[Voice | Action]
06 June 2011 at 06:31 pm
[There was a sigh. The voice itself was perfectly normal, but anyone in the area to actually see what just made that noise might be in for a somewhat nasty surprise. The source of the noise is a tall, spindly, humanoid looking thing. He’s mostly solid looking. Mostly.]

Acumen? That’s a very self-important name. But that’s beside the point. The point is, even though you arrested me, I’m not angry, oh no. I’m not at all irritated that after hundreds of years of waiting, I had finally disabled Takamagahara. It’s not like I can’t just wait another couple hundred years for that to come around again. It’s no problem, really.

[Judging by the tone of his voice, he’s actually pretty pissed. He had been so damn close.]

No no, my only complaint is that if you were going to arrest me, couldn’t you at least, you know, bring along my body? Is that too much to ask?

((OOC: If you want to see the creepy ghost, feel free to tag into the action! He's hanging out by the pet shop, being disgusted by the kittens.))
[video/voice, open!]
06 June 2011 at 07:33 pm
[the feed opens in a short brunette girl chewing a jelly bean, identifiable by the fact that she still has some in her hand. her other hand appears to be holding the camera-- or fidgeting with it, more accurately, as she balances it on... something. probably the welcome basket, given that everything from inside the basket is currently piled haphazardly next to her, food items in her lap.]

Hi. [no smile, just an idle look at the communicator camera for a second. she's not really a morning person on the best of days.] Marina Asylum, right? I'm Dani. [a small wave.] Thanks for the basket. Pretty welcoming, for a prison. I figured there'd be more... prison sort of things. Bars and orange uniforms and a lack of privacy. Not cookies.

[she pauses for a second at that, looking contemplative.] The cookies were delicious, by the way. Thanks to whoever made them.

Anyway, I guess I'm new here and not leaving anytime soon, so... I'd better get settled in. Any tips?
[Dream | Open to existing CR]
31 May 2011 at 11:35 pm
[It's past nightfall, and yet the sky is a rich sunset orange, lit by an entire city ablaze. All around are the signs of a battle, soldiers wearing both colors run through and left to rot in the road. These are the men no one cares about; that's why they were sent here. The chances of survival at Rutenberg are near to zero.]

[And yet, a soldier stumbles out of the smoke. He's beaten and bloody but he carries his sword with a tight grip, knowing he may need it at any time. Conrad's hair is longer, his expression devoid of anything resembling a smile. Help him, fight him -- he may look at you the same either way.]

((OOC: Memories of Marina will not be present at first, but will begin to surface as threads go on. I can't decide whether he'll be pre- or post- turning; if you have a preference please state it! Otherwise I'll just roll wherever is most fun. ^_^ ))
[Dream post]
31 May 2011 at 11:30 am
[Dream 1 - The Celestial Plane]

The sun the shines over all... )

[Dream 2 - A Dark World]

...until the darkness snuffs it out. )

((OOC: Dream 1 is totally open to everyone! Dream 2 is closed to those who have permission to not totally swamp me with tags XD If you want to tag dream 2, you can ask on AIM (SkyDream16) or my plurk if you have me added))
[ dreams ]
26 May 2011 at 10:03 pm
[the circus]

[You're inside a circus tent. It's pretty standard, if somewhat oldtimey-- there's a scattered concession stand here and there, amongst performers with doing acrobatics and little improv shows, and little games where you can knock over pegs and win a prize or bob for apples, with the arena lit by sunlight pouring in from the open flaps of the tent. You can interact with any and all of it.

Allen is dressed as a clown, wearing full makeup, balancing on a ball and juggling. The crowd seems to walk around him without seeing him, but he doesn't notice. Just cheerfully going through his routine. He'll perform for you, too, if you come over to him, but he won't say a word.

There's nothing terribly out of the ordinary about it, until a clown in a big round suit walks by with his dog, and then Allen's focus is entirely on him. He steps down from the ball, breath catching.

"Mana?" he whispers.

The tent flaps slip closed. The music stops. The crowd slows to a halt. Some of them might even seem strange now, as if there's something lurking under their skin, and staring fixedly at you. But Allen doesn't notice; not them, not you. And he runs off into a shadowed corridor of the tent, vanishing into the darkness.

...If you follow him, you might come out...

