July 18th, 2013

[info]darkertides in [info]horror_story

SUMMERTIME AU: Bikini Beach Mayhem/Attack of the Killer...

Who: Rob York, Marcus Caravahlo, and anyone else! (Open AU)
When: July 6th, 2013
Where: An undisclosed, private beach in the tropics.
What: While filming a movie, the cast and crew are forced to fight for their lives in an environment that most definitely does not want them there.
Warning: This might go very adult or very silly... or both. Not sure yet.

Honestly, just because it was an adult film didn't mean everything had to be as pornographic as possible. )

[info]teaganmitchell in [info]horror_story

SUMMERTIME AU: Camp Slaughterhouse

Who: Teagan, anyone else! (Open AU)
When: July 10th, 2006
Where: Summer camp!
What: It's all fun and games until someone has to break out the chainsaws.
Warning: Just campfire tales thus far. COME SEE WHERE IT GOES.

Being smart didn't help, it just made him think of all the terrible things it could be... )