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Posts Tagged: 'leukothoe'

Sep. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

[She prefers the rise of the moon and the fall of the sun. It always brought back too many memories, but those nights were still happy moments that she clung to. Grains of sand that slipped through her fingers; terrified and lost, that dirt didn't slip through her fingers, it clumped together.

Suffocating clay.

The little information she has on Helios is noted down neatly. Mortal name and job. She sends that to Minos, because he owns her very soul. Even if Helios (holds) held her heart once. There is little expectations and nothing to lose, what? Death would come for her again and again. It wasn't a novelty either way.]

Sep. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

The fuck's with boys playing knowledgable in this fucking place? Grow some balls and get off the internet.

In Europe till the 25th.

Sep. 12th, 2012



brb Hawaii. If anything drags us back, I'll be very displeased.



[No Subject]

[Filter: Helios]

So that's how it is.

Sep. 7th, 2012




I'm going to be perfectly frank here, and feel free to not stop me as I go on, but when women complain about men hitting on them while they're wearing short items of clothing, they really are just asking for it. What, exactly, is the point of wearing short dresses or skirts if you don't want men to strike up a conversation with you or call you gorgeous? The logic eludes me. Men don't complain like women do.

What a world it would be if women didn't bitch all the time.

Sep. 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Here. There. It doesn't make much of a difference, does it? We are still us and we still have no control.

Aug. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Isis, Set & Osiris]
I'm sorry The Sultan is dead. I wish I didn't have to write that. He was found on the ground outside of the palace, directly beneath his room. There's a woman in the dungeons who snuck into the palace disguised as a servant. One of the other servants claims to have spotted her coming out of his room. She will be questioned and if it is found she is guilty, then she will be dealt with. Set, if you would like to take care of the questioning, you can. If not, then I will leave it to someone else.

On that note, I believe we need to have a meeting. I would like to be briefed on what's been happening in the region and what was said to both the Iriyians and the Niflheimians. I would rather be informed before I speak to them.

[ooc: added in later]

[Filter: Babylonians]
I must regretfully inform you that your our our Sultan is dead. There will be a funeral for him shortly. Even during these difficult times, we must be strong. As your new Sultan, I will do for you what I can.

[Filter: Private]
Damn it.

Jun. 30th, 2012



♞ 02.

[ filter: private ]

Parental rights do not overrule legal authority, no matter how much Mother insists otherwise. Especially when her concerns are nonexistent and ludicrous.

...I will never understand women. Maybe it's for the best that the wedding's off—

[ end filter ]

Not that I expect anything useful out of the riffraff here, but - Does anyone happen to know how to deal with unwanted guests? Logical reasoning doesn't seem to be effective.


Thieves come in all sorts of flavors, don't they? This one knew how to swing, but I got him in the nose. The market should have better security.



[No Subject]

[ Some days, the woman wondered what had possessed her to do something as stupid as marrying. Skadi hadn’t needed a man to keep her bed warm, hadn’t needed the financial stability which could have followed marriage. She was from a strong family, independent women raised to provide and fend for their own. Her sister, for example, was one of such breed, powerful as any Skadi would ever see.

Still, it was expected of the woman to marry and so she did; nodding to the social convention. And being one of five wasn’t as impossible to stand as one would think. It meant she had less time to be bothered by her husband while he fooled around with one of the others. Gave her a wide berth to do as she wished, when she wished; to raise their girl like she had been raised. It also meant she had to return home eventually, place her weapons to the side, laugh at the shocked look of the other wives when they noticed the blood splatters on her - otherwise - immaculate clothing.

Some days, Skadi knew. If it had been anyone weaker than Minos, she would have killed him after the first night. She wondered if he knew that. ]

I'm home.

Jun. 27th, 2012




I STUBBED MY TOE ON THE END TABLE FOR THE LAST TIME. I want it thrown out and axed. Into itty-bitty pieces. And then I'll just buy two new end tables so clearly the other one MUST go. IS THE PARTY WHO IS THE MUSCLE IN THIS HOME READING?

