May 24th, 2013

[info]plotmaster in [info]horror_story

Cycle 002: Enter Crows Landing (Finale)

WHO: Open to Ophelia, Sam Belli, and Team Survivor (Aka: Any characters still alive)
WHEN: Between January 18th and January 30th (protip: if you guys tag in for the 30th, you’ll find an empty shop and will probably be disappointed)
WHERE: Crows Landing, Oregon
WHAT: The very last plot post for cycle 002! Scenes started in this specific thread will count against you as incompletes if they get dropped, and any final on-screen deaths will earn points towards the score tally. Post as little or as much as you like to resolve your character’s stories!
WARNING: This is the last thread of the cycle, so just about anything goes in here (within reason; keep it IC and feasible within this thematic setting). That means anything that you want to do that hasn't yet been done should be summed up or played out here. We're tidying up to get ready for Cycle 3, so this is the very last Cycle 2 post that will be posted to the comm.

So it was safe to say that the town was painted in blood... )

[info]fiendlyghost in [info]horror_story

AU: Zombies! RUN!

WHO: Hunter and Casper
WHEN: The apocalypse, somewhere near the end
WHERE: fucking CANADA, where else?
WHAT: What remains of a group of survivors flee to the Territories with hopeful visions of a mythic safezone.
WARNING: Zombies, murder, insanity, violence, language, the whole buffet.

Hunter? I barely know ‘er. )

[info]speakofthedead in [info]horror_story

MAY DAY AU: Scariest Place On Earth

Who: Elijah and Jenny
When: Summer, Present Day
Where: Louisiana, Eli's Carnival
What: Newly graduated from high school, Jenny and some friends decide to pop 'round Eli's carnival for some fun. But all is not quite right at the FunFair...
Warning: Obligatory warning for sex and gore. I don't know if the sex will happen, but I'm sure the gore will!

There's a bad moon on the rise )