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February 29th, 2012


[No Subject]

What the world needs now is love, sweet love.

Where are my bb Greeks? Come to me now. Or I'll come to you. I'm just that accommodating.



. 03 .

Worse happened. I'm not going to stress over the subject. I have a house, I have family and I'm comfortable. What will happen from now, will happen. Though I miss practicing law, it was much better than dealing with greedy merchants and every other issue they bring with them into the business table.

[ filter; samyaza ]

I know she is not mine. Literally. Brian is but Maeve... How awful would it be to request to keep seeing her anyway?

[ / ]



. 03 .

Didn't have the party I was promised.

Instead, I get this. Hm. Well. I think I'll head east.

Emigrate. I should emigrate.



post, the sixth

[For Pasithea, the advent of her memories brought with it clarity, and sadness. Clarity because it just confirmed that no matter the place or time she and Hypnos were meant to be. Sadness, because she loved her family and loathed the idea that she might lose everything. While she had only been vaguely aware of Minos previously, he was the only true father she could remember knowing - her memories of Poppy's father were more of an older man who was more friend than parent, and Dionysus would never be considered father of the year. Castor and Pollux had become incredibly important to her. Hypnos, Letus, and Somnus... well that went without saying.

The sheer thought that she could wake up tomorrow and have never been married to the love of her life, never cradled the beautiful boys she clearly remembered carrying for months... it was enough to make the normally chill little goddess want to cry.]

While I don't know what's going on, I've resolved to make the most of it.

[filter; zurvan family (Minos, Castor, Pollux)]
I wanted to thank you all for being a part of my life. I hope that whatever happens we don't lose contact. Papa, if it's still all right for me to call you that, you've taught me such strength. I will never forget it. Brothers, I have been truly lucky to have you both around.

Please, don't forget me.

[filter; hypnos]
If we wake up tomorrow and all of this is gone, I hope we'll still be together.

[No Subject]

my god, this course is harder than we thought we had learned enough ways to love )
[filter; arthurians]

Oh god oh god oh god oh god- I trust everyone is safe?

[filter; polyxena]

I am so sorry, Princess. I did not know myself but it is no excuse.

[filter; public]

Another game.

s i e t e

i have a smile stretched from ear to ear )

[No Subject]

I don't know who to - I shall start from the beginning.

Lady Morgause, King Arthur. Mordred is dead. I am so sorry.

He - we were married. I remember it so it must be real. I don't think either of us particularly wanted to marry the other but it was working. Oh, it was working and we were happy.

He died in Ilium. He was fighting with the rebels. He - I heard that he died at the hand of the Queen's Consort. I don't know if that's true. But I'm so sorry for your loss. Would you believe that it is my loss, too?

Agravaine, I'm so sorry about your brother. He was so good to me.




[Filter: Aeneas]

I don't even know what to say right now. I don't even know what to think.

[Filter: Hector]

I should have said something when it all sank in but
I needed a little time to let it settle.

How are you handling things?

[Filter: Arthurians] Mordred's gone. He's gone and I
Why? You'll end up snarled at or worse. But

[Filter: Arthurians]

To his family: I'm so sorry about Mordred.