In other news, Mary brought in a baby bird and won't tell me where she hid it because apparently I'll 'throw it out'.

[Filter: Private]

She's not precisely wrong as baby birds have no place in the house. Ugh.

Jun. 26th, 2012



[No Subject]

[ filter; leukothoe ]

Feel like being a normal chick yet?

Relaxed yet or still yelling at strangers?

[ / ]

Stubbed a toe. Kick the boys around the training grounds but am defeated by a door.

Jun. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Skadi]

Mother, may I have a moment of your time?

[Filter: Public]

What things in Camelot are worth doing during a short visit?

Jun. 22nd, 2012




[Filter: Private]

I love sentencing people. Especially when I can get away with severe punishments and no one's the wiser. Loopholes exist for men like me.

[Filter: Public]

I feel like success sometimes comes to easy to some. The same with power. There isn't enough earning of it anymore. Too many youthful, hopeful faces where older and wiser individuals for me. I'm not even sexist to presume a older man would be better than an older woman. I hate everyone equally.

Times are changing. Feh.

Jun. 18th, 2012




[Filter: Private]

Note to self: get the driver to see if he can remove that dent before Rosier knows about it. I swear, the places people will put posts.

No, wait, I think it was the fence. I think. I really shouldn't drink before driving. Feh.

[Filter: Public]

The world is grumbling and I am eager to read of things unrelated to the rumours of missing princesses, abductions, horrible men who do those things and whatnot. Really, have you seen Babylon's history? It's littered with kidnapped women. I know it's not really all that nice and very much illegal now but it's happened.

Besides, we the people can hardly help the situation by speculating so much until more is known. And I'm Babylonian. I have no care or connection to Ryugu-jo or Camelot. And they really better not come here. Personally, I rather discuss something of more value to me.

Family, one of the cats from outside got in. I don't know where it is. ♥

Jun. 16th, 2012


[No Subject]

This heat.

It is not sexy, and it is ruining my hair. Do you realize how fucking difficult it is to fix your hair for stage? I don't even. Fuck.

Jun. 10th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Once upon a time, she had, by unintended actions, bumped into Hades and he had asked for her silence. Leukothoe had kept that silence (omission) from Minos because it had not been required of her to reveal it. However, Helios had not.

Perhaps if he had asked she would've- no, actually, she wouldn't have. The silence had cost her life once before. It wasn't that she hated Helios, but that she missed him, and the bitter taste that he was a god and she was not. At least she'd died before he could've broken her heart (though he abandoned her when she needed him most).]

[Filter: Minos]

My lord, I thought this might be of interest to you.

[Filter: Public]

Maschinenpistole Beretta 93R.

Guns are more complicated than people see in movies.

May. 31st, 2012




No more Rome. My brother and I are slightly disappointed. Emphasis on the slightly, as little can replace New York. Home sweet home and all that.

Mene, if you're not alive, we're hunting you down.

May. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

Next time, I would prefer if we ended up anywhere in Egypt. We were far more evolved, no matter what these people say. In fact, if we don't get out of here soon, I might just find a ship that will take me across. Somehow.

May. 29th, 2012



[No Subject]

The fights have been interesting. What was rather irritating was the blood that stained my sandals.

May. 21st, 2012




I don't think I've been this pleased about watching men and women tear one another apart in some time. And look at some of those matches. As if someone knew how special some of you are to the other.

Give me a good fucking show, each and every one of you. How, I wish I was the one holding the decision, I wish I could damn you all, hold your endings in my hands. I would bring you to you knees and make you tremble for my my judgment.

Children, we will attend them all.

May. 17th, 2012



[filter; minos]
Your sons again? Khaos must really want you to have us.

[filter; public]
Interesting change in scenery. But at least it isn't Zurvan.

