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Posts Tagged: 'selene'

Nov. 9th, 2012



[No Subject]

dinosaurs don't fall asleep easily. i think i'm bleeding...

i don't like this game.


Oct. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

This again...Hmm...At least I know myself this time.

Hmmm...Theseuuusss? Where are you? My clothes are different. I asked someone where I could get different clothes. No one seemed to have any ideas...

All of my dresses are yellow and red and orange. Who gave me these dresses? Who decided these colors? I think it was meant to torture me. Torture me with colors of daytime when all I want are blues and silvers and dark purples.

Also floral print everywhere. I don't want all these flowers. I have boob flowers...

Oct. 15th, 2012


three ☼

My fairy's real lovely. She helps me find things I lose. This morning I almost couldn't find my keys, and then there she was, my little life saver. I might notta been able to leave the house otherwise.

I know this isn't supposed to be happening, but it's not so bad, you know? I can do this.

Oct. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Selene had been resting (Not sleeping, of course. It was night. Night was no time for sleeping). She'd just stretched out on her bed when something orange captured her attention...and her hair. Making a small, surprised noise, Selene sat up, eyes watching as the fairy picked up a pen and started to draw on the walls.

"Oh dear."

She'd have to ask Benny to clean that up. He was much better at scrubbing than she was. It would be a good job for him. She'd make it up to him, of course. Quietly, she moved to grab her laptop. She could protect it better if it was closer.]

There is a strange creature in my room. It is orange and drawing on the walls with a pen. I hope it doesn't draw too much. It would be very difficult to clean then. It pulled my hair.

Sep. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

Last night had been the full and Selene had spent plenty of her time admiring the way the moon looked. All of this time, she was lying in the grass in Central Park. She remembered Helios saying something about how she needed to be careful about all that admiring, but...well, he couldn't stop her. He was over the water and so far away. She would visit him when he got back. First, she would talk to Theseus...but that was for details about where Helios left. Then he couldn't deny her the information. Clearly her brother wanted her to come around and see him and likely invade his privacy.

But she was getting side-tracked.

The morning had crept up on her much earlier than she expected and she started to feel drowsy. It wasn't a few moments (as far as she was concerned) before a police officer had nudged her awake to see if she was okay. It was morning. She blinked up at him sleepily before murmuring something about the sun being bright and being tired. He reached down to help her up and she grabbed onto his hand despite the thoughts of sleepiness sending messages to her whole body.

As luck would have it, a few seconds after touching her hand, the man fell asleep quite on top of her. It wasn't his fault, really. It was hers. Still groggy, she squirmed out from under him, ignoring the strange looks from other people in the park now. It took a while to get her feet unstuck. After a little while, she just gave up and took her shoes off before she managed to get out.

After that, she got a cab home and dropped her keys one too many times before she managed to get inside her home. She didn't even bother getting undressed before falling into bed, only
just remembering to set an alarm for her evening shift that night.

Sep. 29th, 2012



[No Subject]

My mom is awesome. Seriously, she is. She's the kind of woman who can still baby her boys even though we're both well over twenty, one's a former god, the other's a... sorry, bro, I seriously don't get very well if you're a wizard slash harry potter slash human who could do parlor tricks and was kind of smart.

What I don't get is why we had to cross the ocean and couldn't bring her over. Cheers.
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[No Subject]

My car may have been reduced to a pulp for no apparent reason. I can't wait to try and explain this to the insurance company.
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Sep. 22nd, 2012



fifteenth chase

[ filter; selene and odr ]
I got a care package from mom.

There was a bunny in it. It's brown and tiny and stares at me.
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[Filter: Helios & Merlin]

Boys, I'm thinking we should leave sometime next week to belatedly celebrate your birthday with your mother. Don't be fussy with your papa now and just agree. He's already making plans. ;)

[Filter: Public]

I will be out of the country next week. The boys are just dying to see their mother and who am I to deny them that? Mona, you'll survive without me, won't you? ♥ I'll bring back Nora something, promise.

