December 30th, 2012

[info]nonagarret in [info]horror_story

Who: Gilman and Nona.
What: AU Prompt "Another Virgin Birth"
Rating/Warning: Gross, weird, schlocky stuff! Restraints, forced feeding, forced alien incubation, and a grisly end.
Setting: AU!Gilman is actually an alien looking to start an invasion of planet Earth. To start his invasion, however, he needs a host for his squiggly alien young, and Nona fits the bill.

Gilman had spent five years in Crow’s Landing, and two weeks before Christmas, he had finally chosen his host. )

[info]gilmanblack in [info]horror_story

WHO: Gilman and Nona.
WHEN: Just after Nona’s shift (early evening) on the 13th.
WHERE: Outside the Hospital.
WHAT: Bored and unfulfilled, Gilman decides to stir the pot a little, and Nona is his target.
WARNING: Some prickly words but otherwise nothing too bad.

After a swing and a miss with Susanna, Gilman was bored. )