March 26th, 2013

[info]blindingly in [info]horror_story

Who: Anna Palmer (NPC) and Detective Simpson (NPC'd by the wonderful Pixie)
What: The official search for Dahlia begins.
Where: Crows Landing police station.
When: January 6th, afternoon. (After the Anna/Jenny thread)
Rating: Low.

Anna kept half expecting to hear the jaunty little jingle that played every time Dahlia called. )

[info]oh_susanna in [info]horror_story

Who: Susanna and Jon
What: Out by the wetlands, there's a lost woman walking...
Where: Buck Island Road
When: January 6th, Midnight
Rating: R for language. And feels. Lots of them.

Stop. Just stop. )

[info]blindingly in [info]horror_story

Who: Anna Palmer (NPC) and Gilman.
What: Gilman is out taking photographs around town. Unfortunately for him, Anna recognizes him and confronts him.
Where: Somewhere around town. I'M NOT SURE. BACK OFF.
When: January 6th, late afternoon.
Rating: TBD. Low on Anna's part, probably some creepy thoughts on Gilman's end.

I'm Anna Palmer. Dahlia's mom. )