June 3rd, 2013

[info]missherocomplex in [info]horror_story

WHO: Hunter & Mack.
WHEN: May 31st, 9:30pm.
WHERE: Tahitian Lounge.
WHAT: Hunter catching up with her friend before Mack spins the first dance of the cruise.
WARNINGS: Friendly foul language abound, little else!

We do it big, shining like stars, we don't give a fuck cause that's just who we are. )

[info]kingofhiscastle in [info]horror_story

WHO: Jenny and Ian
WHEN: June 1st, 2:00am
WHERE: Top Deck
WHAT: Sneaking out for a smoke
WARNING: PG-13 for language

I know this probably sounds crazy... )

[info]arcarius in [info]horror_story

Shooting the Breeze

WHO: Archer and Max
WHEN: 30 May, evening
WHERE: the lounge
WHAT: The night before they’re set to depart, the captain makes an effort at relaxation... since he probably won't have much time for that once the cruise gets underway. He visits a friend.
WARNING: Do I have to keep warning about Archer’s bad language or can we all take it as a given at this point that he’s basically incapable of cleaning it up?

He was a man who woke up early and went to bed late. )