17 February 2011 at 04:18 pm
Can someone help me take a shower?

[It's been a while since she's trolled.

But she legitimately does need assistance! Not for the reason you may think, however.

Rather than be at home, she's at the shelter's public baths, sitting on a bench and enjoying the steam. Not quite comfortable with broadcasting in a towel, she's got a thin camisole and loose sweatpants on and there's a bag beside her. The sling is off so her arm is hanging loose, but there's still an evident cast going up to her elbow.]
14 February 2011 at 09:01 pm
[ it's been a very, very long night, but Suzaku is still in the Defense Force Headquarters the next morning. earlier than usual, in fact, since he skipped his morning swim. and breakfast.

he'll be pacing HQ, looking more than a little bit run-down, all morning. ]

((ooc: Joining the DF today? Hoping to start a task force? Just looking to offer condolences because of how sucky yesterday was? :D Suzaku was off the communicators after last night's disaster, but he's here and physically available now~.))
[Action | Open]
12 February 2011 at 11:26 pm
[All this chaos… Naoya's not sure if he approves of it or not. At least from what he had been listening to on Lelouch's post, there were people on their way to take care of it.]

[As long as those important to him are safe. That was all he cared about right now.]

[He stands outside his house, watching the street and listening to the reports on the communicator.]

[[ooc; This post is open, but the thread with Cross will be considered last.]]
11 February 2011 at 05:20 pm
[strained voice post, filtered from Euphie]

As I'd like to hope I don't need to tell anyone after that post, stay away from Euphemia if you are Japanese! She is a teenage girl with long pink hair, and she's under a spell -- a curse that forces her to attack and kill anyone she knows or believes to be Japanese. She's currently in the shelter and is heading for Sector 4, so if you're in that area, avoid her at all costs! She can and will attack anyone who gets in her way.

I need the defense force to take her into custody immediately, she is a danger to herself and others in this state, but her condition can be fixed! We just need to stop, disarm, and restrain her before she hurts someone, or engages someone who will hurt her.

07 February 2011 at 09:59 pm
[ This is Kanji's face, scowling at the camera. Good to look tough in prison, right? Even if your prison was decked out with more sights than all of Inaba. ] What's this bullshit about a life sentence? I haven't even had a damn trial, and you're sayin' I have no choice but to deal with it?

So I've had had a couple of misdemeanors, there's no way that shit like skipping school's makes me more of a criminal! And I didn't bully anyone, damn it! [ See Kanji's fist. See Kanji's fist dent the wall in frustration. ]

Hey back off, you stinkin' tin can-- [ Kicking a bot over with the heel of his shoe. ] I'll punch whatever the hell I want to!

[ Muttering ] What kind of prison has a beach, anyway?
05 February 2011 at 10:43 pm
[As midnight nears and the effects of the costume party start wearing off. Over the network, there's giggling -- starting quiet, and then growing louder, happy. The giggling separates into three distinct voices; one deep, one light, one female.]

How was it? How was it? Did you have fun?

It's been pretty tame here lately, but watching you all tonight was -- was just classic. Grade A entertainment!

Ahhh, I feel so much better now.

You poor dears. You should go to bed early, get some rest! In the morning it'll all seem much funnier.

You're welcome, fellow inmates!

Happy anniversary~!
[ Event: Ball ]
03 February 2011 at 08:26 pm
[Just as evening starts to fall, one of the parks in Sector 4 has been festooned with streamers, bright lights in a variety of colors, a big upraised dais, tables of refreshments, and music. It looks like a perfectly normal party from the outside. Optional masks are provided in little bins beside the dais, but you're responsible for your own costumes...!

...And if you're dressed as a character, the moment you step onto the dais, you will believe yourself to have led that character's life for your whole life. This effect will last until "midnight", in this case Sunday, even if you leave the party.]
26 January 2011 at 11:14 pm
[ Link is sitting at a nice spot in the grass, near that lovely tree. There's a basket of apples placed on his lap. For the moment his eyes are closed. ]

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

[ He opens his eyes, looks at his basket, and caaaaaaarefully picks out an apple after much internal debating. Once this incredibly important and necessary process is over, he flicks open his switchblade and proceeds to peel it. ]

(ooc: Link peels...apples...like a boss. APPLEPIE! go get him 8( )
[voice / action for housemates]
24 January 2011 at 08:19 pm
[a certain someone slept on the floor of his living room, sprawled with his puppy. and now a certain someone is awake again, still on the floor, in the clothes he was wearing yesterday, letting the puppy gnaw on his left hand.

[the thing with Fuuma and Subaru yesterday... kind of got to him. it's exactly why he didn't get an animal for himself. he was happy to have the gift, but -- what if, what if, what if]

[voice / filtered from Noah]
[irritable] What the hell is wrong with people who think it's okay to threaten or hurt animals? I mean-- for God's sake, is there any good reason for that? What goes through someone's head?
24 January 2011 at 07:32 pm
Hey. [ a chuckle, tired-sounding and wry, like a man indulging in his own private joke. ]

So who remembers their dreams?
[MAIL POST | Day 98]
22 January 2011 at 07:19 pm
  • Yuuri: a letter from Saki.
  • Wolfram: a letter from Ryoji.
  • Ryu: a letter from Allen.
  • Sakura: a letter from Nakama.
  • Wisely: a letter from Minako.

