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Posts Tagged: 'izanami'

Oct. 26th, 2012



→ 04.

[ She was a secretary now.

All that hard work - fighting her way through college, through law school, proving herself as a competent lawyer - gone. Hell, when she'd tried to take her usual spot at work, they'd laughed at her, as if she was silly for even imagining it.

It had been the hardest thing in the world, biting her tongue and going with it. It was only the knowledge that this was probably one of those brilliant ideas from the psycho kami in charge that kept her from unleashing her rage; after all, she didn't want to be out of a job if her raging translated into the real world.

So instead, she resolved to suck it up, and do what she could from here for as long as she had to. After all, men were remarkably easy to manipulate - she was certain she could influence a few cases here and there.

She just hoped it was sooner rather than later, because she wasn't sure how long she could stick to that plan.




[A child nearly had been killed. They said it was his son he near drove a blade into and he couldn't believe it. He had no sons, no children in this mortal life. How could this have happened? Why was this happening? Was it the past daring to repeat itself in twisted ways? It couldn't be, not when he knew he hadn't done anything like what he had been locked up for. But no matter how much he protested, no matter if he lashed out, he found himself alone in his room, bound and drugged.

It was a rare moment since his waking up in the asylum that he was untied. He reached for his journal, needing to get out a few words to one person at least.

[Filter: Izanami]

I know you might not want to see this or even answer it. Maybe you're locked up here as well. Maybe

I didn't kill anyone. I'm framed for a crime that I did not do. I am, this time, as innocent as ... as our son can be. I just wanted you to know.

Oct. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

[The fact that he was nearly killed by a small fairy was unnerving and annoying. He was not a person amused and he was glad it was over. At least he was until that fucking warning...and then the fucking crazy lady on the community getting all ridiculous about her words. To say he was panicking was maybe a bit of an understatement.

If he'd been back in Zurvan, there would just be fighting and not fucking worrying about shit. He was going to kill that bitch. That and try to figure out a way to explain the holes in the wall to his landlord. Or just get them fixed without mentioning it. He could figure that out.

Whatever is happening right now...this is bullshit. I'm just saying.

Oct. 1st, 2012


hachi ☁


[ It was no secret that Amaterasu was confused. Horribly so. Even after all that her brothers had said, she couldn't wrap her head around the concept. Shinto deities, really? How was such a thing possible? They were deities. But even Hyo was a creature, which made even less sense to her. Deities and creatures. How?

Hopefully, things would become more clear. She hoped, anyway.

[ filter; shinto pantheon ]
I don't know what to say, but... hello?

edit, after speaking with uzume: So, I'm Amaterasu?

Sep. 27th, 2012




My firm is sending someone to Japan to help with a project. No, correction, they are sending someone else. I think I bit the inside of my cheek too hard. I can't describe my pain over this. I need a drink. I need a million drinks and then for someone to shove me into a pit and cover me with cement.

Isn't my karma good enough? Why have you forsaken me, karma?

Since I'll probably be reborn again, may my next life be kinder!

Sep. 23rd, 2012



And I used to think math was difficult. If only they taught this in school, eh?

Sep. 3rd, 2012



→ 03.

[ filter: private ]

...I should play bingo. Failed marriage bingo. At this rate, I could win a fair amount of money.

[ filter: shinto pantheon ]

I wonder if this will even work Hm, I'm curious. Who is here?

[ filter: public ]

I now have a daughter that I most certainly did not have a few months ago, and the only ones who seem to have a problem with this are my cats.

Sometimes, I think they might be the truly intelligent ones.

Jul. 16th, 2012



→ 02.

[ filter: private ]

You are going to tell me everything. I care not what it takes, I am not afraid.

This is the only thing I have to go on at this point. This, and that he was going to meet a foreigner, which isn't much.

And I worry. It has been too long - too long for

...darling, darling, why couldn't you have just stayed put? This is why you never should have done anything without me.

[ end filter ]

I'm lucky that Sayaka enjoys spending time with her grandmother.

It's very helpful, having family so close to watch her when I need to run errands. Especially when it is something this important.

Jul. 15th, 2012




[Filter: Private]

Dear self,

You are not allowed to even think about whacking children with a melon baller when they first ask for something to eat and then decide what you're making isn't good enough. You are not allowed to pretend you opted to remain childless because that's a bit cruel. And you are not allowed to whine back at children who will likely repeat that Mommy whined to anyone at the most inconvenient of moments.

Namely when the wrong ladies are over for gossip. Fudge. Plus side, my feet are trying to love me and most of my shoes still fit. Not really a minus but I also feel
No, I'm not writing that down.

[Filter: Public]

No one is allowed to blame me but I believe the ice cream maker is broken.

But Mary tried to give me a foot massage today and I nearly died from the cute. ♥

Jul. 8th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Medb]
Hopefully the region won't burst into flames the moment we leave it. Are these peace talks needed? Shouldn't you take Izanami? She is the Ambassador I hope they don't try to make us hug any trees.

[Filter: Daphne and Izanami]
Don't let the region catch fire while we're gone.

I still don't know why I'm going instead of you two but-

That's all...for now.

[Filter: Izanami]
Make sure your daughter doesn't slack in her lessons because I'm not there to badger her. She needs to be the best she can be so I can throw it in Ryujin's face. I don't want her turning into some ridiculous runaway princess.

Jun. 15th, 2012



→ 01.

[ filter: private ]

...Reading through the last page or two of entries is not violating anyone's privacy. They posted public messages to the internet, and it is completely logical to check out a website before using it.

But if this place is what I think it is, then. Then maybe it is useful after all.

[ end filter ]

...I feel like I should be using this invitation as an opportunity to plug my business or something.

But first, I ought to introduce myself, I suppose. Masago Suzuki, attorney-at-law. Nice to meet you all.