September 17th, 2012

[info]a_straychild in [info]horror_story

Who: Tatum & CJ.
When: First night at just around 12:30AM, after the end of the tour. Ends just before 4AM.
Where: Their room [115].
What: CJ is understandably freaked after his experience in the kitchen, and Tatum discovers him tearing up their room shortly after. In progress.
Warnings: Swearing, violence toward inanimate objects, generally mild.

It was an unfamiliar feeling, but on the way back toward her room, Tatum felt like she was walking on air. )

[info]teaganmitchell in [info]horror_story

Who: Teagan and NPC dispatch.
When: Right around here (after the tour, post-12:30am)
Where: Her room [113].
What: Reaction post to the noise. Brief.
Warnings: Teagn is almost a hero, but she chickens right out.

Separate post just to be visible. )

[info]nonagarret in [info]horror_story

WHO: Nona Garret
WHEN: Middle of the first night, wee hours of the morning
WHERE: Room 213, Nona's room
WHAT: Nightmare

He can taste the air, laced with chamomile and licorice and over-sweet. )