Sep. 18th, 2012


.o n e. ❀

[ Zephyrus is just sitting on a couch looking slightly uncomfortable. ]

I'll be honest with you all, I'm not a blogger, and I don't even really use a phone that much, so sorry if I sound awkward. I know I do... Unfortunately this is the best way to introduce yourself I guess. I'm... Zephyrus [ Even knowing the circumstances, or at least hearing about the circumstances, that brought all of them together it's still weird to introduce himself with his true name. ] I'd really appreciate it if you called me Wren, or I guess Zeph if you have to.

That's about-- [ He's about to end this awkward video but remembers something. ]

Our free Saturday at the botanical gardens here in the city is coming up so if you haven't been before it comes highly recommended. [ Free Weekend? Worst idea in the world. ] I work there, and that's why I'm telling you all. I have a couple of gardens, so you might even see me.

[ With that he abruptly, abruptly, cuts the feed. ]

Sep. 12th, 2012


.o n e. ➵

[ He's all smiles when the feed turns on, and maybe a little too hopeful for his own good. ]

When did school get so goddamn boring? I've never been in a place with so many people eager to learn. Take me back to high school please. Or better yet, why don't all of you fine people give me the dirt on this place?

Who loves who, who doesn't love who. Affairs, orgies, virgins, whatever it is, I want to hear it. Just please don't tell me about your vacation homes or pets, unless it has to do with sex. Pretty sure if the latter comes out of anyone I'm going to have to single you out as Zeus. And what haven't we been through together?

I'm itching to get some sparks flying already, so if it makes you feel more comfortable reply anonymously or send me a private message. You can definitely trust me with your secrets, and know, that I know what I'm talking about. [ Yeah right. ]

I think there will be a fair few of you convinced you need my help when you figure out who I am. You can call me Reese, or Eros, if you insist. Hell I'll take Cupid, even if the name brings to mind images of fat kids flying butt naked with wings obviously not designed to support that kind of body weight.

Sep. 11th, 2012


two ☼

[ filter; selene and helios ]
You. ♥ Are you two busy this Friday or this weekend?
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Sep. 3rd, 2012



fourteenth chase

From what I'm reading, I had a pretty sweet deal in Niflheim. Family, you still want to keep in touch? No hard feelings if you don't.

[ filter; syrinx ]
Look, about what happened. I didn't know it was you.

Sep. 2nd, 2012


one ☼

Looks like I gotta introduce myself here. My mama named me Jessica Anne, but most days I go by Jess. Jessica is what like, my dentist calls me.

[ filter; greeks ]
But you can call me Eos. ♥



the wide-awake princess ♀

And this couldn't have continued into school because?

[ filter; pheme ]
Movies at my place tomorrow? Since it's our last day of real freedom. We're behind on hangouts, and I think I owe you about ten hugs.

Aug. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

This place is a load of fucking bullshit. Married to Athena. It couldn't even be a sibling I can tolerate? Or one who is fun to pick on? Forced to sneak around with the woman I actually love because of some fucked up family duty. Bullfuckingshit. I am done with that

At least there is a war going on. War I can do. Maybe she'll get lucky and I'll make her a widow.

Aug. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

How curious. How did I forget about this for so long? It has been such a long time for remembering. Such a long time.

Theseus...Do you remember, too? You are my brother but you are not my brother. What a curious phenomenon.

Does this happen a lot? It's a good thing I didn't get a goldfish before I was disappeared...This is like waking up to find you are in Wonderland. I wonder where the looking-glass is. Or the rabbit hole.




Does it make sense now?
Everything keeps shifting.
Fall into place inside your head.
The birds can't fly away.

[Filter: Trojan Family]
Please tell me, how do you fare?

