June 24th, 2013

[info]missherocomplex in [info]horror_story

TO: Ophelia.
FROM: Hunter.
TIME SENT: June 2nd, 7:00pm [Mid-Dinner].

Text to Ophelia )

[info]acleanslate in [info]horror_story

Who. Ginny and Mal.
When. June 3rd, afternoon.
Where. St. Barth.
What. Just a little run in with a familiar face.
Warning. None, more than likely.

Luxury cruise or not, it felt remarkably like a giant cage. )

[info]blindingly in [info]horror_story

Who. Dahlia and Ian.
When. June 3rd, around 3 pm.
Where. The hall, deck, etc.
What. While taking Lucy on a walk, Dahlia runs into Ian Kingsley.
Warnings. TBD.

By the time they made it back to the room, Dahlia's feet ached and her shoulders stung from the light sunburn. )