake up back home and miss a kid that wasn't mine and women who never loved me

Aug. 21st, 2012




Can I get a headcount of who hasn't seen me naked? No, 'terpe, don't ask that. People will think you're a sloot.


[filter; merlin]
So... You've seen me naked. You think I'm hot? Nice... house?

[filter; gabriel]
Um... we had a son played naked twister never need to speak of this again. It's cool.

[filter; apollo]
agmwekeb kidsawlfkgrkdf usgescatsv I have no idea what to say

Aug. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Percival]
How are you? Are you still okay? Please be okay

I...uh...Can I ask you something-
Well, I guess it would be more like telling you something. Maybe I shouldn't- Preferably this situation would involve you not giving me a look over the journal and judging me. Or anything like that. I'd tell Raven and Hebe but I don't think- It's sort of safer with you because you aren't here right now to look at me

[Filter: Hebe & Raven]
Are you settling in okay? I've left some food in the fridge. Please help yourselves.

[Filter: Jubokko]
How are you feeling? Is there anything I can get for you, sir?

[Filter: Apollo]

[Filter: Apollo]
I can't stop thinking about- I wish I could- You see, the thing is I'm actually engaged, but I didn't want to say so I have no idea what I'm doing

Hi. I think I l- No. Don't be stupid, Hyacinth I was hoping to check in on you. To see if you'd healed up okay. Habit. This has nothing to do with habit, though You have a nice smile I'm a girl Working in a doctor's office will do that to you.

I'm still grateful for your making sure I didn't die, so if there's anything I can do to be of assistance, please let me know. Of course, I'm sure there isn't much I can do if you're in Camelot and I'm in Niflheim. Ugh I'm sorry. I'm not normally this...verbose. I just wanted to be sure you were healing okay and nothing terrible had come of your bravery absolutely selfless act keeping myself from dying.




Some vacation this turned out to be.

[Filter: Merlin and Ra]
Thank you so much for the hospitality, and for helping me keep Reed safe. He's been so scared ever since we got here, cuddling Mini-Mew like he's afraid soldiers will show up out of nowhere to take the kitten away, and I appreciate that you've both been so understanding.

[Filter: Apollo]
I don't mean to seem panicked, but why aren't you back yet? I miss you. Reed misses you. We just want you here.



[No Subject]

[Filter: Apollo]

I don't know where in the fuck you are, but don't travel.

[Filter: Tenjin & Agravaine]

How are you feeling princess?

Tenjin, there is fucking sand everywhere.

Jul. 28th, 2012




Well, Apollo, Reed, and I have literally just arrived in Camelot. We were detained by soldiers who decided to question us after we crossed the border. Apparently, something about a family of three traveling with a harmless kitten seemed suspect, and were it not for my incredibly calm, smooth-talking husband I might not be writing this at the moment.

The soldiers attempted to take Reed's kitten, Mini-mew. For reasons I cannot even fathom, they deemed a cat no bigger than my outstretched hand to be unsafe. This upset my son, which in turn upset me, and quite frankly I was thisclose to beating someone with my aulos if they didn't give my boy back his damn pet. Thankfully, I happen to be married to an incredible man who knew exactly how to explain that we are of no threat to them, and that if they didn't allow us to leave unmolested the chancellor himself would be hearing about it. (Sorry, Merlin. Consider this you hearing about it.)

Now, if someone could kindly explain what in the five kingdoms is going on I would greatly appreciate it.

Jul. 21st, 2012



the second laugh ☺


[ filter; family ]
You guys, if you want to go to Camelot, go without me, okay? I'm not going anywhere for a while.

Jul. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Apollo]


Jul. 18th, 2012




The trip to Camelot is so close I can practically taste it. For anyone wondering, it tastes like those darling little cucumber sandwiches. Is it odd that I've actually missed them? Regardless, I honestly cannot wait to set foot on Camelotian soil again. I just hope Merlinthey're ready for me and mine.

[filter; family]
Has anyone seen or heard from Syrinx? It's been a few days, and I stopped by her house to bring her a drawing Reed made for her, but there was no answer. Her neighbor said they haven't seen hide nor hair of her either, and nobody seems to know where she could be. I'm worried.

Jul. 13th, 2012


[No Subject]

Euterpe. Dearest. Light of my life. I have to go to Niflheim for a day or so. Apparently there is a guy who has the part I need to fix that old piano in the attic. I will be home long before it's time to go to Camelot.

I'm headed your way for a day.

I hope you idiots are well.

Jun. 28th, 2012




It seems things are looking good on the eventual travel front. Reed is looking forward to visiting Camelot and his favorite 'uncle' almost as much as I am. The only snag we've run into so far is that he wants to bring Mini Mew, and I'm not sure how well the kitten will behave during the trip. I suppose there's only one way to find out since he's decided he's not going without his best friend.