  • Axel: a package from Wolfram.
  • Xion: a package from Orihime.

[Strolling quickly along the mail route today is the very portrait of an unhappy mail lady. Oh, she's trying to be as courteous to everyone! But after hearing about WV being attacked and injured, she is doing everything she can to remain civil and polite, and so conversations will likely be brief today. Losing her temper wouldn't reflect very nicely on her, now, would it?]

[Click here for pen pal signups. Mail submissions for Day 99 go here!]

[[ OOC: Sorry this is late, I lost track of the days somehow.; ]]
[Action | Open]
19 January 2011 at 08:58 pm
[Cross doesn't care much about hiding today. All of the brats he normally avoids would be hovering over that ponytailed moron, so he's content to flop himself down on a random park bench, stretched out on his back, blowing smoke rings into the air. Get close enough and you're likely to hear him murmuring every now and again about idiots and how they're not worth the trouble.]

[And if any ladies get close enough, they might get a cat-call. He's pissed, but he's not blind.]
[action][English Class!]
19 January 2011 at 06:51 pm
[ judges it warm and dry enough to have class outside, again, by the tree. he's brought a ball and little bag with slips of paper in it for this class, intending to play a game. the book he read recommended games; he is skeptical, but it's worth a shot. he's kind of looking forward to the class... after the last few days, being in control of his element sounds pretty good right now. ]
17 January 2011 at 11:24 pm
[ she's in a bed that's not hers -- well, not Lelouch's, or Suzaku's -- and is very briefly confused. but she can feel the metal band around her neck. she fingers it and snorts, rolling over to gather the sheets about her. she does put her communicator on and turns it on as she lolls on the bed, idly wondering if what's-his-name ... Don? ... left at some point. pity, he'd been fun. she wonders if things will be awkward now. ]

... I guess it's the couch for a while... [ doesn't sound overly upset about this. ]

((ooc: Threadjacking a-ok, just an fyi!))
[voice / action / backdated to NOON]
15 January 2011 at 01:55 am
[It doesn't feel like noon, it feels like -- it must be much later than it is. God. But the important thing is that he's back at his apartment, no one is dead, and things are calming down. Hopefully he can get a few minutes to sit down, elevate his throbbing ankle, bandage up the weirdly itchy arm Mugen tore into, and pet his damn dog.

[...but first]

[voice / filtered to DF, Fou, Naoya]

We stopped Kanda from going after Road. He's sleeping now. [thanks to some sedative!] So there won't be an incident breaking out. I'm sorry if anyone was concerned. [he doesn't imagine the entire prison was up in arms, but -- the people he wants to know this are on the DF, so. that was simple enough]

[after a beat, switching to private to Alma]

Alma -- Kanda's safe. He's at our apartment, if you want to see him later.


((ooc: feel free to drop by if you have reason to be there, just note if you want to tag Kanda when he wakes up instead of Allen))
13 January 2011 at 06:53 pm
[The club's entirely empty, save for a single booth occupied by three. It's darkened but lively, a somewhat lighthearted atmosphere despite the day's earlier goings on.

The alcohol helps.]

--and that's how, [Saki pauses for a second, quietly refilling a wine glass and sliding it over to Lavi,] that's how we managed to convince the police not to arrest us.

Okay, I shared. Who's next? [Isn't that what we agreed on? The wine certainly thinks so.]
10 January 2011 at 10:28 pm

Where are you?

[ doesn't bother filtering this shit. ]

09 January 2011 at 11:09 pm
[Alma's confused, but he should be used to the feeling by now. Nothing ever makes sense to him anymore, and the more he tries to it's like he's sinking into the mud the more he struggles. But Castiel didn't make him leave like Alma thought he would. Alma spent the day angry and frustrated and he still feels lost. And when he doesn't know what to do, asking questions is the only thing he knows how to do.]

[Voice|Filtered from Black Order Members]

Is someone who betrays you really your friend?

[After a silent pause.]

Is anybody even up right now?

[It's really late, so he wouldn't be surprised if everyone was sleeping. But he still wants to talk, wants to hear from someone. No just anyone...him. He's the only one who can understand.]

[Private to Yu Kanda]

...You must think I'm really stupid, huh?
09 January 2011 at 05:01 pm
private )

Marina. How peaceful. I wonder how long it'll take for all hell to break loose here again.

On another note, would anyone like to donate some blood to a worthy cause? I promise I'll make it worth your time. [ ♥ trooolling in your skiiiin ]

((ooc: Zelman talks to himself. 8())
06 January 2011 at 02:13 pm
[After the event filled last few days, Saki's happy for some peace and quiet. Sitting at her usual table in the library, a new mess of books spread out in front of her; Eastern treatises on the possibility of reincarnation, and various biblical renditions, all of them flipped open to the Cain and Abel story. You know, just because.]

[Find her there, or outside the front doors having a cigarette.]