January 3rd, 2013

[info]gilmanblack in [info]horror_story

Who: Gilman and Susie
Where: The Trailer Park.
When: Dec 17th, late morning.
What: Susie is high. Gilman says hi.
Rating: Mentions of drug use and a LOT of innuendo and crude language.
Meth was a bad idea. )

[info]fiendlyghost in [info]horror_story

WHO: Ethan and Casper
WHEN: A random Friday afternoon, Junior Year
WHERE: Crows Landing High art class
WHAT: Flashback
WARNING: Language, Preciousness, Casper being as cuddly as she is physically capable of being.

I am a fist amidst the hands and I break it just because I can. )

[info]charliepats in [info]horror_story

WHO: Charlie and Avery
WHEN: December 17, about 11am
WHERE: The Gas Station
WHAT: Charlie gets an oil change for the first time

So, what exactly is an oil change? )