May. 2nd, 2012




[The charm had worn off and he was sick to death of compliant little Raphael and his loving Sarah. They weren't fun anymore, they weren't good enough for him. What had been a dream had soured and he had been in a terrible mood. It was just after he had finished jabbing away at Raphael with his cane, had just turned to stomp off, when he tripped over one of the chain binding his archangel to the wall.

Some time later, he bothered make a post.

And I'm in bed with a sprained ankle. But Sarah is here, Sarah is taking care of me but I'll be back to work tomorrow because I've had worse but fuck this shit. When is it going to be over, people?

Apr. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

[It was all perfectly and comfortably black. Helios was the only light. She had been shocked that it was him, out of everyone who could've been there, it was him. She hated it.

Leukothoe felt disjointed. Even if he was here things could never go back.]

Apr. 15th, 2012



It would appear I give my classmates far too much credit.

[Filter: Leukothoe]

I trust you are well?

Apr. 2nd, 2012



[No Subject]

This darkest grace )

Mar. 31st, 2012




[Things had not been going well for Eve. Her mother was sick, hospitalized for problems with her heart (it started with a heart attack, but it quickly became apparent that the damage was more extensive than the doctors originally thought) and had been fading fast. During the time period when emotional responses made odd things happen (in her case small static pulses leaping from her hands, shocking people and things) Eve had ended up getting kicked out of the hospital because of the way the machines were responding to her. It was while she was barred from visiting her mother that things took a turn for the worse, and after a long battle, she soon received word that her mother had asked to see a priest.

Her mother was dying, and much as Eve could appear strong for her around others, inside she was a mess.]

It's always difficult, and even a little strange, when we have to say goodbye to someone important to us for the last time. It's so unfair, how is it if I die I come back, but my mother... She lived a good, long life, and I just know she'll be reunited with my father. Requiescat in pace, mom.


This having a job business is taxing, truly. Now is about the right time to be buying plane tickets for the summer, yes? Before they leap up in price?

Mar. 25th, 2012




[Filter: Leukothoe]

Where is my Persian pet? She deserves reward for being of good use to me.

I'll not have objections so keep them to yourself.

[Filter: Dioscuri]

If in one piece and in fair health, I want you both at some point.

Mar. 19th, 2012




Well, things could be going better. But it's not that frequent, at least for me. Do have an abundant amount of papayas, though. If someone wants some, tell me. It's a bit...silly.

But are most of us doing alright?

Mar. 18th, 2012



thirty-three. [video post]

[she was normally a very calm lass but she can't help but wonder what is going on. she was clearly missing out on something and it felt like a shame. her curiosity streak was begging she inquire and to make find out how she could get in on this randomness. after all, it wasn't like there were beasts around or evil hotel residents.

so on went her webcam just because she could. she wiggled at fingers at everyone watching and smiled

So. Things have gotten very odd, haven't they? Is it just me and a couple of others unaffected? [a small tilt of her head] And how is it working? Does anyone know? Do tell me, please.

[she then waggles a finger] Or better yet, record what's going on with you and show me. And by that, I mean only if Khaos is fooling with you. I don't want to see something only you'll be proud of flashing about. [the things she expected, she thought with a laugh] Be good!

But that's all. I just really am very curious.



[No Subject]

[ Things had not been going so well for Minos. Where as his sisters like Athena and Persephone had better temperaments to deal with things of this nature, he never would. He wanted to hurt people more easily, wanted to scold, ruin and destroy. He sulked, he scowled and he was doing both then as he had transformed three glasses of cognac into piles of worms (though one turned into a bottle of mouthwash).

It was going to be very hard to get through this without a drop of liquor.

On the other hand, Leukothoe was not having a problem. It was not that she was sweet-tempered, but rather she was so cold that few things moved her. It wasn't apathy, but something much deeper, something broken and twisted inside of her. (Wrong wiring of the brain?).