Aug. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

[All this talk of war recently had been boring. It seemed there was little change in topic. Like war was something interesting to talk about. She found herself more restless than usual, moving about the castle silently at night or around the house, perched near her brother's bed. If she got bored there, she'd drift over to Hermione's room and watch her sleep. At least in sleep most everyone she watched seemed peaceful. It was a start.]

I've been thinking about the color blue. I think I prefer its darker hues to the lighter ones. Though, I suppose pastels are okay. Just not super vibrant, bright blues. It makes my eyes tired to look at them. Orange is worse. And yellow. Though, I guess they are all right for candles. But there is still blue in flames.


Jul. 29th, 2012



[No Subject]

it was a brief brilliant miracle dive )

Jul. 27th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Selene]

My socks are missing.



[No Subject]

I've made a new outfit. I've been working on it for a long time, though. I just got very distracted before I could finish it. The days were distracting. And the Czar

Is the war still happening? I guess so, since Hera is not here Brother...I may have broken a vase. It jumped out and startled me. I swear. It did. It was the ugly one anyway. The one with the weird pattern.

Can we get a fish? Two? Maybe a cat? A white, fluffy one.

Jul. 25th, 2012



princess of the midnight ball ♀

[ filter; selene ]
Will you come brush my hair? Please?

[ filter; theseus, polyxena, selene, eve, odr & lilith]
She'll come back Can you tell her to I don't want

I love you. I just wanted to say.

[ filter; troilus ]
Please come back in one piece

Jul. 18th, 2012



the pony-mad princess ♀

[ filter; private ]
going to be an aunt going to be an aunt

[ filter; selene & lilith ]
Do you know Are both of you too busy for dinner today?

Jul. 5th, 2012




[Her writing is jittery now and then but there is a reason for that. Anything crossed out should be especially considered poor writing.]

I have terrible hiccups. And everything that I
have tried
- know to try - won't



least the children have ceased laughing, the little

Jun. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

I am thinking very seriously in hiring someone to guide me around for protection. While I can guard myself well enough, I don't have eyes in the back of my head and losing wares every time I turn to show something to a customer is slightly annoying.

Jun. 29th, 2012




Nothing says 'today's not your day' like bad weather at sea.

[Filter: Family]

Girls, make some time for your family this weekend. I'd like to see both of you at leas for dinner. Your mother and I would appreciate it, especially if your mother has the time.

Wife of mine, I hope you can make it as well. If you can't be, don't worry. I'll stay up for you. ♥

Siblings, you're more than welcome to join us. Please.

Jun. 27th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Perhaps being light on her feet was a natural ability or perhaps it was a matter of study. No one would really know and Selene wasn't over eager to enlighten them lest it should interfere with her small joys. The less they knew, the better.

The curtains were exactly what she'd desired them to be. She could easily hide behind them without being noticed. She'd even managed to make sure they sat in a way so she could climb up and be unnoticed should someone come to find her. Sometimes she was able to plan ahead enough. It was only because it was important to her.

As the sounds of Galahad's breath slowly evened and fell into its normal sleeping rhythm, Selene peeked her head out from behind the curtains. Such a sweet face, such angelic features. He was so much more peaceful looking when he slept. She crept over closer to his bed, lowering into a seated position as she watched him, tempted sorely to reach out and touch his hair. She didn't. He would wake and find her out and then her fun would be over.

Instead she rested her chin in her hands, just watching and taking in the little details of him sleeping: the way his nose twitched when a strand of hair fell over his face, the way his eyes moved under eyelids, the little noises he made. Yes, Selene decided, her Czar was perfect in his slumber.

Before too much time passed and someone came to check, she stood and moved quietly to the door and slipped out.]

Jun. 28th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Gawain]

Gawain, you have been quiet. No letters, no visits, is everything alright?

[Filter: Public]

I awoke this morning so nauseous and went back to bed- it is not certain yet, but perhaps... I can wait.

Summer never reaches Iriy, the wind still has a sharp bite to it.

