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Apr. 30th, 2013


TO: Bryant
FROM: Marcus
TIME SENT: January 13th, morning

Text message from Marcus's phone. )

TO: Jon
FROM: Marcus
TIME SENT: January 13th, evening

Text message from Marcus's phone. )

TO: Hunter
FROM: Marcus
TIME SENT: January 13th, evening
Text message from Marcus's phone. )

Apr. 17th, 2013


To: Crows Landing Residents
From: Your Local Police Department (this police blotter is written by one of two dispatchers. Being a very small town, please remember that CLPD only had a handful of officers to begin with, and is currently down 2 of those, so not all of these incidents are being fully investigated, or will be investigated in anything like a timely manner.)
Time Sent: January 14th, 2013

Police Blotter section for the Crows Landing Observer on Monday, January 14th, 2013. If you're an executive puppet who'd like to add to this or make changes, feel free! )

Apr. 16th, 2013


WHO: Hunter & Marcus.
WHEN: January 11th, late night.
WHERE: The hospital.
WHAT: Hunter's mild concussion wins her an overnight stay at the hospital for observation, while Marcus is working.
WARNINGS: TBD, presumably language!

She didn't want to admit how bad it felt, but it felt like there was a jackhammer working right at the base of her skull somewhere. )


Who. Annie and Hunter
When. January 12th, 4:00 PM
Where. The hospital.
What. After getting Hunter's text, Annie rushes to see her.
Rating. Low.

The fight had only just been the day before, and of course, Hunter's face was still a black and blue mess. )

Apr. 13th, 2013


TO: Annie.
FROM: Hunter.
TIME SENT: January 12th, 3:00PM.

Text to Annie. )

Apr. 2nd, 2013


WHO: Casper Decal and Hunter Sommer
WHEN: January 11th, afternoon
WHERE: The Market and Bakery
WHAT: Bitches gonna fight

This is your last warning. )

Mar. 20th, 2013


Who: Hunter & Ben.
When: Sunday, January 6th. 1PM~
Where: Front porch of the Garret house.
What: After discovering that Nona isn't hiding out with her lover boy, Hunter is kind of curious as to where she is hiding out.
Warnings: Creep dad!

Hunter was more than a little hungover from the night before, but she was also a little more than concerned. )

Mar. 4th, 2013


Who: Hunter & Max.
When: (Technically) Friday, January 4th. Around 1AM.
Where: The Brass Key.
What: Drinking away some feelings.
Warnings: Language, some thinly veiled threats.

She had been trying to hold it together, but Hunter's emotional dam was never as strong as she liked to believe. )

Feb. 28th, 2013


To: Annie.
From: Hunter.
Time Sent: January 2nd [12:49pm].
Text to Annie. )


Who: Tatum (and cameo by coach Hunter).
When: Close to noontime on January 2nd.
Where: Crows Landing High School (cafeteria primarily).
What: Attitude changes begin to effect Tatum's new school semester.
Warnings: Violence, foul language, blood, and Hunter actually acting semi-responsible (she's not even the source of the bad language!).

She was like a little yappy dog fighting her leash. )

Feb. 27th, 2013


Who: Annie & Hunter.
When: Late afternoon on Saturday, December 29th.
Where: Hunter's trailer & town veterinarian office.
What: Bella bites the dust, but foul play is afoot.
Warnings: Language, animal death, general sad feelings.

Nothing lives forever. )


Who: Annie & Hunter.
When: [Backdated to] Thursday, December 27th. Set shortly after Gideon's suicide.
Where: Streets of Crows Landing/Hunter's truck.
What: Brief scene between friends in a time of need.
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, etc.

What are friends for? )

Feb. 26th, 2013


TO: Hunter
FROM: Archer
TIME SENT: 1 January, noon

text message to Hunter )

Jan. 22nd, 2013


Who. Annie, Gilman, and Hunter.
When. Monday, 12/24/2012, late evening.
Where. Hunter's trailer @ The Woods.
What. The rejects' Christmas Eve party!
Warnings. There is NO telling. Seriously. Definitely language, alcohol, perhaps some drug use. Just think "The Hangover," okay?

I brought the purple drank. )

Jan. 10th, 2013


York Estate Holiday Reception

WHO: Invitees (if you are not directly invited and wish to attend, you’ll need to find someone to take you as a guest, or crash).
WHEN: Saturday, 12/22/2012, starting at 6 PM.
WHERE: York Estate Home on Northgate Ave.
WHAT: The Annual York Estate Holiday Reception
WARNING: Crashing this party may result in confrontation with one or more York. Do not force them to call the cops, especially since the Sheriff is on the guest list. This post isn’t going anywhere, and there is no time limit on this scene, so feel free to finish up other stuff before jumping on here.

There might have been more security at GENtech... )

Jan. 9th, 2013


To: Annie, Nona, & O'Brien.
From: Hunter.
Time Sent: Saturday, December 22nd [4:34PM].

Picture Text to Her Best & Brightest Friends. )

Jan. 7th, 2013


To: Hunter
From: O'Brien
Time sent: December 20th (what the fuck day is it??), 6:42PM

blah blah blah Text to Hunter blah blah blah )

Jan. 8th, 2013


To: Hunter.
From: Gilman.
Time Sent: December 19th, 5:24pm.

Text to Hunter )

Jan. 7th, 2013


Party Invitation.

To: All characters with current ties to the Yorks. (members of The Garret Family, Archer Avery, Suyin Foster, Eden Williams, Jon Bennett, members of The Fox Family, members of The Thompson Family, Dr. Wren Spengler, surviving members of The Cunningham Family.)
From: Christine York
Time Sent: Arriving by December 16th by regular ol' post.

An embossed paper invitation, hand-addressed, delivered to each mailbox by the postman. How very quaint! )


To: Annie.
From: Hunter.
Time Sent: Wednesday, December 19th [12:56pm].

Text to Annie. )

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