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Posts Tagged: 'detroit+become+human:+connor'

Dec. 28th, 2019



Don't panic, but we're under attack by some kind of horned goat-like creatures. There are tools that can be used as weapons stockpiled in the abandoned rail yard, assuming Zemo's arrest didn't change that. If you are unable to defend yourself, injured, or you are simply alone, please try to leave a message here with your location so someone can come to your aid.

These creatures look like they originate from the Krampus myths. If you are underage, you might especially be targeted. I don't know much about what can destroy Krampus in the lore, only that he could sometimes be bribed with schnapps. Take that as you will.

[OOC note: Tools available as far as I can tell: 10 spades, 10 hoes, 6 hand trowels, some gasoline.]

Dec. 26th, 2019



[Filtered Against Soviets]
So no one has arrested me yet.

Are we going through with this plan? Did someone come up with an alternative?

Dec. 24th, 2019



This freezing rain is almost worse than the snow. I hope everyone is able to remain dry.

I appreciate the battery you've shared with me. I know my poor standing here is my own doing, and I'm sorry you have to keep sacrificing for my mistakes.



connor + dolores

WHAT Androids gonna android
WHEN Day 7
WHERE their room
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Filtered Away from Soviets/Irma/Known Informants

I realize that some of you may not be interested in supporting a rebellion for a variety of reasons, be it the potential cost to you personally, the fear of retaliation, or the fact that you rolled on a bunch of us and you don't want us all to find out. And ind i'm not here to convince you. Your decisions are your own.

But for those of you who aren't interested in slowly starving to death in a Soviet Christmas Prison, I have a plan.

I think we've all noticed by now that most of the weapons we've been able to gather have been glorified gardening supplies. But those of us who've been to the yulelag all know that the prison has a pretty massive cache of axes and sharpeners. I think the move here is for as many of us as possible to go where the weapons are, and fight our way out.

Dec. 23rd, 2019



Would all of you be interested in learning the names of the informants?

Dec. 21st, 2019



If anyone would be so kind, I am searching for a place to stay or alternatively have my name reported to the authorities. Either is acceptable.

[Filtered Against Soviets]
I've drawn out detailed maps of the yulelag including guard locations and rotation schedules, defenses, and weaknesses. If anyone wants them, do with them as you will.



WHO: Connor & Lucifer
WHAT: A heart to heart between an android and the devil
WHEN: Day 6. Early morning, before the day really started
WHERE: Starting outside but that's too cold so then Connor's room
STATUS: Complete

He also wasn't often rendered speechless, but this had done the trick. )

Dec. 20th, 2019



hi! i'm back! i had to cut christmas trees with ronan.



[Filtered Against Soviets/Irma]

Okay -- so I know there's been some whispers of an uprising or revolution and I get it. I don't know if I agree with it, but regardless - something like that will need support. And we all need food.

So, building off Luke's soup kitchen, I think we should all start doing runs not just for ourselves, but to try and consolidate resources and food to support each other. I think this should also mean that we all agree to stop turning over people who are leaked during their runs.

I don't think the answer is showing strength through an attack, I think the answer is showing strength through community support.

My brother Luther and I will organise the donations and our other brother Five has been hunting and gathering what he can. So we've already got some food and resources. We've got a place to start and we want to help.

Dec. 18th, 2019



I'm beginning to hate snow.

Anyone else getting tired of this place and want to do something about it?

Markus says you have spoken about a trade?



I'd question how often someone was going to get sick, but when you're starving and in the cold, I guess the answer is a lot.

Dec. 17th, 2019



You've got to be fucking

Well, the communists kidnapped Peter.


Dec. 16th, 2019



I am feeling a l̑ot b͘et̑ter̐. Th͋ank y͒oú to those who h̢elped.

Markus mentioned you had a̰n ̨i͢d̟ea f̥or our batteries?

I am currently...s͚trug̲g̰ling̬ with my emotions. A l̺͙̚͘o̢̒ţ̂.̫͘ They keep taking my friends.

I̓͜'̙̕m͈̂ sọ̕rry.

Dec. 15th, 2019



they took ronan!


give me back ronan.

[ ooc note: if you are in close proximity to opal, you'll hear a wail that sounds more like an animal than a child. ]

Dec. 14th, 2019



connor + opal
"Connor sat up, startled because he hadn't even realized he'd powered down..."

WHAT Come on, you're not even alive if you're not backed up on a drive
WHEN Day 4
WHERE outside
RATING mentions of suicide/self harm. also plenty of typos i'm sure
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I̸ ̷s̵e̶e̴m̵ ̴t̷o̴ ̸b̶e̷ ̸m̷a̵l̶f̸u̸n̵c̴t̷i̵o̸n̵i̴n̸g̸.̶



My arms are really tired.

Dec. 13th, 2019




Do you have a moment?



Have no fear, the devil's here.

Hope you didn't miss me too much.

Tell me you have some charge left in that spare battery... I'm not sure how else to help Dolores.

Hello, again.

Ho ho ho to you too. Miss me?