Jun. 20th, 2012



tenth chase.


[filter; private]
My cousins may very likely wipe each other out someday, and I don't want to be rotting away in this house when it happens. Dear Maker, send me a girl willing to stay longer than a week at the inn, will you? Not that those two have anything in common.

Pan, stop talking to yourself.

[filter; hermes]
The girl I had in bed with me last night called me a different name in the throes of ecstasy. Should I be offended? I don't think I give two shits. I don't remember her name, anyway. Lucy? Trucy?

[filter; echo]
Cousin, sweetest. Lend me an hour of your time.

[filter; public]
In light of the random things showing up, let me just say the trees are looking lovely today.



pretty as a princess ♀

[filter; dearest parents]
I know you're fully-grown adults who

[filter; public]
I would be very okay with winter not coming.

Jun. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

Theseus...someone left the butter on the counter again...oh wait. That might have been me. Nevermind

I think I finally found the right fabric for these curtains. I have a visit to make I tested quite a few before I found it, though. I might have made a mess...

Jun. 13th, 2012




So being in a hospital was fun but Daddy's all better now. Replace 'Daddy' with whatever I am to you. And apparently my other son is Helios.

My children > yours

What else has been going on here?

Jun. 14th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Selene]

Girl, I think you made that guy think he's a narcoleptic. I think you made everyone else at the table think he's narcoleptic.

Nicely played, we're going to play cards with people again.

[Filter: Morpheus]

Sorry about the kitchen incident, I got distracted chatting to Euterpe.


[Filter: Theseus & Helios]

See, the issue is that neither of you ever got fucking locked in a cave because of a young hot girl. Let's say that hypothetically - this girl might be interested. And I don't think she has anything to do with caves.

Thoughts? Mark ✔ as appropriate, followed by reasoning for your answer.


Jun. 12th, 2012



f o u r

[Aphrodite gave a long languid stretch as she woke up and yawned softly, able to feel a warm body against her back. She carefully rubbed the sleep from the corners of her eyes before turning over somewhat to look at Ares still sound asleep beside her. They had spent the weekend together catching up and simply ignoring the world around them in exchange for each others company. Only now, it was finally time to resume their mortal responsibilities. Yet another reason to hate Mondays. With a smug, satisfied smile on her face she sighed contently and reached over to grab her cellphone from the nightstand.]

Morning, darlings ♥ ♥ ♥ While I don't remember everything just yet, I've got a good majority of it under my cestus and can I just say... it's wonderful some so many are all here.

Today's random question; what would be your ideal romantic getaway and why?

[ filter; aeneas ]
My beautiful, darling boy! I'm sorry you were put through that in Rome, but I am so proud of you!

Jun. 11th, 2012



[No Subject]

[The night was much nicer and she found herself sitting up in her room, dressed in a silvery-white dress she'd found, and painting her toenails. Her window was open. The night was always cooler and she rarely dressed in anything heavy enough to warrant discomfort.

As she finished with the nailpolish, she set the bottle aside carefully after closing it. She'd already spilled one this week. Another would just be tragic. She pulled her computer over, humming softly as it booted up. Leaning against the wall, she looked out the window at the moon. It was half gone. Natural as it was, she still wondered at it. It was still beautiful and with it, she felt beautiful.]

Blue is a perfect color. The moon is half gone. I've been watching it outside my window. I cannot wait for the full moon, to see it in all its beauty. Will you admire it like I do? So many slumbering people...

[Filter: Private]
I will find you Endymion and you'll never escape from me again. I will make sure.

Jun. 10th, 2012




Jun. 6th, 2012


[No Subject]

[Filter: Tristan]

I am deeply sorry for what transpired and what I did. Are you well?

[Filter: Angels + Léonore]

When everyone's fully recovered, it might be a great time to have that dinner.

