August 10th, 2013

[info]dontevergrowup in [info]horror_story

Who: Jenny & Dahlia & OPEN.
What: Sadsack!Jenny theorizing the worst about the situation.
When: Shortly after dawn, on June 6th.
Where: Shore of the island, not too far from the landing site and with pockets of survivors in sight.
Warnings: None so far.

Help would come soon, that was the consensus. Jenny didn't buy it. )

[info]a_straychild in [info]horror_story

Who: Emma & Tatum & OPEN.
What: Very, very mild exploring along the shore of the island.
When: Mid-day, on June 7th.
Where: Twenty-or-so minute walk from the original landing site.
Warnings: None so far.

She'd gotten her cry out on the boat, fluctuating between sobbing and sniffling on Emma for most of the way to the island. )

[info]speakofthedead in [info]horror_story

WHAT: Eli stumbles upon the survivors left on the beach
WHEN: About 12-16 hours after they first land
WHERE: The beach
RATING: Low for now
STATUS: Incomplete.

I'll send an SOS to the world )