[the empty house]

Read more... )

((ooc: both "dreams" are open! tag in at the beginning of either scene and we'll play through as far as you like! so if you're going with the circus dream, put [the circus] in your subject and start with encountering Allenclown in the normal circus~))
[Event] Night of Floating Lanterns
20 May 2011 at 08:18 pm
[It starts with one light at first, lifting itself from a roof nearest the beach--a solitary lantern glowing and drifting away on the light breeze. From one come many, several burning glows bursting to life and rising up above the trees and the buildings, lanterns of all shapes and sizes floating along like a river of lights. They bob and weave around each other, lightly bumping to change their directions, similar to stars high up near the apex of the dome, the waters below sparkling from the glow.

At the beach there are several tables where inmates may receive a lantern of their own to light and send on its way into the sky, joining the others as they burn through the night.]

[The lanterns are all around the dome, but they will eventually make their way to floating above the waters at the beach. Feel free to see them just about anywhere outdoors! If you want the full effect, check out the full scene from Tangled.]
[ so actiontastic / also voice ]
17 May 2011 at 11:10 pm
[Morning, and Allen is sitting up in his bed in the hospital, legs folded cross-legged underneath him. His right arm is in a cast, and he is picking at it with his left hand. He's not enjoying himself, but he's let other people convince him to stay here for a little bit longer.]

[Timcanpy's back, though, on his shoulder with tail draped over his neck. He has to look after the boy, after all.]

[After a beat of hesitation, Allen turns on the communicator.]


No classes for me today, I'm afraid. Yuuri-- ah, if you still want to study together, I'll have to suggest a change in location.

((ooc: castmates who would have been informed earlier can backdate threads to shortly after he gets to the hospital, just say so in the header!))
002: Freedom, maybe. [voice/open action]
17 May 2011 at 04:40 pm
For a crime as severe as that, the amount of time for which a person is restrained certainly is short. Not that I'm complaining, of course.

Now then, I'd like to ask - would anyone be able to recommend a good place for food that isn't made by robots?

[seemingly random question is random, but he'd like to gain the trust of the people here through idle conversation for now]

[Light will be exploring the dome for the bulk of the day - since he's finally free from his restraints - to become more familiar with the overall surroundings, and to see if he might be able to find any clues as to how this entire dome operates. You might find him especially close to the outermost extremities of the dome, and possibly loitering a bit around the external boundaries of the Defense Force Headquarters]

[If he does spot you staring at him, or possibly taking a good look at him, he might just greet you with a pleasant smile and a Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening.]

[He'll be wondering about from morning up to the evening(9 AM - 6 PM), only taking a break for lunch at the Shelter kitchens. Feel free to approach him~]
Location: Dome; entirety of Day 115
17 May 2011 at 11:39 am
[Today, Ammy has decided, is the day to meet new people and catch up with friends. Because there are many people she hasn't seen for awhile and new people she totally needs to meet.

The shelter is the best bet for finding people, and naturally this means Ammy's going to hang around the kitchen. Should you be in there, she is going to sit next to you and give you the best puppy eyes she can, because clearly this should work.

10 May 2011 at 09:12 pm
[ Suzaku has been yawning all this morning, ever since he woke up a little late. he's honestly looking a bit rundown, but he's still going strong...!

feel free to run into him early in the morning, at the athletic complex, where he swims a ridiculous number of laps before heading off to Defense Force HQ. he'll then pop home for lunch and come back for the afternoon... ]

((ooc: As everyone's doubtlessly noticed, this post is slowed down significantly by participation in a certain meme. DON'T WORRY, I will totally get to everyone here. ♥))
[ voice/video || open ]
05 May 2011 at 10:36 pm
[ It’s getting to be later in the evening, and for once, he’s considering sleep. There are no nicotine patches to keep him occupied, and the world right now is dull, dull, dull. He needs something stimulating, and the communicator is right there... Normally, he’s not given to speaking to people unless they have information. This is no exception. ]

[ Those listening to the open feed will hear the dark voice pouring through their headset, smokey and slow with the weight of his dilemma. ]

Good evening, Marina Asylum.

Before you ask, yes, I am one of those new inmates assimilated into the fold by your monotonous overlord. However, I’m not interested in preaching my woes of incarceration. I am comfortable with the charges that have been weighed against me and regret nothing.

My name is Sherlock Holmes.