[Filter: Public]

For the next week, d'Orsay'll have free rounds for everyone here. Though you'll probably have to ask for me (Ed). Pretty difficult to tell your staff to go pro bono on reincarnates only.

Jun. 4th, 2012


[No Subject]

Moving a business is a clusterfuck of paperwork and a pain in my ass. It's finally done though so thank the fuck for that. Abernathy Securities is open for business here in the great city of New York. Anyway, anyone looking for work, I could use an assistant.

I'm Henry, used to be called Ares. You see a tiny grumpy seven year old running around, that's Alice. Yes, she's always like that. No, it doesn't bother me.

Jun. 3rd, 2012




I made the mistake of listening to Janelle Monáe's most recent album, and I can't get it out of my head now. Literally. I'm sure other people have heard at least some of it considering how much music is blasting around this city. I'm not complaining, of course. It just gets hard to concentrate with so much going on at once, you know?

Anyway, so this blogging thing. I'm not really in to these. Don't need 'em. Buuut I can make an exception just this one time. Is it worth keeping up? Only time will tell!



[No Subject]

Brother...I may have figured out your secret. Part of it? Maybe? Now I have to see about a sun and the dawn before him.

[Filter: Helios & Eos]
Hello? No one's said if you were here or not. Have you gotten a dimmer yet? I thought I should be certain.

Three guesses who I am and the first two don't count.
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Jun. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

[ filter; apollo ]
Why did you do it?
Why did you make us

Are you home yet?

[ filter; calliope ]
She didn't watch did she?

[ filter; angels ]
I'm sorry
Everyone alright and accounted for?

[ filter; war ]
Are you alright?

[ filter; public ]
Well this is new; I've never been a zombie before.

Apparently the hospital staff frowns upon patients trying to insistently check themselves out in a stupor. Needless to say I'm well rested now although my side and gut still feel as though they've been split open, and pretty sure I've eaten my weight in blue jello.

Lena I'm sorry for falling into that candy striper, and knocking over a gurney... and anything else any damages I may have caused the hospital. Thank you for having them sedate me

May. 31st, 2012


[No Subject]

Nyx woke up connected to tubes and machines. Her head hurt. Her side and ribs hurt. She felt she'd been torn open. She didn't know why. Or what. She remembered fighting in the arena. But this was NY. She could tell by the smells and the fact she was a in a real hospital. Her lips pursed as she tried to move but found she couldn't.

Her eyes drifted shut. Then snapped open. She'd DIED. Her mother had let her DIE. Her mother had engineered her death in some fashion. That made her angry. The monitor on the side of her bed started beeping as her blood pressure climbed. In a minute she was surrounded by nurses and a doctor, who were struggling to hold her down. Despite the pain (and by no mistake there was a lot of it) and wounds, she wanted to find and strangle her mother.

They shoved her back down as gently as possible, and shot something into the IV line. She had a moment of clarity before she drifted under. When she woke again a few hours later, she remained calm and made a quiet request for a laptop and that the lights remain low. She inquired as to what had happened. She was confused to learn she'd been shoved, they said, off the balcony of the second floor of Nightshade and had landed on a table, some glass and other misc bar things, and had done internal damage as well as broken a few ribs, plus some nasty gashes. "Oh. Right. I.. sorry the meds, you know." she waved her forgetfulness off with a sigh, "I don't want any more medication, please"she said softly and waited for them to leave.

Well. It's nice to be home. I think.

Also. Ow.



[No Subject]

What a strange place I've found. It makes you wonder...

The day is warm and bright. Too bright. Brother, please turn down the lights a little. I burn easily but wearing long sleeves forever is too constricting and, once again, the day is warm. It would be uncomfortable. Thank someone for inventing umbrellas, sunglasses, and wide-brimmed hats...and sunscreen.

I wonder if you are here

Seems something's happened recently. Lots about hospitals and being alive. Strange.

[Filter: Private]
No calls from Benny today. Either he's staying put or he's remembered the GPS.