I'd say I have no idea where my boy gets his stubbornness from, but that would be a lie and I've been trying to teach him the joys of honesty. I think he's a little too honest, though. It's made for some funny moments, like when he asked our overweight neighbor when her baby was due, which had her turning a few impressive shades of red. I had to apologize while trying not to laugh, which is harder than it sounds.

[Filter: Family]
If it works for everyone, I think we should try and leave for Camelot by mid-July.

[Filter: Apollo]
Will you be coming to Camelot with us?

Jun. 20th, 2012




Exciting things have been happening in my house. Well, exciting if you count bribing a child to stop asking certain questions to be worth noting... and yes, in case anyone is wondering, a kitten is a perfect bribe for a seven year old boy. He's quite thrilled with his new responsibility -- now known as 'Mini Mew', because he gets his penchant for naming things from his mother -- and has decided that he's going to own a kitten farm when he grows up.

Now if I could just get him to pay attention during his flute lessons, I'd have a perfect child. Although, he has been getting better. Soon, he'll be old enough to stay awake for our shows, and then maybe he can even show off a bit. That reminds me, I should practice a little more for tonight. I've got a new piece I'll be trying out that I hope goes over well. We'll have to see.



[No Subject]

[Filter: Neoptolemus]

How is home? Yes, consider this mild-chit-chat because I'm bored.

[Filter: Apollo]


[Filter: Hermes]

Someone posted about stolen shoes in Babylon and it reminded me of you. We're not finished, Hermes, one day I will catch you.

Jun. 13th, 2012




I've come to a horrible realization about my plans for this summer -- if I really want to go to all the concerts and music festivals that I think look cool I'm going to need to make a budget, and math was never my strong suit. Is there anyone out there willing to help me, so that I can make my dreams of seeing Jack White at every music festival he's playing in the continental United States come true? Also, so that I can maybe possibly get my pedobear on by stalking a British-Irish-Welsh boy band?

Seriously though, there's a lot of shows I want to go to this summer, and I think the Aveo can make the trips so long as I can afford the tickets. And, if anyone wants to go road-tripping I'm an awesome driver, just ask Gabriel. Wait -- don't ask him, he was drugged up at the time. Nevermind.

[filter; apollo/gabriel/hermes]
Can someone please explain why is it all the guys I know claim to want women to take the reigns but when I try that tactic it fails miserably? This is really embarrassing, but I need guy advice, please.

Jun. 12th, 2012



f o u r

[Aphrodite gave a long languid stretch as she woke up and yawned softly, able to feel a warm body against her back. She carefully rubbed the sleep from the corners of her eyes before turning over somewhat to look at Ares still sound asleep beside her. They had spent the weekend together catching up and simply ignoring the world around them in exchange for each others company. Only now, it was finally time to resume their mortal responsibilities. Yet another reason to hate Mondays. With a smug, satisfied smile on her face she sighed contently and reached over to grab her cellphone from the nightstand.]

Morning, darlings ♥ ♥ ♥ While I don't remember everything just yet, I've got a good majority of it under my cestus and can I just say... it's wonderful some so many are all here.

Today's random question; what would be your ideal romantic getaway and why?

[ filter; aeneas ]
My beautiful, darling boy! I'm sorry you were put through that in Rome, but I am so proud of you!

Jun. 9th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Apollo]

How's your head, wanker?

[Filter: Artemis]

I don't intend to apologize for killing you or your brother. Just thought you should know.

[Filter: Set]


Jun. 1st, 2012


[No Subject]

Please tell me that you're around and breathing.

How are you both?

Sometime after I can speak properly and walk, I suggest we all get drunk.

Please tell me you didn't see it.

Oh NEW YORK. I have always loved you but never more than right now.



[No Subject]

[ filter; apollo ]
Why did you do it?
Why did you make us

Are you home yet?

[ filter; calliope ]
She didn't watch did she?

[ filter; angels ]
I'm sorry
Everyone alright and accounted for?

[ filter; war ]
Are you alright?

[ filter; public ]
Well this is new; I've never been a zombie before.

Apparently the hospital staff frowns upon patients trying to insistently check themselves out in a stupor. Needless to say I'm well rested now although my side and gut still feel as though they've been split open, and pretty sure I've eaten my weight in blue jello.

Lena I'm sorry for falling into that candy striper, and knocking over a gurney... and anything else any damages I may have caused the hospital. Thank you for having them sedate me

May. 27th, 2012



[No Subject]

[He hadn't been scared to fight nor was he too terribly scared to die. This was nothing new to him, he had fought and he had died before. Apollo practised and trained and readied himself for what was to come.Then they had announced the fights and he had seen the cruel joke being played on him. His sister was to join him. The sister he had spent life times looking for. Even when he hadn't known who he was, there had always been this space there at his side where she should have been. That had changed everything. Suddenly, he was very scared to fight. Suddenly, everything had changed.