She came to him because he was her lord - Zurvan or not- she knocked his door without preamble and waited.

As he had never locked the door after coming home, he only had to call out. "Come in! And lock the damn door behind you!" He wasn't out of sight of the door and knew in the case of an unwanted guest that he would have time to react.

But who the hell wanted to visit him anyway?

Leukothoe opened the door carefully, taking a step in and then turning to look the door as he had instructed. It wasn't so much as wanting to visit, as being compulsed to visit. Her fingers itched for blood. "I apologize for showing up out of the blue, but it seems a lot of people are having trouble with... things." That she was here to serve him was obvious, why else show up? They were not friends, nor family.

A solution to his problems, that's what he saw. But wasn't she always that? His lips twisted into a smile, unkind as always, and he beckoned her near. "Yes, my girl, and I'm not excluded. How sensible it was of you to come see me. I always knew you had a good head on your shoulders. Not like my children."

Not any of them. For all he believed, they would fuck it all up.

"I am not having any problems as of yet," She informed him promptly, "What is it that you'd like me to do?" It really was that easy to settle into it. No need for reverence or further explanations- dry cut and efficient. That was her nature after the suffering she'd had.

She was strangely soothing, better than that wife of his from the old days. What a goddamn nuisance she had been. Minos felt tension leave him as he observed his solution.

"I need you to play secretary or at least that is what will be said when I go to work. You'll be handling everything that requires me touching something, at least in the office or out of view of the men. At home, you will attend to other things. Not fitting of your talents but you are required to do more than normally. And then, should a problem arise, I will send you out to take care of it."

And problems, in his shady line of business, did arise.

This was a satisfactory arrangement for her, Leukothoe gave the briefest of smiles before inclining her head, "As you wish." Because that is all that needed to be said, of course the first thing she actually did for him was to pour him a glass of brandy and place it by his side... with a straw.

Look at that. A straw didn't entirely suit the drink and felt silly but he knew he'd used it out of Leukothoe's sight and even if she saw, she'd never tell. Minos knew that much about her, knew how much she could be trusted.

It was so good to have reliable help.




Don't think I'm going to run out of change any time soon if this keeps up.

Mar. 15th, 2012



the twelfth ♥

I wanted to say this earlier, but my excitement got in the way, I think. I got into NYU about a month ago.

Feb. 22nd, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Minos]

Your will has been done, lord.

Feb. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

[She's skillfull as she moves, not hindered by the long-skirts which are unpractical and uncomfortably warm for this place. Camlann weather is not as extreme as Glastheim or Svarga; Leukothoe prefers the colder weather, but she never has expressed such wants. It is not in her nature to voice those secondary thoughts that traverse her mind. Shattered as she is, fragmented and put together - unraveling at the seams.

The dagger thrust to Samael's back is smooth- he is a large man, and she is small and stealthy. Her face is shielded but her clothing would give her away as a Glastheim native. Leukothoe would never be a bride, a lover or a mother. She had been crafted as a tool to Minos.

Samael's blood was drying under her nails as Leukothoe started her journey back to Svarga. She'd get in touch with Minos soon enough.]

Feb. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

[She does as instructed by Minos. This delicate looking girl rides all the way to Camlann's capital and waits. There is no need to stand out, or blend in. There is no need to look suspicious- and so she tries not hide either. It isn't too hard to just go with the flow.

There are vague instructions she must follow. Leukothoe likes watching Samael, she doesn't act like she's interested (because she most certainly does not want that kind of attention from him).]

Jan. 26th, 2012




Who does one have to kill for entertainment?

For the record, a wedding is never entertainment nor should any of you ever mistake it for one. You may as well cover your nether regions with fire ants if you think weddings are amusing. The same can be said about the birth of a child. One must wait a sufficient amount of time to see if the child will be of use or possess good sense. Sometimes, you know early on. And that is fortunate.

[Filter: Private] (warning: cut for sensitive material) )