I’ve spent the day exploring your facilities. Anthrax Island, indeed. However, what I’ve seen of you brings questions to mind, those of which I would like to bring to your attention.

Marina's Criminal Survey )

[ video/action ]
02 May 2011 at 10:26 am
[ Hello, Marina! How do you like your newcomers and how they are panicking or the whatnot? Well, how about a change? You may have a man who is just standing around, looking so calm in Sector Four- the park to be exact.

He seems rather interested in his surroundings but at this moment, he is very fascinated by the little headset he's been given. ]

This is just a brilliant device. A headset with video and voice functions to communicate over? A few years late behind everyone, but, ohhh, what will they think of next? Though the design can be a bit better-- well, I've seen worse-- well, it's not that bad-- well, yeah, it's a bit bad. They can do better with the colour.

[ He taps on the screen before remembering that, oh, he needs to be asking something! ]

But anyhow, hello! Yes, if anyone is listening to this, I'm the Doctor. Nice to meet you all.

Right now, I'm in a bit of a predicament such as waking up in a new area-- "one-point-six-zero-nine kilometres beneath the surface of the Eloquois Ocean" if Acumanny here is telling the truth. This isn't the first time something like this has happened but still quite unpleasant though I do admit that this is a lovely welcome so far except that whole list of crimes bit.

[ Nope, he hasn't done some of those-- well, a bit but he's not going to say anything on the matter. ]

A basket filled with a few gifts and a brochure is a nice touch, but who have thought that pears are any good? Honestly, pears should be completely out of this welcome basket. [ He doesn't even pick up them from the basket he's holding. Ew. ] Really should have gone with something like a banana. Always remember to have a banana on you. Bananas are good. They're high in potassium.

[ He pauses for a second-- just a slight second. ]

--Oh right, where was I? Ah, yes, a predicament.

So! Has anyone seen a human named Donna? British, ginger, has a bit of a sassy attitude and can be quite loud if in the mood. Or in that matter, has anyone also seen a big blue police box? Got the words 'POLICE' on the top, made out wood? Both are pretty important and I'm in a bit of a hurry here. I'm sure both can take quite good care of themselves though one will be louder than the other in voicing herself.

[ Has he suggested that a police box is a living thing? Yes, he has. He quite likes his TARDIS, thank you. Now, he'll just look around while waiting for an answer. So much to see, so little time when it comes to without a TARDIS. ]

(( OOC: Ah, um, apologizes but tags will be gotten back to slowly at the moment! I am deeply sorry for this and I do hope that no one minds backtagging or slow tags! ))
02 May 2011 at 09:49 pm
[She taps the little screen lightly, turning it this way and that as she tries to see these people that the little paper book talked about. Isn't it supposed to let her?]


Um…do I have to say a spell? No, there wasn’t a spell mentioned in the little book thing… Maybe I need to say a name? But I don’t know any names…

Oh! Flynn? Are you here, Flynn? Anybody? I just…I didn’t mean to break any laws! I just wanted to see the lanterns. If I promise never to leave ever again, can I go back? Mother is going to be furious with me. [She looks worried, but her expression becomes a little more determined.]

And you, too, when she finds out you put me in prison! Oh, you won’t like to see her when she’s angry. [An attempt at confidence.] But that can all be avoided if you send me back. I wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt, really.


[Anyone in the park by Ammy's tree will find that leading up into said tree is a very, very, very long river of golden hair. If you look up you might notice the girl sitting on one of the branches, looking very worried.]

{OOC: Putting a cap on Rapunzel! No more new threads, please, unless you absolutely must with a burning need in your soul. And then you can poke me on the contact post on her journal first? This will probably be revoked some time later this week.}
25 April 2011 at 07:55 pm
[Beautiful rain. The cold wet has always been so soothing to the pair of them, and they've currently settled themselves in the park to better enjoy it, crouched on the ground like some massive, breathing gargoyle. The only thing that moves is their tongue, and it slithers about almost mindlessly, touching their cheeks and occasionally catching some of the moisture, though they never seem to drink it.]

What a lovely morning... So nice and dark. Why can't it just rain forever, mm? That's what umbrellas are for...