The day had arrived far too quickly.

Their opponent had known them well. Seen which twin to take out first. Before the fight had begun there had been something achingly familiar about the beauty but then she had killed Artemis. Apollo was strong but he was ruled by his emotions. Watching Artemis fall had caused something in the Sun God to snap and he had fought back harder but recklessly. It became less about winning and more about making the woman pay for taking his twin from him.

A few times it looked like he would succeed in doing just that but finally a blow sent Apollo to his knees to the pleasure of the roaring crowd. He tried to get up but couldn't. Taking a deep breath, he looked up at the woman. "Do it." Closing his eyes, he tilted his head up to feel the sun on his face.

Daphne was a hitwoman by trade, so even without her ability to back her up - she knew what she was doing - too well. Besides, she was a Blackwell, and that family had a reputation to upkeep. A banner of viciousness and pride they carried. There were weird exceptions to their ways, such as the soft daughter of Lena and Patrick. The rest? Even Gavin held his own. The pretty boy. So while Daphne didn't feel this was personal for her, it had been to Gavin. Pan. Whatever. Losing had never been considered.

Of course someone who fought back hard did cause her trouble, regardless of her own skills, she was sweating and exhausted. It was a matter of waiting him out (she did). The blow to his legs had been aimed carefully, to keep him from getting up again. Daphne slashed, twisted out of the way and heard the satisfying thud of knees against the gravel. She stopped for a moment, watching Apollo with a hint of amusement.

The pleasure she felt at this was unusual for her. People in her profession were cold, swift and efficient. There never was a reason to draw it out, but she couldn't help but taunt him. "Pan says hello." There was a small pause to allow those words to sink in, then Daphne swung her sword sideways, taking off his head in one clean blow. Normally she wouldn't care about the blood, felt indifferent towards it; this shower of it felt like victory on so many levels that could not be explained. She blamed it on Pan's need to even the score with this guy.

The roar of approval was deafening, Daphne turned her face towards the sun and smiled.

May. 21st, 2012



I will not kill my sister.

I'm glad you're my brother in this life.



[No Subject]

[Filter: Apollo]
Please don't-
I can't

I'm sorry they've put you with your twin. I wish I were with you right now You wouldn't want that, though. I'd die...again Don't die

I just wish this didn't have to happen and we could go home. Do you think we'll go home? Will I be able to see you if we do?

[Filter: Private]
Please don't let him die. Maybe he can live through me dying but I don't know if I can do the same with him. This is all so stupidly selfish of me.

[Filter: Hebe]
Are you going to the fights?

May. 17th, 2012


[No Subject]

Well, this is very much a good news/bad news situation. At least I still have my sister and Gabe and I are actual brothers instead of just "bros" but the three of us are gladiators. And Hyacinth..I still have yet to figure out how to see him. Apparently we have more siblings as well but thankfully they don't seem to be sharing our fate.

I miss my piano.

[No Subject]

[filter; apollo, artemis, gabriel, leviathan] [ooc; she goes by the name 'lena' since she does not know who she is yet /o/]

I would like to get to know my current set of siblings. And so many of you there are~ It appears I am fated to be part of large broods.

[filter; hermione] [who shall henceforth be included in all filters pertaining to hera's progeny.]

My darling. Accompany your mother to the baths?

[filter; pat
[filter; drake]

Are you all right?

[filter; blackwells + chiara]

Is everyone safe? Are any of you - I can't even write it

May. 16th, 2012



the nineteenth ♥

I'm... married?

May. 6th, 2012



o n e

Aloha everyone! My name is Kallista Martin, I just settled into my new apartment this weekend ~ I'm originally from Oahu and relocated to your lovely city to open up a brand new office on Academy Street. I'm a sex therapist and matchmaker. We're accepting appointments and our hours are 9am to 6pm. Additionally, if anyone is looking for a job we could use a front desk receptionist! Must be 18 or older; please reply to this post if interested.

If you have any questions; about myself, the practice, or anything pertaining to relationships and all the issues that come with them ~ feel free to go ahead and ask! It's what I'm here for, after all.

And! I've actually got a question for you ~ what's your favorite romance/love song? This is mine.

May. 5th, 2012


[No Subject]

The best musical moment in cartoon history. However, don't watch if you're afraid of clowns. I really need a gig or something to get me out of this apartment. Right now, I think I'd even take a semi-regular job. I should not have had enough time on my hands to actually seriously contemplate which video to choose.

I'm Jake. Some of you may know me as Apollo. Lazy ass musician and roommate to Gabe.