[Murmuring to themselves, each statement occasionally punctured with a deep rasp of a chuckle. If anyone's up at this early hour and brave enough to muck about in the wet, feel free to say hello!]
[ voice / EVENT ]
18 April 2011 at 06:05 pm
--I can't believe they're celebrating Holi. [He's kind of thrilled about it, and laughs.]

Holi is a festival of colors. I'm not sure if there's religious significance to it or not, other than that it's for spring, but in India people would throw colorful liquid or powder on passersby. And if you say to them, "Pardon me, but it's Holi," they're supposed to forgive you.

It's a lot of fun, if you can relax enough for it. If not... [sly] maybe you should stay indoors today?

((ooc: Respond to his voice post here! Otherwise this is an EVENT POST. Comment here if you want your character to get powdered, or if you want to lurk and throw brightly-colored water at other people, and other people will respond to your comment to oblige! Calling all pranksters, goofballs, and trolls!))
[ Open ]
18 April 2011 at 06:31 pm
[ Voice ]
Um, Himawari? I don't know if you still need the exercises we talked about before you... left. [ He paused to clear his throat. ] But I'm at the gym today if you still want me to show you.

[ Action ]
[ Even though he didn't need to do this for physical therapy anymore, Ashton still enjoyed swimming. Beyond being a good workout, it was therapeutic.

Right now he was relaxing on the floor of the pool, eyes closed and breath held (which is surprisingly easy to do, now). Hardly any sign remained of the world outside of the water he's in. It let him shut out everything else going on in his life and just... wait. ]
12 April 2011 at 03:32 pm
[Ammy is lying at the foot of the Guardian Sapling, so for a moment, the video shows a view of the flowers from below before a paw comes into view, and then the communicator is shoved right so she can see~]

Technology is so fidly. A question though...it came to mind a little while ago. How many of you come from worlds of magic? Or is yours one of technology? Or both, or neither? I'm curious~
05 April 2011 at 10:55 am
[ in the park with a book, but right now he's just lying on his back in the middle of one of the grassy areas, arms behind his head and looking up at the "sky" and enjoying the "sunshine". has flipped his eyepiece away, so it's just the audio translator that picks up his musings. ]

Sort of strange, really, t'think that back home, life's moving right along without us. [ has wondered, sometimes, if his replacement's even Bookman's apprentice anymore, what with all those fraud charges the system's got him in for. if his replacement's incapable of lying, then he has his doubts. what if he's just a straight-up Exorcist, or just... doing something completely different. being "Lavi" forever. ]

... also, the hell is with the talking ponies? [ just in case anyone gets the strange idea he has the capacity to be serious about anything. ]
Location: Day 109 / Park, Sector 4 / Mid-Morning
04 April 2011 at 06:09 pm
[The confusion is written all over the young man’s face as he reads the message flickering across the screen. Is it magic? It must be... A quick scan of the area tells him that the Sages and the princess are nowhere to be found. The last thing he can remember is Ganon being sealed away, and at last, it all being over...]

...Zelda? ...Navi?

[The silence is a little bitter, and the battered Hero takes a seat with a weary sort of sigh. He’s tired, and he doesn’t know what to think... but so long as everyone is safe, he can take a moment to breathe. Whatever comes next, he’ll handle it. He doesn’t realize that he’s somehow managed to turn the video on, and anyone looking will see he’s bruised and beaten.]

[It doesn’t take him terribly long to notice the basket, and he reaches out to pull it closer before he notices the chain around his ankle. He pauses like that for a moment, fingers outstretched apprehensively.]

[Have a confused derp!hero]
[Video | Action | Open]
04 April 2011 at 04:10 pm
[This is a unicorn. But not just any unicorn, oh no. This unicorn has a pair of red cat's eye glasses, a gorgeous purple mane, and a diva's glare that would make a pop star jealous.]

Well! I've never been so insulted in all my days! First I'm kidnapped, then arrested, and now imprisoned? Do any of you know who I am, hmm? No? I am Rarity, and I am a lady.

[Sticking her nose up and tossing her mane? Yes, very yes.]

Just you wait till the other girls hear about this. They'll have me freed faster than Rainbow Dash can clear the clouds in Ponyville. It's one thing to capture me, but to place me in an area with such horrid decor... Do you intend to torture me as well? I mean, come on; a blind pony could do a better job. I could go on.

This is complaining, by the way; you haven't even heard me whine yet.

... You won't like me when I'm whining.